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Customer-Perceived Service-Quality and Technology-Based Self-Service

Popular Abstract in Swedish I litteraturen kring marknadsföring av tjänster har det i flera sammanhang diskuterats hur tjänster baserade på kombinationer av kundmedverkan och teknologi kan erbjudas till kunden. Exempel som behandlats är bankers uttagsautomater, självbetjäning på bensinstationer och automatiska banktjänster över telefon. Innan man kan presentera sådana rekommendationer behövs det gThis doctoral thesis deals with consumers’ attitudes towards serving them-selves with machines rather than being served by personnel. Its aim is to contribute to the theory of perceived service quality by providing a better understanding of customers’ attitudes and preferences when using technology-based self-service. In addition to aspects of service dealt with by traditional service-quality rese

Periodic Modelling of Power Systems

This paper treats modelling of power systems with converters in alinear time-periodic framework.A power converter is a nonlinear switching device connecting an ACsystem to a DC system. The converter generates harmonics that mightcause instabilities in systems of this kind. About a nominal periodictrajectory the power converter is well described by a periodic gainmatrix, whereas the power grids oft

The astrophysics of crowded places

Today the Sun is in a relatively uncrowded place. The distance between it and the nearest other star is relatively large (about 200 000 times the Earth-Sun distance!). This is beneficial to life on Earth; a close encounter with another star is extremely unlikely. Such encounters would either remove the Earth from its orbit around the Sun or leave it on an eccentric orbit similar to a comet's. But

Autobiography and the psychological study of religious lives

This volume positions itself on the cutting edge of two fields in psychology that enjoy rapidly increasing attention: both the study of human lives and some core domains of such lives as religion and spirituality are high on the agenda of current research and teaching. Biographies and autobiographies are being approached in new ways and have become central to the study of human lives as an object

Miljöpsykologins uppkomst och utveckling i Sverige

Miljöpsykologins utveckling i Sverige behandlas under rubrikerna: Intresset vaknar hos arkitekterna; Arkitekturpsykologin växer fram; Rumsperception och kognitiva kartor, Psykofysik och ergonomi; Forskning om stress och återhämtning; samspelet mellan fysisk och social miljö; Människans miljöpåverkan; Några milstolpar inom svensk miljöpsykologi; Miljöpsykologiska metoder samt Teori och tillämpning

The role of regeneration in plant niche differentiation and habitat specialization

To predict the effects of environmental change and nature management on the distribution of plant species, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms of plant niche differentiation and habitat specialization. The importance to habitat specialization of particular plant traits and requirement of the regenerative phase of the plants life has received scanty interest. Our experiments on seed germinat

Implementation of UC-EBG Structure for 60 GHz Gridded Parasitic Patch Stacked Microstrip Antenna

A uniplanar-compact electromagnetic band-gap (UC-EBG) structure is implemented at 60 GHz on a conventional PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) substrate. The structure surrounds a stacked microstrip antenna with gridded parasitic patch. The UC-EBG implementation results in about 5 dB decrease in the antenna E-plane normalized radiation pattern for angles along the substrate. The measured antenna gain i

Bone mass in young adults - determinants and fracture prediction.

Bone mass in adolescents and young adults was studied with regard to its age-related change and its determinants. Methodological aspects of bone mass measurements and their ability to predict future fractures were investigated. Bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) were assessed by the Single Photon Absorptiometry (SPA) and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) techniques. We

An Overview of NQR Signal Detection Algorithms

Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) is a solid-state radio frequency spectroscopic technique that can be used to detect the presence of quadrupolar nuclei, that are prevalent in many narcotics, drugs, and explosive materials. Similar to other modern spectroscopic techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, and Raman spectroscopy, NQR also relies heavily on statistical signal processing systems