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Identification of fragments binding to SARS-CoV-2 nsp10 reveals ligand-binding sites in conserved interfaces between nsp10 and nsp14/nsp16

Since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in 2019, Covid-19 has developed into a serious threat to our health, social and economic systems. Although vaccines have been developed in a tour-de-force and are now increasingly available, repurposing of existing drugs has been less successful. There is a clear need to develop new drugs against SARS-CoV-2 that can also be used against future coronavirus infectio

A renewable lignin-derived bio-oil for boosting the oxidation stability of biodiesel

The valorisation of lignin is being increasingly recognised to improve the economics of pulp and paper making mills. In the present study, an integrated lignin–glycerol valorisation strategy is introduced with an overarching aim for enhancing the process value chains. LignoBoost kraft lignin was subjected to base-catalysed depolymerisation using glycerol as a co-solvent. The generated bio-oil was

Treatment outcomes and patient-reported quality of life after orthognathic surgery with computer-assisted 2- or 3-dimensional planning : A randomized double-blind active-controlled clinical trial

INTRODUCTION: Thorough treatment planning is essential for a good clinical outcome in orthognathic treatment. The planning is often digital. Both 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) software options are available. The aim of this randomized 2-arm parallel double-blinded active-controlled clinical trial was to compare the outcomes of computer-based 2D and 3D planning techniques according to p

Outcome of photographic evaluation of facial appearance in orthognathic surgery : how does it correlate with planning of treatment and patient-reported outcome?

The outcome of treatment in orthognathic surgery is dependent on preoperative surgical planning. The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate from photographs the improvement in facial appearance after orthognathic surgery. In addition, the outcomes of two different planning techniques, 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional, were compared and the correlation between the outcome and health-relat

Formulating deflationism

I here argue for a particular formulation of truth-deflationism, namely, the propositionally quantified formula, (Q) “For all p, ⟨p⟩ is true iff p”. The main argument consists of an enumeration of the other (five) possible formulations and criticisms thereof. Notably, Horwich’s Minimal Theory is found objectionable in that it cannot be accepted by finite beings. Other formulations err in not pr

Physical Activity Is Associated With Lower Long-Term Incidence of Anxiety in a Population-Based, Large-Scale Study

Physical activity may prevent anxiety, but the importance of exercise intensity, sex-specific mechanisms, and duration of the effects remains largely unknown. We used an observational study design to follow 395,369 individuals for up to 21 years to investigate if participation in an ultralong-distance cross-country ski race (Vasaloppet, up to 90 km) was associated with a lower risk of developing a

Chemical and Structural Changes in Corn Stover After Ensiling : Influence on Bioconversion

Production of biofuels, bioproducts, and bioenergy requires a well-characterized, stable, and reasonably uniform biomass supply and well-established supply chains for shipping biomass from farm fields to biorefineries, while achieving year-round production targets. Preserving and stabilizing biomass feedstock during storage is a necessity for cost-effective and sustainable biofuel production. Ensi

MicroRNA-21-enriched exosomes as epigenetic regulators in melanomagenesis and melanoma progression : The impact of western lifestyle factors

DNA mutation-induced activation of RAS-BRAF-MEK-ERK signaling associated with intermittent or chronic ultraviolet (UV) irradiation cannot exclusively explain the excessive increase of malignant melanoma (MM) incidence since the 1950s. Malignant conversion of a melanocyte to an MM cell and metastatic MM is associated with a steady increase in microRNA-21 (miR-21). At the epigenetic level, miR-21 in

Signatures of the post-hydration heating of highly aqueously altered CM carbonaceous chondrites and implications for interpreting asteroid sample returns

The CM carbonaceous chondrites have all been aqueously altered, and some of them were subsequently heated in a parent body environment. Here we have sought to understand the impact of short duration heating on a highly aqueously altered CM through laboratory experiments on Allan Hills (ALH) 83100. Unheated ALH 83100 contains 83 volume per cent serpentine within the fine-grained matrix and altered

Feelings of restriction and incompetence in parenting mediate the link between attachment anxiety and paternal postnatal depression

Many fathers suffer from burdening depressive symptoms in the period after the birth of their child (postnatal depression [PND]). In mothers, attachment insecurity has been empirically linked to the development and maintenance of postpartum depression, but its role in father PND is not well understood. The present study investigated the link between attachment insecurity and paternal depressive sy

Covid-19 as cultural trauma

This paper has two aims. The first is to introduce the concept of compressed cultural trauma, and the second is to apply the theory of cultural trauma in two case studies of the current covid-19 pandemic, Greece and Sweden. Our central question is whether the pandemic will evolve into a cultural trauma in these two countries. We believe the pandemic presents a challenge to cultural trauma theory,

‘Without cleanliness we can’t lead the life, no?’ Cleanliness practices, (in)accessible infrastructures, social (im)mobility and (un)sustainable consumption in Mysore, India

As India, a country with a complex relationship with cleanliness, modernizes rapidly, urban infrastructures are increasing even faster than the growing population. This paper explores the relationships between access to infrastructures, social mobility and resource consumption in everyday lives through the case of cleanliness in Mysore, Southern India. We draw on interviews with 28 Mysoreans about

Temperate airborne grass pollen defined by spatio-temporal shifts in community composition

Grass pollen is the world’s most harmful outdoor aeroallergen. However, it is unknown how airborne pollen assemblages change across time and space. Human sensitivity varies between different species of grass that flower at different times, but it is not known whether temporal turnover in species composition match terrestrial flowering or whether species richness steadily accumulates over the grass

Explicit and Implicit Knowledge of Article Semantics in Belarusian Learners of English: Implications for Teaching

The study investigates explicit and implicit knowledge of article semantics in 26 second language learners of English. Their first languages, Russian and Belarusian, lack articles. The research question is whether explicit knowledge, operationalised as an ability to explain what principle governs the choice between the definite and the indefinite article in a multiple-choice test, is associated wiThe study investigates explicit and implicit knowledge of article semantics in 26 second language learners of English. Their first languages, Russian and Belarusian, lack articles. The research question is whether explicit knowledge, operationalised as an ability to explain what principle governs the choice between the definite and the indefinite article in a multiple-choice test, is associated wi

Public Sector Platforms going Open: Creating and Growing an Ecosystem with Open Collaborative Development

Background: By creating ecosystems around platforms of Open Source Software (OSS) and Open Data (OD), and adopting open collaborative development practices, platform providers may exploit open innovation benefits. However, adopting such practices in a traditionally closed organization is a maturity process that we hypothesize cannot be undergone without friction. Objective: This study aims to inve

Prevalence and recurrence of bacteraemia in hospitalised people who inject drugs - a single Centre retrospective cohort study in Denmark

Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) have increased risk of acquiring blood-transmitted chronic viral infections such as Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as well as increased risk of acquiring bacterial infections. We aimed to identify and describe bacteraemic episodes, their recurrence rates, predictive and prognostic factors amongst hospitalised P

Learning to Care, Learning to Be Affected: A Study of Two Public Spaces Designed to Counter Segregation

In response to social fragmentation and segregation, public space is increasingly conceived of as an instrument for fostering openness towards differences. Drawing on two recent public spaces—Superkilen in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Jubileumsparken in Gothenburg, Sweden—this article explores the ethical potential of two different design approaches to the sharing of public space—designing for an ethi

Gene expression signature of acquired chemoresistance in neuroblastoma cells

Drug resistance of childhood cancer neuroblastoma is a serious clinical problem. Patients with relapsed disease have a poor prognosis despite intense treatment. In the present study, we aimed to identify chemoresistance gene expression signatures in vincristine resistant neuroblastoma cells. We found that vincristine-resistant neuroblastoma cells formed larger clones and survived under reduced ser