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Your search for "*" yielded 533505 hits

Class dependent cluster refinement

Unsupervised classification is a very common problem in pattern recognition even when the classes are known. In many areas intra-class variations may be greater than the inter-class variations causing a need for a subdivision of the training set of a class into smaller subunits often referred to as clusters. The subdivision or clustering is often performed independently of the relative properties

OSL chronology for a sediment core from the southern Baltic Sea: A continuous sedimentation record since deglaciation

A chronology based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is presented for the late- and post-glacial evolution of the southern Baltic Sea (-15ka to present). During this period, large water level and salinity changes occurred in the Baltic Basin due to opening and closing of connections to the North Atlantic. Previous attempts to establish a chronology for these palaeoenvironmental cha

Shining lights or lone wolves? Creativity and self-image in primary school children

The relationship between self-image and creativity was studied in primary school children. Earlier research points in two directions. Some researchers describe the creative child as well adjusted. Others provide a more nuanced picture in which less well-behaved children can also be creative. Three different measures of creativity were used in this study: the Unusual Uses Test, an activity question

Effect of inhaled fluticasone with and without salmeterol on airway inflammation in asthma

Background: The clinical benefit of combining long-acting beta(2)-agonists with inhaled corticosteroids rather than doubling the dose of corticosteroid has been well-documented. However, there are concerns that this might result in a masking of underlying airway inflammation. Objective: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the addition of the long-acting beta(2)-agonist salmeterol

New information on b-delayed neutron emission from 12,14Be

The β-delayed neutron branches from neutron-rich Be-isotopes have been measured with a setup sensitive down to thermal energies. For 14Be a new value of Pn = 101 ± 4% has been found for the total neutron-emission probability and an upper limit of 2.4% (95% confidence level) is imposed on the combination P2n + 3P3n of multi-neutron emission probabilities. Moreover, an improved value of Pn = 0.50 ±

Recent changes in the marine environment in relation to climate, hydrography, and human impact –with special reference to fjords on the Swedish west coast

To obtain a perspective of changes occurring in the marine environment it is essential to study an area over a long time span. Doing so might also facilitate the understanding of the mechanisms and processes that govern a certain marine setting. In this thesis, changes in the pelagic and benthic environment during the last c. 200 years have been investigated in two fjords on the Swedish west coast

Slepian models and regression approximations in crossing and extreme value theory

In crossing theory for stochastic processes the distribution of quantities such as distances between level crossings, maximum height of an excursion between level crossings, amplitude and wavelength, etc., can only be written in the form of infinite-dimensional integrals, which are difficult to evaluate numerically. A Slepian model is an explicit random function representation of the process after

Biostratigraphical and palaeoecological significance of graptolites, trilobites and conodonts in the Middle-Upper Ordovician Anderso Shale: an unusual 'mixed facies' deposit in Jamtland, central Sweden

Although only about 20 m thick, the Anderso Shale contains one of the most diverse, if not the most diverse, late Middle-early Late Ordovician faunas known in Baltoscandia. It includes more than 20 trilobite species, more than 20 species of other shelly fossils, about 10 graptolite species, and about 20 conodont species. Based on its lithology, its geographical position near the foreland basin mar

Characterisation of a plasma membrane-associated phospholipase A(2) activity increased in response to cold acclimation

We here demonstrate the presence of a plasma membrane-associated phospholipase A(2) (EC; PLA(2)) activity in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves. The pH profile of the spinach plasma membrane PLA(2) activity revealed two peaks, one at pH 4.4 and one at pH 5.5. The activity at pH 5.5 had an absolute requirement of Ca2+, with full enzyme activity at 10mumol/L Ca2+. The Ca2+-dependent PLA(2) a

Unique patient with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. Evidence for presence of a defect in a gene that is not identical to sterol 27-hydroxylase

Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder believed to be exclusively caused by mutations in the CYP27A1 gene coding for the enzyme sterol 27-hydroxylase. Common findings in CTX are tendon xanthomas, cataracts and progressive neurological dysfunction. Here, we characterize an adult female patient with tendon xanthomas and classic biochemical findings of CTX (i.e. h

A Survey of Reservation-Based Scheduling

A survey of reservation-based CPU scheduling, developed as a part of the VINNOVA project FISS2 and of the EU project ACTORS The field of Reservation-based scheduling is presented. A brief history is given together with an in-depth look at the main classes of reservation-based scheduling algorithms. An overview of important publicly available implementations of reservation-based schedulers is prov

Life span extension and reduced neuronal death after weekly intraventricular cyclosporin injections in the G93A transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Object. The authors investigated whether cyclosporin A (CsA), a cyclophilin ligand with mitochondrial permeability transition pore-blocking and calcineurin-inhibiting properties, affects motor function, neuronal death, and life span in the G93A transgenic mouse model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). Methods. The G93A mice received weekly intracerebroventricular injections of CsA (