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Your search for "*" yielded 530155 hits

Measurements on two mould fungi with a calorespirometric method

This paper presents results from dynamic calorespirometric measurements on the two mould fungi Penicillium roqueforti and P. camemberti growing on agar. The measurements were made with two isothermal heat conduction calorimeters connected by a tube. In one of the calorimeters, the sample was placed and the other contained a carbon dioxide absorbent. Pressure sensors were connected to both the ampo

A deterministic and probabilistic model for oilspill fires in nuclear power plants: a final report to the Swedish Atomic Energy Board

A deterministic and probabilistic model for oilspill fires in nuclear power plant compartments has been developed. It's objective is to predict whether certain components in the compartment will cease to function as a result of the fire and to give the probability of failure. Results are presented for several scenarios in two compartments. The model has been implemented in the computer code OSFIC,

Contrasting views over a hybrid complex: Between speciation and evolutionary "dead-end"

The Squalius alburnoides complex, of hybrid origin, comprises diploid, triploid and tetraploid forms and has a widespread distribution in the Iberian waters. The southern populations of this complex, sympatric with S. pyrenaicus, show high genetic variability, diversity of forms and reproductive modes which create pathways that may allow for the establishment of a new species in the future. Here w

Influx and efflux of potassium rubidium-86 in UV-C irradiated guard of Vicia-Faba.

Effects of ultraviolet radiation (UV) (254 nm) on isolated guard cells of Vicia faba (cv. Long pod) have been investigated with regards to fluxes of 86Rb+. UV treatment inhibited influx by about 80%, while it increased efflux by up to 350%. Compartmental analysis showed a highly significant difference (p .ltoreq. 0.005) between the slow leakage components of the UV-treated cells (t1/2 = 5.8 min) a

An algorithm including results of gray-scale and power Doppler ultrasound examination to predict endometrial malignancy in women with postmenopausal bleeding.

OBJECTIVE: To determine if power Doppler ultrasound examination of the endometrium can contribute to a correct diagnosis of endometrial malignancy in women with postmenopausal bleeding and endometrium >/= 5 mm. METHODS: Eighty-three women with postmenopausal bleeding and endometrium >/= 5 mm underwent gray-scale and power Doppler ultrasound examination using predetermined, standardized settings. S

Partitioning and characterization of tyrosine-tagged green fluorescent proteins in aqueous two-phase systems

The green fluorescent protein GFPuv has been genetically engineered to investigate the influence of N-terminal tyrosine extensions in aqueous two-phase systems. Fusions in the N-terminus affected the protein expression, and tags containing three tyrosines and prolines influenced the expression favorably. This effect is probably due to changes in mRNA stability, because the amounts of corresponding

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It was proved theoretically and empirically that critical degrees of saturation exist in connection with freezing of porous and brittle materials of different types. It was also proved that damage occurs after one freezing if the actual degree of ssaturation exceeds the critical. Comparisons between the critical degrees of saturation of different materials and those reached in practice in a given

Search for eta(b) in two-photon collisions at LEP II with the DELPHI detector

The pseudoscalar meson eta(b) has been searched for in two-photon interactions at LEP II. The data sample corresponds to a total integrated luminosity of 617 pb(-1) at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 161 to 209 GeV. Upper limits at a confidence level of 95% on the product Gamma(gamma gamma) (eta(b)) x BR(eta(b)) are 190, 470 and 660 eV/c(2) for the eta(b) decaying into 4, 6 and 8 charged part

Bladder volume alters cholinergic responses of the isolated whole mouse bladder

Purpose: The isolated bladder expresses autonomous activity, which may contribute to the generation of lower urinary tract sensation or pathophysiology. We evaluated how the effect of a cholinergic agonist on autonomous activity alters with increasing volume and in the presence of substances known to modulate functional bladder capacity. Materials and Methods: The bladder of 22 adult female C57 bl

Benzodiazepine prescribing patterns in a high-prescribing Scandinavian community

Sales statistics indicate large variations in benzodiazepine consumption between the Scandinavian countries: the current difference between Denmark (highest) and Sweden (lowest) is almost two-fold. There are also large within-country variations: e.g. benzodiazepine sales in the Swedish city of Helsingborg, which is close to Denmark, were at the average Danish level and were the highest in Sweden.

A comparison of the inner-sphere reorganization energies of cytochromes, iron-sulphur clusters, and blue copper proteins

Inner-sphere reorganization energies have been calculated for a number of models of six-coordinate iron porphyrins (with varying axial ligands), using the density functional B3LYP method. If the axial ligands are uncharged, the reorganization energy is very low, 5-9 kJ/mol. If one of the axial ligands is charged, the reorganization energy is higher, 20-47 kJ/mol, but such sites are normally not us

Safety Culture in Sea and Aviation Transport

Popular Abstract in Swedish I forskningsarbetet som presenteras i denna avhandling har säkerhetskulturen studerats inom sjö- och flygtransportbranscherna med fokus på individers attityder och uppfattningar om säkerhetskulturen. En säkerhetskultur avspeglar de attityder, uppfattningar och värderingar som individer i en organisation delar när det gäller säkerheten. Säkerhetskulturen identifieras oftThe research presented in this thesis investigates sea and aviation transport safety culture, with a focus on perceptions and attitudes. A safety culture reflects the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values that individuals share in relation to safety. Safety culture is often identified as being essential to an organization's ability to manage safety-related aspects of its operations. The aims

Age and waiting time as predictors of outcome after total hip replacement for osteoarthritis

Objective. To investigate in a prospective study the relationship between age, pre-operative status, waiting time and post-operative outcome in patients assigned for unilateral total hip replacement (THR) due to osteoarthritis (OA). Method. One hundred and forty-eight patients (mean age 71 yr) with primary OA of the hip were investigated pre-operatively and 3, 6 and 12 months post-operatively with

Studiemiljöer vid Lunds universitet - en undersökning ur ett psykosocialt perspektiv

De högsta studiekraven kommer från studenterna själva. Så beskriver majoriteten av studenterna i denna studiemiljöundersökning studierna vid Lunds universitet. I andra hand betonas kraven från arbetsmarknaden och först i tredje hand utbildningens krav sådana de förmedlas i undervisningen av lärare och handledare. Undersökningen ger bilden av den existentiellt sett ensamma studenten med höga krav p

Phase diagram and physicochemical properties of the n-octyl alpha-D-glucoside/water system

Four experimental methods were used to study the phase diagram, as well as the thermodynamic and structural properties of the binary system n-octyl alpha-D-glucoside water in the temperature range 25-130degreesC. Sorption calorimetry allows one to determine the activity of water and enthalpy of mixing as functions of water content at constant temperature, while DSC scans temperature at constant co