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Impact of renal dysfunction on serum Prostate-Specific Antigen

Measurement of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in blood is an important tool in detection for prostate cancer. PSA occurs in several molecular forms in blood: mainly as a free form with a molecular mass of 28 kDa; and as PSA complexed to alpha-1-antichymotrypsin, complexed PSA, with a molecular mass of 90 kDa. Total PSA comprises the sum of free PSA and complexed PSA. The percentage of free-to-tot

Patterns of Care : Relating Altruism in Sociobiology and the Christian Tradition of Agape

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens titel Patterns of Care: Relating Altruism in Sociobiology and the Christian Tradition of Agape kan översättas som Omsorgsmönster: Förhållandet mellan hur altruism förstås i sociobiologin och den kristna agape-traditionen. (Ordet agape är grekiska för kärlek. Sociobiologi är ett naturvetenskapligt forskningsprogram som undersöker socialt beteendes biologisThe purpose of this study is to relate sociobiological theories of altruism to theories within the Christian tradition of agape. Firstly, it discusses the relation between scientific, ethical and theological understandings of altruism, and argues that it is possible to compare discussions of benevolent acts towards others or other-directedness. Such acts are determined in content by the extent an

Kalkmålningarna som retorik [summary: Wall-paintings as rhetoric]

Late medieval wall-paintings are part of sacred rhetoric, intended to convey the moral sense of Christian salvation history to churchgoers. The paintings of Albertus Pictor are studied according to the rhetorical principles set down in Augustine's De doctrina christiana and medieval scriptural interpretation.

Non-invasive measurements of longitudinal strain of the arterial wall

We have recently shown that there is a previous unknown longitudinal movement present in the arterial wall. The aim is now to investigate whether the longitudinal movement is associated with longitudinal strain of the arterial wall. The objective of this paper was to describe a new non-invasive ultrasonic technique that measures the longitudinal strain of arteries in human in-vivo. Results indicat

Wound classification is more important than site of ulceration in the outcome of diabetic foot ulcers

The importance of wound classification and site of ulceration was evaluated in 314 consecutive diabetic patients with foot ulcers. The ulcers were classified as superficial (through the full thickness of the dermis; n = 150), deep (n = 50), osteomyelitis and/or abscess (n = 46), minor gangrene (n = 39) or major gangrene (n = 29). Wound healing was defined as intact skin for at least 6 months. In p

Heat transfer in insulation and insulated structure

The thesis comprises the following reports: 1. Bankvall, C.G., Heat transfer in fibrous materials. National Swedish Building Research, Document D:4, 1972. 2. Bankvall, C.G., Natural convective heat transfer in insulated structures. Lund Institute of Technnology, Building Technology, Report 38, 1972. Detailed information on the theoretical and experimental investigations, as well as information

Patterns of Destiny : Hindu Nāḍī Astrology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar en hinduisk, framför allt sydindisk form av divination vid namn nadi-läsning, uppbyggd efter astrologiskt mönster men med vissa utmärkande särdrag, framför allt uppläsandet av föregivet färdigskrivna texter, tillskrivna gudomliga eller övermänskliga författare, i vilka klientens levnadsöde skall ha nedtecknats långt före dennes födelse. Efter en sLike all divination, Hindu astrology (jyotisa) is concerned with central religious issues such as man’s relation to the world, moral responsibility, and the revelation of a coherent divine order underlying human experience. Comprising a descriptive as well as a prescriptive aspect, jyotisa allows for both prediction and the exercise of free will. This double nature enables a seamless union of astr

Denitrification at low temperatures using a suspended carrier biofilm process

The denitrification process was studied in a stirred lab-scale suspended carrier biofilm reactor at low temperatures (3–20°C). The reactor was filled to 50% with Kaldnes K1 carriers. The denitrification rate showed only a rather weak dependence on the temperature, the rate at 3°C being approximately 55% of that at 15°C. The maximum denitrification rate obtained at 15°C was 2.7 g NOx−-N m−2 carrier

Bayesian modelling of spatial data using Markov random fields, with application to elemental composition of forest soil

Spatial datasets are common in the environmental sciences. In this study we suggest a hierarchical model for a spatial stochastic field. The main focus of this article is to approximate a stochastic field with a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) to exploit computational advantages of the Markov field, concerning predictions, etc. The variation of the stochastic field is modelled as a linear tren

Resolving isospectral 'drums' by counting nodal domains

Several types of systems have been put forward during the past few decades to show that there exist isospectral systems which are metrically different. One important class consists of Laplace-Beltrami operators for pairs of flat tori in R-n with n >= 4. We propose that the spectral ambiguity can be resolved by comparing the nodal sequences (the numbers of nodal domains of eigenfunctions, arranged

A comparison of wind noise in four hearing instruments

Wind noise was measured in four behind-the-ear hearing instruments with different microphone openings. A silent airflow of 7 m/s was directed toward the ear of a Kemar head and the resulting wind noise was measured. The amplification was set to an insertion gain of 35 dB at 1.6 kHz. The wind noise amplitude at the position of the drum ranged from 84 to 97 dB(A). The hearing instrument with a parti

Semenogelins I and II bind zinc and regulate the activity of prostate-specific antigen

In semen. the gel proteins SgI and SgII (semenogelins I and II) are digested by PSA (prostate-specific antigen), resulting in liquefaction and release of motile spermatozoa. Semen contains a high concentration of Zn2+, which is known to inhibit the protease activity of PSA. We characterized the binding of Zn2+ to SgI and SgII and found evidence that these proteins are involved in regulating the ac

Forerunners in bi-gyrotropic materials

Forerunners (precursors) in linear, temporally dispersive, bigyrotropic materials are investigated with time-domain techniques. Bigyrotropic materials are characterized by 12 constitutive parameters (integral kernels). Specifically, the four susceptibility dyadics are all gyrotropic with a common gyrotropic axis. Pulse propagation along this axis is analyzed with dispersive (noncoupling) wave spli

Systerskap som politisk handling : Kvinnors organisering i Sverige 1968 till 1982

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den andra vågens kvinnorörelse uppstod i Sverige med Grupp 8 1968 under en växande antikrigsrörelse mot USA:s krig i Vietnam. En ny generation kvinnor gick ut på gatorna och krävde fri abort, gratis daghem, organiserade kampanjer mot kvinnors låga löner och sexuell exploatering. Med denna avhandling försöker jag för det första visa vad som karakteriserar den nya kvinnorThe second-wave women's movement emerged in Sweden with Group 8 in 1968, at the height of the anti-war struggle against the US war in Vietnam. A new generation of women took to the streets to demand free abortion, and free childcare, and to campaign against women's low pay and sexual exploitation. This thesis focuses on a number of women's groups? collective action and organising during a politica