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Träd- och buskskikt i naturreservatet Linnebjer

Linnebjer is a nature reserve located about 5 km north-east of Lund. It’s mainly comprised of a mixed oak forest with large quantities of hazel. My aim with this project was to describe the tree and shrub layer of the forest and discuss forest management, taking into consideration aspects such as habitat requirements of different organisms, recreational purposes and cultural significance of the ar

Fasta etableringsställen i den globala ekonomin - Mervärdesskattedirektivets 44:e artikel i ljuset av BEPS

Vilken medlemsstat som har rätten att utkräva mervärdesskatt på en transaktion avseende tjänster mellan beskattningsbara personer avgörs enligt huvudregeln av var omsättningen, det vill säga platsen för tillhandahållandet, av tjänsten i fråga anses vara gjord. Denna fråga regleras av artikel 44 i mervärdesskattedirektivet. I nämnd artikel stipuleras att platsen för tillhandahållandet av tjänster tThe member state which has the right to levy tax on a transaction of services between taxable persons is decided by Article 44 of the VAT Directive which sets out a general rule with respect to the place of supply of services. This rule is decisive in determining where services are deemed to be rendered. Article 44 of the VAT Directive stats that the place of supply of services to a taxable person

Knutbyfallets mediekaraktärer - konstruktionen av förövare och offer i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter

The purpose of this study is to understand how we talk and write about and our understanding of crimes, the perpetrator and victims. By using a gender discourse analysis of the media reporting of a specific crime committed in Sweden, “Knutbydramat” with two perpetrators of different sexes, we aim to see how the media represent and therefore consolidate the social norms in a society. The discourse

”Nu blir vi mer bara som sporadiska deltagare…” En kvalitativ studie om kuratorernas erfarenhet av enskild kuratorsenhet

”Now, we become just as sporadic participants” A qualitative study experience of individual counselor’s facility A counselor at a hospital is a person who is working with the mental health of the patients. Due to today’s fast-pace society stress and other mental health problems has become more and more common which has led to a higher demand of counselor workers. Alongside the practical counseli

Distansavtalslagen i ny skepnad – en studie av tre ändringar

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka lagändringen den 13 juni 2014 i lag (2005:59) om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler. Undersökningen utreder avtal på distans och avtal utanför affärslokaler mellan en konsument och en näringsidkare för varor och tjänster. Uppsatsen granskar ändringar där den svenska lagstiftningen är tillämplig men kommer även bestå av EU-rättsligt material. Anledningen This essay’s purpose is to analyze the amendment of 13 July 2014 in the Swedish Distance Contract Act. The study discusses the distance contract and off-premises contracts between a trader and a consumer for products and services. This essay analyzes the changes where the Swedish law is applicable but it will also include analyzes of EU law. The reason is that the amendment is based on an EU Direc

Tsunamikatastrofen 2004 - En studie som syftar till att förklara Sveriges passiva hantering av tsunamikatastrofen

Denna studie strävade efter att förklara varför Sverige agerade passivt under tsunamikatastrofen. För att besvara denna frågeställning definierade jag passivitet utifrån tre olika perspektiv (nätverksperspektivet, SOPs och polythink), som därefter applicerades på mitt empiriska material. Dessa tre olika perspektiv skulle bidra med att undersöka om kommunikation mellan involverande organisationer f

The price of sanctions - how far are the Western powers willing to go?

The research investigate the Visegrad countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) cohesion problem finding a joint position on the EU sanctions against Russia by answering the question: What is behind the Visegrad Groups different positions and lack of unity on the EU sanctions towards Russia?. To identify what is behind the Visegrad Groups different positions the theory spring fr

Energy and hydrology modelling of hydropower in Eastern Canada

Kanada är väldigt rikt på energiresurser och fjärde största vattenkraftproducenten i världen. Provinsen Quebec står för omkring 52% av Kanadas totala vattenkraftsproduktion, och ener- gimarknaden Quebec domineras fullständigt av vattenkraft: 96% av elen genereras där av vattenkraft. I avreglerade vattenkraftdominerade energimarknader är det vanligt att det finns ett samband mellan vatteninflödet tCanada is plentiful in resources and the fourth largest producer of hydropower in the world. The province of Quebec stands for about 52% of Canada’s total hydropower production, and the Quebecois energy market is totally dominated by hydropower: 96% of the electricity produced in Quebec is hydro. In hydro dominated deregulated energy markets, a correlation can often be found between the water infl

Communicate with the inside out

The aim of this project was to studie notions and methods we had as designers to create emotional and long lasting product value with in a product. On the other hand there was a real case from the company Ocean Observation that wanted to develop concepts around a basic phone with an idea based design. The starting point was the question why we are not more attached to our mobile phones, the physi

Konkurrensklausuler i anställningsavtal vid kunskapsföretag

Under det senaste seklet har det svenska samhället utvecklats från att ha varit ett industrisamhälle till att bli ett kunskapssamhälle. Denna utveckling har inneburit att s.k. kunskapsföretag har kommit att få en alltmer central roll i samhället. Kunskapsföretag kännetecknas av att de främst bedriver kunskapsproduktion och inte materiell produktion. Det är de anställdas kunskap som utgör kunskapsfDuring the last century, the Swedish society has developed from being an industrial towards becoming a knowledge-based society. As a consequence, so-called knowledge management-companies have come to occupy a central role in society. Knowledge management-companies ́ primary production is knowledge and not matter. Since the employees possess the knowledge, they are the most valuable resources of th

Från fristad till köpt stad? - En studie av Christianiaavtalet ur ett rätten till staden perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to study in what way Christiania has changed as an effect of the agreement signed with the Danish state in 2011. The thesis is written from a right to the city perspective, trying to find out in what ways the christianites possibilities to change themselves through changing their local area has been effected. Beyond that my purpose has also been to find out if the cha

Kosovo - FN:s demokratiseringsprojekt

The aim of this study was to investigate how the democratization of Kosovo has developed and to inquire the influence from the United Nations on Kosovo’s democracy. To achieve my purpose with the study I investigated the standards that the UN had set for Kosovo and the results from Freedom House and Human Rights Watch. I used the theoretical framework that affect peacebuilding and democratization.

En prekär situation - En granskning av Socialdemokraterna och LO:s hantering av otryggheten på den europeiska arbetsmarknaden

The European labour market is increasingly characterized by uncertain working conditions and precarious employment conditions. The Swedish Social Democrats (S) and the Swedish trade union Landsorganisationen (LO) have, due to these circumstances, developed a report which aims to address the development of the European labour market. The problem is that their definition of security is not consisten

Ekonomi eller demokrati - Vägledande värden för vårdval i primärvården

Since the emergence of new public management in the public sector there has been a questioning of which values has come to characterize the political decision-making. In 2009 the Swedish Parliament approved a policy reform which created conditions for competition in health care. The policy reform aimed to increase patients' ability to freedom of choice, and the quality of the health care. The

Betyg för politiker

The debate regarding grades and in what year they are given to children, is a hot topic in Sweden and has been especially for the last couple of years. Mass media and the opposition have steered the debate into mainly being about the need for politicians to show that their position is supported by experts. The main purpose of the paper is to understand the symbolic use of expert knowledge in this

Robot Control and Computer Vision for Automated Test System on Touch Display Products

The goal of this master thesis is to set up a low cost automated robotic test system which can later be reproduced to greatly increase test coverage. Mostly through experimental research this thesis will find good components to use and evaluate these from a performance and cost perspective. It will also develop computer vision algorithms needed and automation software for the final set up. The per

Terror på Twitter: Isis-anhängares tweets undersökta med teori om sociala rörelser

This essay tries to find out what Isis-supporters tweets about and how that can be explained. Since the Islamic State, Isis, took large swaths of Syria and Iraq the activities from sympathisers on social media have been noticed all over the world. To analyse the tweets this essay uses a theory inspired by social movement studies. From this theory four categories are derived which together with thr

Life at Bommars 1767-1874: The material culture of a decorated farmhouse of Hälsingland

In Hälsingland, Sweden, there are approximately a thousand Hälsingegårdar; big farm houses with lavishly decorated rooms typical for the region. These farmhouses have been the subjects of much research, mainly with a focus on their economical background, or restoration aspects. There has been no archaeological research done on these farmhouses, and thus an archaeological perspective is lacking in

You spy with your little eye : multimedia insights into a global movement from a grassroots perspective

The increasing feeling of systemic failure among the public gives rise to a growing number of social movements including the climate movement. The global environmental organization focuses on building, connecting, and empowering the grassroots climate movement by initiating and facilitating different campaigns, e.g. the Fossil Free (FF) Campaign. I conducted in-depth interviews of grassroo