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Salsa i Malmö - En studie om kultur, frihet och transnationella uttryck

Denna etnografi analyserar salsa i Malmö med hjälp av ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt som styrs av berättelserna av Malmöbaserade salsadansare och det empiriska material som samlats ihop från intervjuer och deltagande observationer. I denna studie diskuteras frågor om kultur, etnicitet, genus, frihet och tillhörande där intervjupersonernas berättelser jämförs med de teoretiska ramverk som tidigare

"Earnings before everything" Den Långsiktiga Effekten av Manipulation vid Börsnotering på den Europeiska Marknaden

Syfte:Studien ämnar att undersöka huruvida det finns en potentiell korrelation mellan manipulation av ett företags räkenskaper i samband med dess börsintroduktion samt deras långsiktiga avkastning. Därmed ämnar författarna att bidra till existerande forskning kring IPO:er och informationsasymmetri. Följaktligen för att se om det går att minimera förluster samt förbättra en investerares avkastning Purpose:This study’s purpose is to examine if there is a potential correlation between manipulation of a company's financial statements in connection to their IPO and their long-run performance. Hence the authors seek to contribute to existing literature around IPOs and information asymmetry, furthermore to examine if it is possible to minimize your losses and improve the investors return duri

Automation and Optimisation of Cell Handling in a Multinodal Acoustic Trapping Device

Akustisk infånging - en lovande teknik för cellprocessering Blod är ett av de främsta verktygen en läkare har för att utvinna information om en persons hälsa. För att kunna ta del av denna information måste dock blodprovet först processeras. Detta är för att blod består av mängder av olika celler som är suspenderade i blodplasman, som i sig självt består av massa olika molekyler. Att mäta de cellAcoustic trapping in microfluidic devices has emerged over the last decades as a promising novel cell handling technique. The unique properties exhibited by fluids at the microscale offer many advantages compared to the conventional methods. Here we investigate how effective a multinodal acoustic trapping device is for several essential cell handling procedures such as cell enrichment and staining

Det lilla rummet i staden

”Det lilla rummet i staden” utforskar ett av de minsta rummen i staden – kiosken. Kiosken har sedan mer än hundra år tillbaka varit ett stående inslag i vår stadsmiljö. Även om den har ändrat form, uttryck och material, så har dess existens i staden varit konstant. Men någonting har hänt i våra städer, och kioskerna som förr ansågs som nödvändiga för stads- och kvarterslivet har istället börjat pl

A Case Study to develop and test GIS/SDSS methods to assess the production capacity of a Cocoa Site in Trinidad and Tobago

Pritam Kumarsingh A Case Study to develop and test GIS/SDSS methods to assess the production capacity of a Cocoa Site in Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago has achieved world-wide affirmation for its unique fine and flavour cocoa (Theobroma cacao). This classification of cocoa commands price premiums on the global market. However, the industry has declined over years. Investors and farmers

Bound to Benefit: Exploring How Gender Roles and Relations Shape Women’s Access to Economic Growth from Connectivity: One Case of the Road Corridor in Armenia

The study takes off from gender studies, aiming to identify and explore the relations and roles that people share in society that shape their daily lives. Road corridor investments and how they affect women are argued to be in the middle of a development dilemma where three global agendas that appear incompatible are yet promoted simultaneously. The study aims to explore how gender roles and relat

COOL IT DOWN - Tackling urban heat island effect in Singapore

This master thesis aims to propose sustainable solutions to influence the microclimate, tackle the urban heat island effect and provide a climate-sensitive design for Marina Bay in Singapore. During the site visit and research, the main challenges for Downtown Singapore were identified. The most threatening ones included increasing temperature and the heat island effect. The design principles co

Role of Apolipoprotein A-I in the regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells

High density lipoprotein (HDL) and its principal protein component Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) are commonly recognised for their anti-cardiovascular disease properties. Multiple studies have indicated that they also have important roles in the context of glycaemic control and diabetes. Low levels of HDL and ApoA-I have been linked to increased risk of diabetes development. Furthermore, it has been

Varför avvecklades P 18 Gotlands regemente år 2004? Ett rationellt beslut eller ett resultat av köpslående mellan egenintressen av politiska aktörer?

Gotland Regiment P 18 was disbanded in 2004. Gotland had been a historically important strategic island for over 200 years and the Regiment was one of many that where to be disbanded due to economic restraints and a new Swedish security policy. The aim of this thesis is to examine why the decision was made due to the fact that the Regiment was re-established in 2018. Was it a rational decision or

Strengthening Women’s Decision-Making Power: Examining Local Participation in Forest and Pasture Users’ Associations in Albania

Efforts to empower Albanian women and strengthen their participation in decision-making in local Forest and Pasture Users’ Associations (FPUAs) have been undertaken by the Environmental Services Project, including implementing the Gender Action Plan. The phenomenon of women’s agency and participation in decision-making in this local setting is examined in this study by answering the following: (I)

Digital Microfinance in a ‘Digital Bangladesh’ - Organizational Challenges for Microfinance Institutes towards Digital Financial Inclusion

This thesis aims to contribute to the growing concept of Digital Financial Inclusion by exploring the challenges that Microfinance Institutes (MFIs) experience to provide financial services to the unbanked population in Bangladesh. Though there is an emergence of digital financial services provided by the commercial banks based on the infrastructural development initiative taken by the Bangladeshi

Inclusive development? Civic space and the way forward. The case of Liberia

Civil society is an integral part of reaching sustainable development, and a cornerstone in democratic societies. The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish donors and local partners work with civic space in Liberia, specifically challenges related to civic space. It also examines strategies Swedish donors and their local partners apply to overcome these challenges. The study has a qualit

“A Different World is Plantable”. A Case Study of How Alternative Food Initiatives Build Resilience and Promote Food Sovereignty in Franconia, Germany

It is increasingly recognised that the urgent need for more climate-adapted, context-appropriate and sustainable agro-food systems requires fundamental and crosscutting transformations. Alternative Food Initiatives (AFIs) have been proposed as one actor advancing transformation from the bottom up. This thesis contributes to existing research on AFIs relating to if and how they propose viable alter

Långräckviddig bekämpningsförmåga - Ett trendbrott på den försvarspolitiska agendan

In December 2020, the Swedish parliament accepted a proposition from the government, stipulating cruise missiles for the Gripen fighter jet should be acquired. This could be seen as a turn in Swedish defence policy since cruise missiles would enable airstrikes inside enemy territory in a conceivable conflict. Furthermore, this capability has not existed before and acquiring it has been criticised

Chased Away: An intersectional study on the forced migration of women and girls from Honduras

This paper provides insight into the experiences of female migrants from Honduras and how these are shaped by gender inequalities and discrimination in the context of forced migration. It also analyzes the role of social categories, relations, structures, and discourses in the creation of these experiences by applying an intersectional, social constructivist approach as the main critical lens for

Reasons for Mental Disorders and Coping Strategies of Female Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh - Perspectives of Humanitarian Aid Workers

This research intends to explore the mental health of female Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Specifically, it analyzes reasons for mental disorders and how Rohingya women cope, from the perspectives of humanitarian aid workers. Mental disorders are defined from a universalist perspective and the analysis is guided by theoretical frameworks of Tay et. al (2018) and Kleinman (1978). The research de

The moral economy of the self : chasing the future with LinkedIn

For many young people across societies, precarity is the condition of life that they have to confront in their path to adulthood. As this condition is further intertwined with the rise of the digital age, attempts have been made by youth and media scholars to theorize and investigate the role that digital media plays within this socioeconomic conditions. This research project is an empirical contr

Media Path to Identity : The Journey of Vietnamese Young Generation Making Sense of Their Identity in the Media Space

Recent research has noticed that the picture of the second-generation immigrants negotiating their identity in media space is different and far more complex than the first generation. With their emergence in the new age of digitalisation, the second-generation immigrant is offered more media choices and freedom of access to the two most important cultural sets of host and homeland country to make

Not yet fully sexual liberated : young Russian and Nordic adults' engagement and thoughts on sex education on social media

This thesis explores a new source of sexual education, which some express concerns about and others are not worried about it at all. The source is social media. Whereas before, young individuals could use informal sources such as friends, family, the media or formal sources such as doctors, teachers, and other health workers. Now young individuals can log on to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok