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Context Aware Invisible Interfaces
Design och konst : texter om gränser och överskridanden. Del 1: Texter före 1960
Perceived relevance of generic and disease-specific patient-reported outcome measures in Parkinson’s disease
The influence of hypothermia on hypoglycemia-induced brain damage in the rat
The effects of hypothermia on hypoglycemic brain damage were studied in rats after a 30-min period of hypoglycemic coma, defined as cessation of spontaneous EEG activity. The rats were either normothermic (37 degrees C) or moderately hypothermic (33 degrees C). Morphological brain damage was evaluated after various periods of recovery. Hypothermic animals with halothane anesthesia never resumed sp
A lowstand epikarstic intertidal flat from the middle Silurian of Gotland, Sweden
This paper describes the sedimentology, morphology and diagenesis of recently discovered Middle Silurian low-relief micro-epikarst from the Klintehamn area on western Gotland (Sweden). The epikarst represents the most distal portion of an unconformity that truncates stratigraphic units across a major part of the Baltic palaeo-basin. It formed in the intertidal area during the late stage of platfor
Error associated with experimental flux control coefficient determinations in the Calvin cycle
Model studies of photosynthetic carbohydrate formation in the chloroplast of C3 plants have been performed to examine the expected response of the steady-state reaction flux to finite changes in concentration or activity of individual enzymes in a central metabolic network. The results indicate that flux control coefficients in this system cannot be reliably estimated experimentally even for the t
Inflectional features and clausal structure
This paper discusses the relation between verbal inflection and clausal structure, making the claim, based on evidence from Icelandic finite verb inflection, that formal verbal features, such as Number, Person, Tense and Mood, each represents (or corresponds to) a functional head in clausal structure. More generally, the paper claims that there is a one-to-one correspondance between formal feature
Variations of the FeGa3 structure type in the systems CoIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx
We present an investigation of the quasibinary systems CoIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx which were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction experiments and, in the case of CoGa3-xZnx, additionally by neutron powder diffraction experiments. The limiting compositions were found to be x=0.81(2) and x=0.73(2) for COIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx, respectively. The isotypic binary compounds CoIn3 and CoGa3 cr
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Colour: A computer program for QCD colour factor calculations
A computer program for evaluating colour factors of QCD Feynman diagrams is presented, and illustrative examples on how to use the program to calculate nontrivial colour factors are given. The program and the discussion in this paper is based on a diagrammatic approach to colour factors.
BEAST decoding for block codes
BEAST is a Bidirectional Efficient Algorithm for Searching code Trees. In this paper, it is used for decoding block codes over the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. If no constraints are imposed on the decoding complexity (in terms of the number of visited nodes during the search), BEAST performs maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding. At the cost of a negligible performance degradation, BEA
Genethnology. Biomedicine and Everyday Practise
Trafiksystem för bättre stadsmiljö. En studie över hur trafik- och stadsplaneringen påverkar trafiksäkerheten, miljökonsekvenserna och stadsmiljön
Ultrasound screening for fetal anomalies
Popular Abstract in Swedish SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA (Swedish summary) Ultraljud används sedan 1970-talet rutinmässigt under graviditet. Undersökningen görs vanligen vid 17-18 graviditetsveckor och syftet med undersökningen är att datera graviditeten dvs bestämma tiden för beräknad förlossning. Man upptäcker också eventuella tvillingar vid denna undersökning. Redan tidigt visade det sig att visWe studied the prenatal detection rate of various malformations during a study period of 16 years in a population in southern Sweden consisting of 141 240 deliveries. The overall detection rate was 28.4% and the false positive diagnoses were very few. We studied the effect of prenatal diagnosis on the rate of spina bifida in southern Sweden compared with the rest of the country and could show tha
The critical degree of saturation method of assessing the freeze/thaw resistance of concrete
Diode-like characteristics of nanometer-scale semiconductor channels with a broken symmetry
We present a new type of nanometer-scale semiconductor nonlinear device, called self-switching device (SSD). The device was realized by simply etching insulating grooves into a semiconductor, between which a narrow channel with a broken symmetry was formed. Because of the asymmetry in the channel boundary, an applied voltage V not only changes the potential profile along the channel direction, but
In vitro availability of starch in heat-treated potatoes as related to genotype, weight and storage time
The objective of the study was to determine the influence of potato variety, weight and storage time after lifting on the glycaemic index (GI) and resistant starch (RS) content predicted from measurement of the rate and extent of in vitro starch hydrolysis, respectively. The potatoes were either boiled, or boiled and subjected to different heat-cycling conditions selected to promote retrogradation
Escape from UV threats in zooplankton: A cocktail of behavior and protective pigmentation
In order to avoid environmental threats, organisms may respond by altering behavior or phenotype. Using experiments performed in high-latitude Siberia and in temperate Sweden, we show for the first time that, among freshwater crustacean zooplankton, the defense against threats from ultraviolet radiation (UV) is a system where phenotypic plasticity and behavioral escape mechanisms function as compl
Differential expression of gastrin, cholecystokinin-A and cholecystokinin-B receptor mRNA in human pancreatic cancer cell lines
BACKGROUND: It has been assumed that gastrin stimulates the growth of pancreatic cancer in an autocrine way through co-expression of gastrin and the cholecystokinin-B receptor (CCK-BR). However, pancreatic cancer cell lines established directly from patients have revealed a great heterogeneity in cell proliferation when exposed to CCK, gastrin and their receptor antagonists. The aim of this study