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Municipal co-financing - voluntary extortion?

This thesis investigates the rationales of municipal co-financing. The introduction of passenger trains on the Söderås Line is used as a case study to investigate this concept. The empirical analysis is primarily based on 10 in-depth interviews – with decision makers, politicians and officials. Focus lies on Svalöv Municipality, who is co-financing the introduction of passenger trains on the Söder

Brokonstruktioner – Lasteffektrelationer av trafiklaster

In this master thesis the load effect factors for 448 fictitious bridges, with different modes, have been examined. All analysis has been carried out in a finite element program. Bridge types that have been investigated are composite bridges and concrete beam bridges with a single beam, referred to as single beam bridges. For the analysis the main difference between the two bridge types is that to

Kunskap, attityd och kommunikation gällande skadliga ämnen i leksaker, elektronik och madrasser - intervjuer med förskolechefer i Malmö

Studies show that toys, electronics and mattresses that are used by children in preschool environments contain hazardous substances. These substances can cause serious long term effects on children’s health and development and it is therefore important to minimise exposure to products containing these substances. Young children spend a significant amount of time in preschools and a change in the p

Förhandlande av värde – en studie av en varumärkesgemenskap

Interaktionsmöjligheter i sociala medier har bidragit till att varumärkesinnehavare har fått minskad kontroll över vilka budskap som kommuniceras om varumärket. Studien analyserar hur värde i relation till ett varumärke förhandlas mellan använ-dare inom en gemenskap på Instagram, samt hur normer och gruppstrukturer på-verkar och påverkas av förhandlingsprocesser inom gemenskapen. Studien bygger påThe possibilities of interaction in social media has contributed to a reduction of control for brand owners when it comes to what is being communicated about their brands. This study analyses how value in relation to a brand is negotiated between users within a community on Instagram. The study also analyses how norms and group structure affects and is affected by the negotiation processes within

Implementation of Grey-Box Identification in

Grey-box identification is a tool to identify and improve nonlinear system models by estimating parameters. The estimation is done by optimizing a cost function using measurement data. The robustness of the estimations can then be analyzed with statistics. is a platform for modeling and optimization of dynamical models. In order to do grey-box identification one need models and be ab

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This paper deals with the development of gender attribution in French in child second (cL2) language acquisition. Recordings of two Swedish speaking children with an AOA at the age of 3;5 have been examined between the ages of 4 to 6, and compared to the development of a bilingual first (2L1) language learner during the same period of age. An analysis of the use of noun phrases between the ages

Vad göder en närodlad politik? En studie i hur Centerpartiets lokala partiorganisationer har fått sina röstetal att växa

Evidence proves that there are several local party sections in Sweden that performs better results in the local election than they do in the national election. This research seeks to examine what these party organizations do in order to be successful in the local election, by studying party sections from the Swedish Centre Party [Centerpartiet] in the 2010 Swedish elections. Five hypotheses, all c

Remembering Ideological Identities : Transference of Holocaust Memory through Artistic Expressions

We are rushing into an era where there will be no more witnesses to carry on the conversation about what happened during the Holocaust, but that does not mean there will be a lack of facts. The issues are rather how to remember, who is to remember what, and even why remember such atrocities at all. It is often stated that we have to remember to make sure “it” never happens again. Commemorations da

I am the Captain Now An Investigation of Somali Piracy

What is the thread that connects all the various actors and events that contributed to the rise of piracy in Somalia? The paper addresses the evolution of Somali piracy, focusing on its emergence, since it is that transformational aspect that provides the most richly insightful perspectives. Working from Thomas, Kiser, and Casebeer’s Warlords Rising: Confronting Violent Non-State Actors, an excell

Byggfuktens inverkan på energibehovet

Abstract: Building materials such as concrete and aerated concrete, contain significant amounts of moisture after manufacturing. This moisture has to dry so the material will come in equilibrium with the indoor climate. Drying of moisture in constructions requires energy. Part of this energy will be during the construction stage and the remaining energy will be used during the operation stage. Acc

RUT-avdraget som (nyliberalt) jämställdhetsprojekt - En studie om kön, klass och etnicitet i den politiska diskursen för hushållstjänster i hemmet

This Master’s thesis examines the discursive constructions and ideas which formed the base for the gender equality policy regarding the tax deduction for domestic services in Sweden that got implemented in 2007. The aim for the thesis is more precisely to make the images and ideas that represent the constructions based on gender, class and ethnicity visible and problematized. A further aim of the

Legalisation of abortion without restriction as to reason - An event history analysis of the OECD countries 1965-2005

This thesis quantitatively investigates under what circumstances countries legalise abortion without restriction as to reason. The interest in this study emerges from a thorough conviction in the right to decide over one’s own and from a wish to understand why some countries reformed their abortion laws several decades ago, whereas others did so more recently. Previous research on the liberalisati

Influence of polymer thickness, adhesive composition and layer structure on dielectric breakdown in laminated carton based packages

Ett högspänningsinstrument används för att mäta den dielektriska nedbrytningen av polymera material i syfte att hitta defekter i laminerade kartongförpackningar. Avdelningarna New Material Design och Applied Material Design vid Tetra Pak i Lund ville få förståelse för hur strukturella skillnader i polymera material påverkar materialens dielektriska nedbrytning. De strukturella skillnader som underHigh voltage test equipment is used to measure the dielectric breakdown of polymeric material in order to detect defects in laminated carton based packages. The departments New Material Design and Applied Material Design at Tetra Pak in Lund wanted to understand how structural differences in polymeric material influence the dielectric breakdown of the material. The structural differences investiga

Treatment of liability, economic losses and environmental damage of ship source oil pollution

When the Torrey Canyon ran aground in 1967, there was no international regime covering liability for oil pollution damage. This changed with the adoption of the 1969 Civil Liability Convention for Oil Pollution (CLC) and the 1971 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (Fund Convention). While torts are mainly fault based, th

Kunskapsöverföring mellan skatterevisorer - Generationsväxlingen på Skatteverket

Syfte: Syftet är att studera skatterevisionsprocessen och förklara hur kunskap rörande denna process kan överföras till en yngre generation skatterevisorer. Metod: Vi har använt en kvalitativ metod för att uppfylla syftet med studien. Detta har gjorts via dokumentstudier, intervjuer och observation. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Studiens teoretiska ramverk innefattar en genomgång av begreppet kunskap s

The Principle of Complementarity in the Rome Statute in relation to Concurrent Jurisdiction of Regional Courts over International Crimes: The Case of the Proposed International criminal Jurisdiction of the African Court of Human and People’s Rights

The paper examines whether and how the complementary principle in the Rome Statute entails deference to genuine exercise of concurrent jurisdiction over crimes within the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) jurisdiction. The ensuing discussion is focused on the proposed international criminal jurisdiction of the African Court of Human and People’s Rights as envisaged in the Draft protocol on Amen

Riskhänsyn vid bebyggelseförtätning i anslutning till stadsnära anläggningar för farlig verksamhet

This report investigates how determination of safety distances during urbanisation in the proximity of major industrial hazards occurs as well as the factors and aspects that should be considered when doing so. An interview-study is carried out with relevant stakeholders with the following results being highlighted by the interviewees: - Today determination of safety distances are made by municipa

“Nobody wants to give power on a silver plate – you have to fight for it.” A study of twelve women’s organizations in Zimbabwe and their representatives' views on women’s opportunities for political participation in the country

The purpose of this study was to investigate how women working for different women’s organizations within civil society in Zimbabwe perceive and experience their own as well as other women’s ability and existing opportunities to influence and participate in politics and decision-making. Several research questions were elaborated that address the role of the women’s organizations, the opportunities