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2016 invigs MAX IV-anläggningen i Lund
Theodor Kallifatides mormor och Matt. 6:11 : Om vårt "morgondagliga" börd
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Analysis of User Demand Patterns and Locality for Youtube traffic
Video content constitutes a large share of residential Internet traffic. The major source of video content as of today is YouTube. In this paper, we analyse the user demand patterns for YouTube in two metropolitan access networks with more than 1 million requests over three consecutive weeks in the first network and more than 600,000 requests over four consecutive weeks in the second network. In p
Size-Resolved Emission Factor for Particle generation Caused by Studded Tires - Experimental Results
A major change in the dinoflagellate cyst flora of Gullmar Fjord, Sweden, at around 1969/1970 and its possible explanation
Chefer och mångfaldsfrågan, om osäkerhet och kontroll
Cryogels as Solid Supports in Bioprocessing
In recent years the market for biopharmaceutical products has been increasing rapidly as a result of an increased demand for new and efficient treatments of various indications. Biopharmaceuticals are distinguished from chemical drugs by being derived from a biological origin and are hence, frequently constituting biological macromolecules. With the emergence of recombinant DNA technology, today m
Endocrine regulation of olfaction and chemosensation
On exact complexity of subgraph homeomorphism
The subgraph homeomorphism problem is to decide whether there is an injective mapping of the vertices of a pattern graph into vertices of a host graph so that the edges of the pattern graph can be mapped into (internally) vertex-disjoint paths in the host graph. The restriction of subgraph homeomorphism where an injective mapping of the vertices of the pattern graph into vertices of the host graph
Motivationsskapande undervisning och lärande
Utgångspunkten för denna studie har varit studenten och dennes motivation för att lära och förbereda sig inför ett yrkesliv som civilingenjör. Vi konstaterar att man i planering och genomförande av en kurs bör ta hänsyn till de olika behov som finns hos studenten, läraren, lärarteamet, avdelningen/institutionen, andra kurser, universitetet och dess uppdragsgivare, samt näringslivet och samhället i
Serologic Markers in Screening for Coeliac Disease, Clinical significance and immunogenetic basis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Coeliaki eller glutenenteropati (GE) är beteckningar på ett så kallat malabsorptionstillstånd, dvs ett tillstånd med brister (som kan omfatta bl a B-vitaminer, järn och kalk) och/eller diarré till följd av inflammation i tarmen. Vid GE sitter inflammationen i slemhinnan i början av tunntarmen. GE omnämndes första gången av Araeteus i Rom 2:a århundradet efter The prevalence of coeliac disease (CD) was initially estimated to 1/1537. Based on serial analysis [GA and endomysial antibodies (EMA)], the prevalence was 6/1970 (0.30%). In autoimmune chronic hepatitis 5.4% and in IDDM 2.6% had CD, why regular screening for CD in these conditions seems motivated. The frequency of IgA-GA positivity was increased in alcoholic liver disease, PBC, primary sclerosin
Från nationalstat till mångkulturalism: om förändringen av Sverige runt tusenårsskiftet. I Den svenska framgångssagan?
HAMLET; a novel tool to identify apoptotic pathways in tumor cells.
Tumor cells often carry mutations in genes that control cell survival, and become resistant to signals that trigger cell death. Yet, some cell death pathways remain intact in tumor cells. If identified, these pathways might be exploited to selectively remove tumor cells. HAMLET (human α-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a protein-lipid complex derived from human milk that activates cell d
Euclidean Reconstruction from Constant Intrinsic Parameters
A new method for Euclidean reconstruction from sequences of images taken by uncalibrated cameras, with constant intrinsic parameters, is described. Our approach leads to a variant of the so called Kruppa equations. It is shown that it is possible to calculate the intrinsic parameters as well as the Euclidean reconstruction from at least three images. The novelty of our approach is that we build ou
Agency, Social Class, and Fertility in Southern Sweden, 1766 to 1865
Stadsmusikantens läns- och häradsprivilegier i Skåneland
Provocerande inspiration - Nationalsocialistiskt (miss)bruk av ett författarskap
What's first?: on the left periphery in Swedish declaratives
I present the result of a small investigation of the sentence pattern in a sample of spoken Swedish. As expected, the typical constituent order is SV – more than 70 percent of the declaratives displayed this constituent order. This result is in line with previous investigations, but the figure is higher. An absolute majority of sentences have a pronominal element in sentence initial position, in m