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The beam blanking system for microlithography at Lund Nuclear microprobe
A new beam blanking system was installed at the Lund Nuclear Microprobe and employed in proton beam lithography (PBL) for polymer microstructures fabrication. The blanker consists of two parallel plates connected to a high voltage generator. Measurement of the beam blanking time on a sample was performed by means of the standard PIXE system. The beam is blanked and returns to a sample within 200 n
Belowground consequences of vegetation change and their treatment in models
The extent and consequences of global land-cover and land-use change are increasingly apparent. One consequence not so apparent is the altered structure of plants belowground. This paper examines such belowground changes, emphasizing the interaction of altered root distributions with other factors and their treatment in models. Shifts of woody and herbaceous vegetation with deforestation, afforest
Estimation of the In-Cylinder Air/Fuel Ratio of an Internal Combustion Engine by the Use of Pressure Sensors
Popular Abstract in Swedish Rätt förhållande mellan mängden bränsle och luft är viktigt i dagens förbränningsmotorer för att den katalytiska avgasreningen skall fungera. Motorer i serieproduktion mäter syrehalten i avgaserna för att få en uppfattning om blandningsförhållandet. Denna utvecklar en metod att skatta blandningsförhållandet genom mätning av cylindertrycket. Man kan på så sätt få snabbarThis thesis investigates the use of cylinder pressure measurements for estimation of the in-cylinder air/fuel ratio in a spark ignited internal combustion engine. An estimation model which uses the net heat release profile for estimating the cylinder air/fuel ratio of a spark ignition engine is developed. The net heat release profile is computed from the cylinder pressure trace and quantifies the
Complementation in Georgian
Abstract is not available
Multimode electron transport through quantum waveguides with spin-orbit interaction modulation: Applications of the scattering matrix formalism
We present a formulation of the scattering matrix method for spin-dependent electron transport in a quantum waveguide with spin-orbit interaction (SOI). All the required Hamiltonian matrices needed in the implementation of the formulation are represented in a basis of the transverse spatial eigenstates and the spin eigenstates of the leads. Thus the method has great flexibility and can be easily a
Contraction of the rat portal vein in hypertonic and isotonic medium: rates of metabolism
Spatial Variation in Near-Ground Radiation and Low Temperature - Interactions with Forest Vegetation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Låg temperatur begränsar i stor utsträckning överlevnad och expansion av vegetation. Under senare år har samverkan mellan låg temperatur och hög instrålning, som leder till försämrad fotosynteseffektivitet, rönt stor uppmärksamhet. I denna avhandling tillämpas nya metoder för att relatera rumsliga variationer i temperatur och instrålning till fotosynteseffektivitet ochLow temperature has a large impact on the survival and distribution of plants. Interactive effects with high irradiance lead to cold-induced photoinhibition, which may impact on the establishment and growth of tree seedlings. In this thesis, novel approaches are applied for relating the spatial variability in low temperature and irradiance to photosynthetic performance and growth of tree seedlings
Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan) in BAL fluid distinguishes farmers with allergic alveolitis from farmers with asymptomatic alveolitis
Pulmonary function measurements, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and analyses of precipitating antibodies in blood were performed in 12 farmers wtih no symptoms from the airways and 12 farmers who were admitted to the hospital due to acute symptoms of alveolitis (all nonsmokers). In addition, a bronchial methacholine provocation test was performed in the asymptomatic farmers. In 11 of the 12 symptom
Master's Theses in Automatic Control 1981-1982
The report contains abstracts of Master Theses (examensarbeten) made at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund, during the academic year 81/82. During this year 30 theses were made by 40 students. Most of the theses are written in Swedish with an English abstract.
Tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies and human leucocyte antigen in Down's syndrome patients with coeliac disease.
Young children's representations of peers' distress: Associations to children's social functioning and acceptance of distressed peers
Children's mental representations of situations involving another child's distress were examined in two studies. Study 1 examined 3- to 7-year-old children's (n = 44) ideas about what victims and bystanders would think, feel and do in hypothetical situations. In Study 2, 7- to 8-year-olds (n = 40) described their own cognitive response to situations in which they were confronted with another's dis
Regional cerebral blood flow and EEG in clinically diagnosed dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease.
This study was undertaken in order to compare regional cerebral blood now (rCBF) and EEG findings of patients with clinically diagnosed dementia with Lewy bodies (clinDLB) and Alzheimer’s disease (clinAD). Furthermore, within the clinDLB group to compare cases with and without neuropathologically verified Lewy bodies (LBs). When we studied 200 dementia cases in a prospective longitudinal dementia
Uttorkning av betong, rapport 1 : snabbtorkande betong, byggfuktfri betong
Numerical simulation of two-phase flow and heat transfer in a composite duct
In this work, a three-dimensional computational method has been further developed for a composite duct, to analyze water phase change and liquid water saturation level, two-phase flow and heat transfer in a multi-component mixture. The duct under consideration consists of a flow duct, porous layer and solid structure. Advanced boundary conditions are applied in the analysis, concerning the thermal
A Predictive PI Controller for Processes with Long Dead Time
This paper describes a predictive PI controller with dead-time compensation. The advantage of the new controller compared with other dead time compensating controllers is that it contains only three adjustable parameters; the gain, the integral time and the dead time. The controller is also suited for processes with varying dead times.
(Recension av) Kerstin Arcadius, Museum på svenska. Länsmuseerna och kulturhistorien
Recension av Kerstin Arcadius, Museum på svenska. Länsmuseerna och kulturhistorien.
Estimation of Power Generator Dynamics from Normal Operating Data
A Protestant habitus: 16th-century Danish graveslabs as an expression of changes in belief
This article deals with an archaeology of Reformation in medieval Denmark. The change from Catholic to Protestant confession, which took place in 1536, ha,,; not been subject to elaborate investigation by archaeologists. The main question is, whether material culture reflects differences in the lifestyle between people possessing a Catholic or Protestant belief The focus is to find out how the dif
Individual Emergence in Contextual Analysis
Located within the tradition of Hermeneutic Dialectics (HD) this paper offers an approach which can further an analysis of a fit between information and organizational systems. Drawn upon Information Systems Development projects a relationship between theory and practice is aided through a multi-disciplinary approach to sense making activity. Using a contemporary version of contextual analysis to