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ECG Quantification of Myocardial Scar in Cardiomyopathy Patients With or Without Conduction Defects Correlation With Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and Arrhythmogenesis
Background-Myocardial scarring from infarction or nonischemic fibrosis forms arrhythmogenic substrate. The Selvester QRS score has been extensively validated for estimating myocardial infarction scar size in the absence of ECG confounders. but has not been tested to quantify scar in patients with hypertrophy, bundle branch/fascicular blocks, or nonischemic cardiomyopathy. We assessed the hypothese
Aquaporin gating
An acceleration in the rate at which new aquaporin structures are determined means that structural models are now available for mammalian AQP0, AQP1, AQP2 and AQP4, bacterial GlpF, AqpM and AQPZ, and the plant SoPIP2;1. With an apparent consensus emerging concerning the mechanism of selective water transport and proton extrusion, emphasis has shifted towards the issues of substrate selectivity and
Manganese enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of normal and ischemic canine heart.
Energy conservation and pomeron loops in high energy evolution
We present a formalism which modifies the Mueller Dipole Model such that it incorporates energy-momentum conservation as well as important colour suppressed effects in the cascade evolution. The formalism is implemented in a Monte Carlo simulation program, and the results are compared to inclusive data from HERA and the Tevatron. We here find a generally very good agreement between our model and t
Thromboelastometry versus free-oscillation rheometry and enoxaparin versus tinzaparin: an in-vitro study comparing two viscoelastic haemostatic tests' dose-responses to two low molecular weight heparins at the time of withdrawing epidural catheters from ten patients after major surgery.
Monitoring low molecular weight heparins (LMWH's) in the perioperative period is prudent in patients at high risk of coagulative complications, especially when the patient has an epidural catheter requiring withdrawal, which is associated with the risk of spinal haematoma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro dose-responses of two different LMWH's on two different viscoelastic haemos
Nocturnal colour vision - not as rare as we might think
The dual retina of humans and most vertebrates consists of multiple types of cone for colour vision in bright light and one single type of rod, leaving these animals colour-blind at night. Instead of comparing the signals from different spectral types of photoreceptors, they use one highly sensitive receptor, thus improving the signal-to-noise ratio. However, nocturnal moths and geckos can discrim
Normal or Alzheimer's disease? - Automated interpretation of cerebral blood flow images using artificial neural networks
Optimal supply air temperature with respect to energy use in a variable air volume system
In a variable air volume (VAV) system with 100% outdoor air, the cooling need in the building is satisfied with a certain air flow at a certain supply air temperature. To minimize the system energy use, an optimal supply air temperature can be set dependent on the load, specific fan power (SFP), chiller coefficient of performance, outdoor temperature and the outdoor relative humidity. The theory f
Organising habilitation services: Team structures and family participation
Summary This study is part of a project focusing on co-operation between receivers of habilitation services (families) and professionals. The study focuses on the organisation and co-ordination of the services, and compares two structures for their accomplishment. The first is the typical multiprofessional habilitation team (MHT), and the second is the individualised team (ISP). MHT teams are orga
Beta 1 integrin-mediated collagen gel contraction is stimulated by PDGF
The attachment of primary rat hepatocytes and fibroblasts to collagen type I is mediated by non-RGD-dependent beta 1 integrin matrix receptors. In this report we describe a novel 96-well microtiter plate assay for the quantification of fibroblast-mediated contraction of floating collagen type I gels. Fetal calf serum and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), but not transforming growth factor-bet
Apolipoprotein E genotyping in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are characterized by progressive neuronal loss and microvacuolization, although with different distributions of cortical involvement. In contrast to AD there is no amyloid, senile plaques or tangles in FTD. The involvement of chromosome 19 in AD has been associated with apoliprotein E (ApoE) and the epsi4 gene frequency has been related to
Functional relation between corticonuclear input and movements evoked on microstimulation in cerebellar nucleus interpositus anterior in the cat
The functional relation between receptive fields of climbing fibres projecting to the C1, C3 and Y zones and forelimb movements controlled by nucleus interpositus anterior via the rubrospinal tract were studied in cats decerebrated at the pre-collicular level. Microelectrode tracks were made through the caudal half of nucleus interpositus anterior. This part of the nucleus receives its cerebellar
Analytical approach for the Lucas-Washburn equation
Porous media can be characterized by studying the kinetics of liquid rise within the pore spaces. Although porous media generally have a complex structure, they can be modeled as a single, vertical capillary or as an assembly of such capillaries. The main difficulties lie in separately estimating the effective mean radius of the capillaries and the contact angle between the liquid and the pore. In
Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review.
Objective: Preventive measures to contain the epidemic of obesity have become a major focus of attention. This report reviews the scientific evidence for medical interventions aimed at preventing obesity during childhood and adolescence. Design: A systematic literature review involving selection of primary research and other systematic reviews. Articles published until 2004 were added to an earlie
Sub-barrier Coulomb excitation of Sn-110 and its implications for the Sn-100 shell closure
The first excited 2(+) state of the unstable isotope Sn-110 has been studied in safe Coulomb excitation at 2.82 MeV/u using the MINIBALL array at the REX-ISOLDE post accelerator at CERN. This is the first measurement of the reduced transition probability of this state using this method for a neutron deficient Sn isotope. The strength of the approach lies in the excellent peak-to-background ratio t
Characterization of a new amino acid transport system in human epidermal Langerhans cells: the L-dopa influx/efflux cycle.
Toxic potential of five freshwater Phormidium species (Cyanoprokaryota)
Among the Cyanoprokaryota (blue-green algae), the genus Phormidium has thus far rarely been studied with respect to toxin production and potentially resulting human and environmental health effects. We here show that five previously unexplored freshwater species of this genus (Ph. bijugatum, Ph. molle, Ph. papyraceum, Ph. uncinatum, Ph. autumnale) are indeed capable of producing bioactive compound
Mouse mammary tumor virus-like gene sequences in breast tumors of Australian and Vietnamese women
PURPOSE: There is considerable evidence that the presence of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-like gene sequences in human breast cancer is highly associated with human breast carcinoma. Previous studies have found MMTV-like gene sequences in 38% of breast cancer tissue from United States women. The prevalence of these sequences in Australian and Vietnamese women has never been reported. EXPERIMEN
Jun N-terminal protein kinase enhances middle ear mucosal proliferation during bacterial otitis media
Mucosal hyperplasia is a characteristic component of otitis media. The present study investigated the participation of signaling via the Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinase in middle ear mucosal hyperplasia in animal models of bacterial otitis media. Otitis media was induced by the inoculation of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae into the middle ear cavity. Wester