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Your search for "*" yielded 533535 hits

Tumour-induced osteomalacia : the long road to diagnosis and recovery

Tumour-induced osteomalacia is caused by tumorous production of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) leading to urinary phosphate wasting, hypophosphataemia and decreased vitamin D activation. The resulting osteomalacia presents with muscle weakness and bone pain but progresses to multiple pathological fractures. Patients often remain undiagnosed for years with severe physical, psychological and ec

Physical barriers and where to find them

Rörelsehindrade grupper, som rullstolsanvändare, möter utmaningar när de navigerar trottoarer och vägar på grund av fysiska hinder som trottoarkanter, trappor och lutningar. Trots detta saknar befintliga navigeringstjänster ofta information om dessa hinder, vilket hindrar förmågan att föreslå optimala rutter. Volontärgeografisk information (VGI) erbjuder en samarbetslösning genom att utnyttja frivMovement-impaired groups, like wheelchair users, face challenges navigating sidewalks and pathways due to physical barriers such as curbs, stairs, and inclinations. However, existing navigation services often lack information about these barriers, hindering the ability to suggest optimal routes. Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) offers a collaborative solution by harnessing volunteers'

The prevalence of clinically relevant delayed intracranial hemorrhage in head trauma patients treated with oral anticoagulants is very low: a retrospective cohort register study

BackgroundCurrent guidelines from Scandinavian Neuro Committee mandate a 24-hour observation for head trauma patients on anticoagulants, even with normal initial head CT scans, as a means not to miss delayed intracranial hemorrhages. This study aimed to assess the prevalence, and time to diagnosis, of clinically relevant delayed intracranial hemorrhage in head trauma patients treated with oral ant

Nitrification performance in a novel biofilm process based on external biofilm growth : Effects of carrier surface area and substrate limitations

En ökande användning av ammonium genom samhälls- och industriell utveckling hotar utvatten runt om i världen. För att skydda det akvatiska ekosystemet och dricksvattenresurserna kan ammonium avlägsnas med biologisk behandling vid avloppsreningsverk. Utvecklingen av avloppsreningsverk under det senaste århundradet syftar till att implementera lösningar som är kostnads- och energieffektiva, har en lAn increasing usage of ammonium through societal and industrial development is threatening the water bodies around the world. To protect the aquatic ecosystem and drinking water resources, ammonium can be removed with biological treatment at wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The development of WWTPs in the last century is aiming to implement solutions, which are cost and energy efficient, have a

Alternative drying technologies for biologics

This doctoral thesis aims to investigate and compare conventional drying technologies (freeze-drying and spray drying) to alternative drying technologies for biologics. Vacuum foam-drying was identified as an alternative drying technology for biologics. Vacuum foam-drying is a drying technique that involves solvent removal by evaporation, at lowered pressure and ambient temperatures. Thus, vacuum

Authorship, activism and creative struggles : Peter Watkins’ The Journey revisited

Based on research in the archive of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society in Stockholm, this article sheds light on the complex production history behind Peter Watkins’ fourteen-and-a-half-hour documentary Resan (The Journey) (1987). Set in a dozen countries around the world, the film presents a complex web of thematic tropes about global peace, consistently highlighting the connection between

Notes on Fitting and Analysis Frameworks for QENS Spectra of (Soft) Colloid Suspensions

With continuously improving signal-to-noise ratios, a statistically sound analysis of quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) spectra requires to fit increasingly complex models which poses several challenges. Simultaneous fits of the spectra for all recorded values of the momentum transfer become a standard approach. Spectrometers at spallation sources can have a complicated non-Gaussian resoluti

Where are the missing boatyards? Steaming pits as boat building sites in the Nordic Bronze Age

Abstract in GermanDas Boot gilt als ein herausragendesSymbol der nordischen Bronzezeit, dargestellt in Tausendenvon Felsbildern und auf vielen Metallgegenständen in ganzSkandinavien. Paradoxerweise sind direkte Hinweise aufdiese Boote rar, und die Orte, an denen Boote gebaut wurden,bleiben größtenteils schwer fassbar. In diesem Artikel schla-gen wir vor, dass die sogenannten Kochgruben entlang derThe boat stands out as a prominent symbol of the Nordic Bronze Age, depicted at thousands of rock art sites and on several metal objects throughout Scandinavia. Paradoxically, direct evidence of these boats is scarce, and the locations where boats were constructed remain largely elusive. In this paper, we put forth the proposition that many ostensibly mislabelled cooking pits along the coast might

Simulation and Modelling of Solar Dryer in COMSOL: Analysis of Airflow

"Solar Food: Reducing post-harvest losses through improved solar drying" is a project that is a collaboration between Lund University and the Royal University of Bhutan, financed by the Swedish Research Council. The goal of the project is to improve the quality and decrease post-harvest losses of food in rural Bhutan and Nepal through low-cost, efficient solar-powered food dryers. In th

Nationalekonomin i kristider

Ämnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finansÄmnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finans

The succession of ecological divergence and reproductive isolation in adaptive radiations

Adaptive radiation is a major source of biodiversity but the way in which known components of ecological opportunity, ecological differentiation, and reproductive isolation underpin such biodiversity patterns remains elusive. Much is known about the evolution of ecological differentiation and reproductive isolation during single speciation events, but exactly how those processes scale up to comple

Psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-5L in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis : confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory

Purpose (the aim of the study): There is limited evidence on psychometric properties of EQ-5D-5L among people with osteoarthritis (OA) undertaking non-surgical treatment. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-5L among individuals with knee or hip OA participating in a digitally delivered education and exercise therapy.Methods: Secondary analysis of d

Land use and land cover change in locally supported wildlife management areas in the Nyerere-Selous ecosystem, Tanzania

Worldwide, there is conversion of natural habitats to other land cover types. These are explained by changes in land use and climate change. In Tanzania, environmental degradation happens also within and around protected areas. To mitigate the effects, wildlife management areas (WMAs) surrounding the borders of protected areas in Tanzania have been promoted. They are based on the concept of commun

Ultrafast population transfer and ionization mechanisms in intense laser fields

This thesis addresses different aspects of atoms interacting with strong laser fields. The focus is on population and ionization dynamics occurring on ultrafast timescales, when atoms are subjected to intense extreme ultraviolet or infrared laser light. Different ways of modeling these interactions are considered. Comparisons to experimental results are performed in certain cases, and in other cas

Islamic studies and the arts : new research methodologies in working with refugees in Jordan

Since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2011, more than 750,000 Syrians (UNHCR, 2018. Fact Sheet. Available from: [Accessed 10 September 2018]) found refuge in Jordan. This paper discusses the use of Art as a research tool to examine Syrian women’s narratives of displacement, identity and home. By drawing the contours of thei

It’s time our elected leaders learn how money works

Although understanding money creation is fundamental to addressing our economic and environmental problems, few of those we trust to make decisions about our future know how money works. Monetary schools are therefore sorely needed. Fortunately, there are many. Since 2008, a wide variety of citizen groups around the world have started local monies. Some municipalities are building on those lessons