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Warm Sheet Metal Forming with Localized In-Tool Induction Heating

The increasing use of light metals and high strength steel in the automobile industry, demands for new sheet metal forming processes that can be applied successfully. In this thesis the subject of warm sheet metal forming is studied. In warm sheet metal forming the temperature of the blank is elevated either globally to one temperature evenly over the blank or locally where the flange region of th


This is part 1 in my upcoming book about the swedish poet Bruno K. Öijer, intermediality, and digital cultures. In this first chapter I present some of my starting points in theory and the disposition of the book.

ALPHA-LINOLENIC ACID Postprandial Lipid Metabolism and Enzymatic Interesterification of Triacylgylcerols

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om hur fett (lipider) i kosten bryts ner och transporteras i blodet för att slutligen antingen användas som energi, byggstenar i cellväggarna eller lagras i fettväven. I den här avhandlingen kan man också läsa om hur man kan modifiera fetter med hjälp av speciella proteiner: enzymer för att förbättra näringsinnehållet och dess fysikaliska egenskaperAn important indicator of the metabolic capacity of humans is the ability to regulate plasma triacylglycerol levels and to clear triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (TRLs) from the circulation after a meal. This is crucial since most of the day is spent in the postprandial state. High concentrations and long circulation times of TRL remnants may be detrimental since these are considered to be highly