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Harbour Porpoises ( Phocoena phocoena ) presence and activity in relation to fish occurrence and copepod diel vertical migration outside Kullaberg, Sweden

Tumlarna utanför Kullaberg tumlar runt med fiskarna på natten! Tumlaren är del av familjen tandvalar tillsammans med delfinen och späckhuggaren. Men till skillnad från andra tandvalar så finns det många tumlare i våra svenska vatten, närmare bestämt tre populationer. Utanför Kullaberg i nordvästra skåne så rör sig framförallt Bälthavspopulationen och denna plats har visat sig vara viktig för dess

Lecanora allophana och Lecanora impudens - missförstådda? - En kemisk analys av veck- och allékantlav

Lavtrassel - Vem har rätt och vad är vad? Lavar, små mystiska organismer som finns överallt runt oss, de kan klara extrema miljöer och består av alg och svamp som lever i symbios. Den här undersökningen fokuserar på några specifika lavar som snurrat ihop sig lite grann. Dem har fått byta namn och hoppa än hit och än dit i olika familjer. Huvudaktörerna i det här problemet är Lecanora allophana ,

Kvinnors upplevelser av avvikande resultat från screening av livmoderhalscancer

Bakgrund: Screening är en prevention för att upptäcka förstadier till cancer och kvinnor betraktar ofta screening av livmoderhalscancer som en rutin för att bekräfta hälsa. Det är även väldokumenterat att besked om avvikande cellprover kan orsaka betydande oro och stress hos kvinnor. Syfte: Beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av att få ett avvikande resultat från screening av livmoderhalscancer. Metod: L

Kvinnohandens mjukhet - kvinnliga skulptörer kring sekelskiftet 1900 i svensk konstkritik

This study investigates the discourse in the art criticism written between 1895 and 1920 concerning women sculptors in Sweden. Primarily, it focuses on the criticism regarding Sigrid Blomberg (1863–1941), Agnes de Frumerie (1869–1937), Ruth Milles (1871–1941), Alice Nordin (1871–1948) and Gerda Sprinchorn (1871–1951). At the turn of the twentieth century Sweden was a patriarchal society; women di

Understanding Rt using two-particle correlations by simulating proton-proton collisions in a Monte-Carlo model

The observable Rt is investigated in the Monte Carlo Model Pythia in order to better understand results from experimental data obtained in the ALICE detector at CERN. The purpose is to reproduce the experiment in a simulation and use the features proposed by Pythia to dig into the unexpected outcomes. The analysis is conducted using (∆φ, ∆η) two particle correlations. Three different methods are u

Confidence accuracy vid vittnesmål: Effekten av lukt som minnesledtråd för händelse- och detaljinformation

Det finns ett brett forskningsunderlag som talar för lukt som en effektiv minnesledtråd för att bättre återkalla tidigare inkodad information och minnen. Lukt kan även fungera som en minnesledtråd för att återskapa samma kontextuella förutsättningar som vid inkodningstillfället. Mycket forskning tyder även på att människor kommer ihåg händelserelaterad information lättare än detaljinformation. StuThere is a broad research base that speaks for odor as an effective memory cue to better recall of previously encoded information and memories. Furthermore, odor can act as a memory cue to recreate the same contextual conditions as at the time of encoding. Research also suggests that people remember action-related information more easily than detailed information. The study examined whether physic

Marknadskapitalisering i förhållande till BNP & dess effekt på faktormodeller: En jämförande analys av OMX Helsinki & Bolsa de Valores de Colombia 2014–2019

This thesis has investigated the relationship between market capitalization to GDP ratio relative to the Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and Fama French three-factor model (FF3M). More specifically, the applicability and significance of market capitalization to GDP ratio to describe the relationship between excess return and risk. The study was conducted on OMX Helsinki and Bolsa de Valores de

Vem är bäst på penningpolitik - ekonomer eller politiker?

Since 1993 Sweden has, de facto, had an independent central bank, which was verified, de jure, in 1999. The independence of the central bank has during the 2010s been accompanied by drastic drops in the repo rate for the country and the introduction of new monetary policies for Sweden to continue pushing their expansive monetary policy. This essay will be about the overall effect on the inflation

Att problemmäkla förändring i offentlig sektor: En studie om Social Impact Bonds i Sverige från ett aktörsperspektiv om inramning, problem och lösningar.

Why certain decision-making actors frame different conditions as problems within policymaking depends on various political factors. However, in the end, these actors aim to attract attention and cause change. The actors who produce these problem frames can from a theoretical point of view be perceived as problem brokers. A new model, titled Social Impact Bonds, has during the past years attracted

EU:s kapacitet som en global aktör: En kvalitativ fallstudie av unionens norm- och policyöverförande processer till Kosovos rättsområde

Previous conclusions in the research area established a decline of the European Union actorness on a global scale. One reason for this could possibly be that other international actors have increased their involvement from several aspects in regions where the European Union previously had a major influence, such as Africa and the Western Balkans. Therefore, the aim of this study is to broaden and

Freedom in moderation?: A discourse analysis on Freedom of Movement of Persons in the European Parliament 2015-2020

Although considered to be one of the greatest achievements of the European integration process and continuously shown to be favoured by a majority of Europeans, the principle of Freedom of Movement (FOM), with an emphasis on Freedom of Movement of Persons (FOMOP) has been increasingly politicised over the past few years. In the light of reintroduced border controls in 2015, and a heightened debate

Att vinna den narrativa kampen: En berättelse om Ryssland, strategiska narrativ och en alternativ världsordning

This thesis builds upon the recent literature criticizing the conceptual flaws and liberal bias of soft power studies. It will be argued that these shortcomings have resulted in a faulty understanding of soft power and a rejection of the possibilities of authoritarian soft power. It will also be contended that the rejection of authoritarian soft power has resulted in a fallacy portraying Russian s

How the (E)User is Used: A policy analysis of the user and digital skills in the European Union’s digital policy

As many societies are digitally transforming, citizens need to adapt and acquire digital skills to participate. Research has shown that low levels of digital skills can increase digital exclusion, and that skills needed to participate in society should be addressed in digital policy. The European Union (EU) with its many citizens has the potential to affect them all through its policies. In this t

The European Strategy on Data - Analysing GAIA-X’s influence strategy in light of the EU Commission’s digital strategy from a Multi-level Governance perspective

In order to stay globally competitive, the European Union is in the process of transforming into a data economy. Therefore, the European Commission has published its Strategy on Data in order to address this macro development. Further, the private sector directly affected by policies has its own strategy to address this issue. One particular initiative, GAIA-X, envisions a European federation of c

"Det var inte lätt i början": en kvalitativ intervjustudie om utrikesfödda undersköterskors upplevelser på ett svenskt äldreboende

The aim of this paper is to examine what role ethnicity and gender plays in the workplace of assistant nurses in a municipal nursing home in Sweden, and when it is of importance. This was conducted through a qualitative study where interviews were held with three female assistant nurses with differing ethnic backgrounds. The execution of these interviews showed that their own ethnicity plays a rol

Qualified Majority Voting, Legislation Speed and The Treaty of Lisbon - A myth busted or a tale as true as time?

The question weather qualified majority voting (QMV) as a voting procedure actually leads to faster decision-making in the EU has been the subject of research for a long time. While many have argued that the voting procedure significantly increases the speed of the legislative process in comparison to unanimity, others have reached the conclusion that its ability to increase legislation speed has

Den bortglömda invandringen - En kritisk diskursanalys om hur dagspressen skilrade de italienska arbetskraftsinvandrarna

The purpose of this study was to enlighten a forgotten subject, the Italian labour immigrants that went to Sweden after the second world war ended. Italy was trying to heal from the war and Swedish industries were thriving and desperate for manpower. This paper focus on the immigrants that went to a Swedish town well known for their industry, Västerås. The theoretical and methodological framework

”Vi gör så gott vi kan!” En intensiv studie om tjänstemäns syn på svårigheterna med att implementera nationella miljömål på kommunnivå

According to the literature, there is a gap between national environmental goals and the policies implemented at local governmental level. This study examines whether this environmental implementation gap exists and how it may be bridged through a constructionist lens. Through doing intense research and interviewing local governmental officials working with implementation of the environmental goal

Environmental security – for everyone? An ecofeminist and intersectional case study of climate displacement in Tuvalu

The climate change is affecting small island developing states to the amount that the surface of Tuvalu might disappear and the country therefore risk to lose its sovereignty (Pacific Small Island Developing State 2009, p. 10-12). By investigating environmental security through climate displacement this thesis will conduct a case study of Tuvalu. The theory of ecofeminism and intersectionality wil

What Kind of Home Makes a ‘Good Life’? A critical exploration of the Swedish kollektivhus to support a degrowth transition

Under the capitalist growth imperative, mainstream housing is connected to high social and ecological consequences. In light of the need for an alternative approach to housing, my thesis adopts a degrowth perspective to critically explore an alternative housing model: the Swedish kollektivhus (‘collective house’; co-housing). In the kollektivhus, residents have their own private apartment which is