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Rättsfall från EG-domstolarna
Deconstructing the discourse of degradation
In research about degraded towns two cognitive currents can be observed: empirical (what? how? where? when?) and theoretical (why?). Contrarily, no study to date has dealt with the issue of discursivity of its central concept ‘degradation’, i.e. its a priori linguistic characterization determining ways in which research on the subject has been done. As geographers, we are fascinated by the ”real”
Ordovician graptolite biostratigraphy of the Röstånga-2 drill core (Scania, southern Sweden)
The graptolite biostratigraphy of the 116.11-m-long Röstånga-2 drill core from Scania, southern Sweden, includes the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) Holmograptus lentus, Nicholsonograptus fasciculatus, Pterograptus elegans, Pseudamplexograptus distichus and Jiangxigraptus vagus biozones, and the lower Sandbian (Upper Ordovician) Nemagraptus gracilis Biozone. The early Darriwilian Komstad Limestone
Calculating fluctuations and self-correlations numerically for causal charge diffusion in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
We study the propagation and diffusion of electric charge fluctuations in the Bjorken hydrodynamic model with both white and Catteneo noise using purely numerical methods. We show that a lattice of noise fluctuations is required to fully calculate the two-point correlators of charge. We introduce a numerical procedure to solve the stochastic differential equations that arise from the charge conser
Gränserna för den nationella skattesuveränitet i förändring : Fallstudie av Företagsbeskattningen i Europeiska unionen
This article captures trends in international taxation in the fight against "tax base erosion", a side effect of trade liberalism in the EU.
Christer Lundh in memoriam
Introduktion till Erving Goffmans sociologi: Vara som andra och bli något annat
Grophusben från en vendeltida gård : Osteologisk analys av djurben från Öllsjö 67:1
Denna rapport behandlar den osteologiska analysen av djurbenen från en arkeologisk slutundersökning i fastigheten Öllsjö 67:1 (L1987:3648). Analysen omfattar ben från fem grophus och en härd som daterats till yngre järnålder, med tyngdpunkt på vendeltid. Denna rapport redovisar resultaten från denna analys, samt från två kompletterande 14C-dateringar av ben från två grophus. Analysen har skett ino
Fritt fram att lämna synpunkter på ESS
Weak correlations between cerebellar tests
Eyeblink conditioning, finger tapping, and prism adaptation are three tasks that have been linked to the cerebellum. Previous research suggests that these tasks recruit distinct but partially overlapping parts of the cerebellum, as well as different extra-cerebellar networks. However, the relationships between the performances on these tasks remain unclear. Here we tested eyeblink conditioning, fi
Secondhand cigarette smoke induces increased expression of contractile endothelin receptors in rat coronary arteries via a MEK1/2 sensitive mechanism
Objectives: Cigarette smoke, a strong risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, upregulates contractile endothelin (ET) receptors in coronary arteries. The present study examined the effects of second hand cigarette smoke exposure on the contractile endothelin receptors and the role of the MEK1/2 pathway in rat coronary arteries. Design: Rats were exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS) for 8 weeks follo
Law, community and the 2011 London Riots
Legal pluralism provided a useful alternative framework because pluralism had always sought to identify hybrid legal spaces, where multiple normative systems occupied the same social field. An emphasis on legal pluralism also freed scholars from endless intractable debates about whether international law is truly law given that coercive enforcement power in the international and transnational aren
Planetariets fängslande värld
I planetariet hittar du en omvälvande och fängslande värld. I detta digitala universum kan du undersöka enorma galaxer eller de minsta atomerna.At the planetarium you find an immersive world where one can travel across the universe, and examine bot the smallest atom and the largest galaxies.
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Rolf G H Henriksson 1937–2020 : Ekonomporträtt
Rolf Henriksson var en av Sveriges ledande ekonomiska doktrinhistoriker. Han började sin bana med en avhandling om den svenska emigrationen men ägnade sig därefter åt att porträttera och analysera svenska ekonomer – Eli Heckscher, Arthur Montgomery, Bertil Ohlin, Erik Lundberg, Erik Dahmén – och organisationer: Konjunkturinstitutet, Industriens Utredningsinstitut, Nationalekonomiska klubben och Na
Valaffischer i spåren av den den kvinnliga rösträtten
In 1921, after a long struggle for the right to vote, Swedish women voted in general elections for the first time. This article analyzes how election posters between 1921 and 1936 addressed and represented women. There were four types of posters. The most frequent typewas posters on which all political citizens were portrayed as men. The second type represented women as citizens with a special mis