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Your search for "*" yielded 528515 hits

Ammonium and methylamine transport by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus and ectomycorrhizas

Using [C-14]methylamine as an analogue of ammonium, the kinetics and the energetics of NH: transport were studied in the ectomycorrhizal fungus, Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. The apparent half-saturation constant (K-m) and the maximum uptake rate (V-max) for the carrier-mediated transport derived from the Eadie-Hofstee transformation were 180 mu M and 380 nmol (mg dry wt)(-1) min(-1,) respective

Lifetimes of the 5d(9)6p levels in HgIII

We report measurements and theoretical calculations for the lifetimes of the 5d(9)6p levels in Hg nr with J = 0,2,3,4. This is an extension of earlier measurements of the lifetimes of the 5d(9)6p levels in Hg III with J = 1, and now provides data for all 12 of the levels. The results also provide an isoelectronic comparison with earlier studies of these levels in Au II of the Pt sequence, and a ho

Models for road surface roughness

This study focuses on the statistical description and analysis of road surface irregularities that are essential for heavy-vehicle fatigue assessment. Three new road profile models are proposed: a homogenous Laplace moving average process, a non-homogenous Laplace process and a hybrid model that combines Gaussian and Laplace modelling. These are compared with the classical homogenous Gaussian proc

Remotely-sensed, nocturnal, dew point correlates with malaria transmission in Southern Province, Zambia: a time-series study

Background: Plasmodium falciparum transmission has decreased significantly in Zambia in the last decade. The malaria transmission is influenced by environmental variables. Incorporation of environmental variables in models of malaria transmission likely improves model fit and predicts probable trends in malaria disease. This work is based on the hypothesis that remotely-sensed environmental factor

Uppföljning av patient och närstående efter hjärtstopp varierar stort.

The return to a good life after successfully resuscitated cardiac arrest may be hindered by cardiovascular morbidity, psychological distress and the consequences of anoxic brain injury. To support the return to everyday life, patients and their relatives are in need of health care follow-up with multiple focuses. Usually, this follow-up consists of at least one of three parallel tracks; cardiology

[2,6-Bis(di-tert-butylphosphinomethyl)phenyl-kappa P-3,C-1,P '](trifluoroacetato)palladium(II)

The Pd-II atom in the title compound, [Pd(C2F3O2)(C24H43P2)], adopts a distorted square-planar geometry with the P atoms in a trans arrangement, forming two five-membered chelate rings. Four intramolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds occur. The crystal packing reveals one weak intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond, which self-assembles the mo

Clinical associations of the metabolic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus: data from an international inception cohort

Background The metabolic syndrome (MetS) may contribute to increased cardiovascular risk in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We aimed to examine the association of demographic factors, lupus phenotype and therapy exposure with the presence of MetS. Methods The Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics Registry for Atherosclerosis inception cohort enrolled recently diagnosed (

A genomic biomarker signature can predict skin sensitizers using a cell-based in vitro alternative to animal tests

Background: Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects a significant proportion of the population. This disease is caused by an adverse immune response towards chemical haptens, and leads to a substantial economic burden for society. Current test of sensitizing chemicals rely on animal experimentation. New legislations on the registration and use of chemicals within p

Just How Much is the G-matrix Actually Constraining Adaptation?

The genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) has long been considered to summarize the genetic constraints biasing evolution in its early stages, although in some instances, G can enhance divergence and facilitate adaptation. However, the effects of G on the response to selection might be of less importance than previously thought. In addition, it has been suggested that selection itself, under cert

On an integrable two-component Camassa-Holm shallow water system

The interest in the Camassa-Holm equation inspired the search for various generalizations of this equation With interesting properties and applications. In this Letter we deal with such a two-component integrable system Of Coupled equations. First we derive the system in the context of shallow water theory. Then we show that while small initial data develop into global Solutions, for some initial

A peripheral immune response in Huntington's disease and delineation of its importance in disease pathology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Huntingtons sjukdom (HS) är en ärftlig hjärnsjukdom utan botemedel. Den orsakas av en mutation i en gen som kallas huntingtin. Den klassas som en s.k. neurodegenerativ sjukdom, där man ser en förlust av neuroner i delar av hjärnan som kontrollerar kroppsrörelser. Detta resulterar i dansliknande rörelser (chorea) och det är även därför som HS ibland kallas för danssjukanHuntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal, hereditary disease for which there is no cure. It is caused by a mutation in a gene called huntingtin. HD is a so-called neurodegenerative disease, where there is a loss of neurons in areas of the brain that control body movements. This results in uncontrolled dance-like movements (chorea). Traditionally, research on HD has focused round the brain and what is

PXK locus in systemic lupus erythematosus: fine mapping and functional analysis reveals novel susceptibility gene ABHD6

Objectives To perform fine mapping of the PXK locus associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and study functional effects that lead to susceptibility to the disease. Methods Linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping was conducted by using 1251 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) covering a 862 kb genomic region on 3p14.3 comprising the PXK locus in 1467 SLE patients and 2377 controls of Euro

Endocytosis of therapeutic macromolecules in tumor cells - Mechanistic aspects of the proteoglycan receptor function

Novel therapeutics to combat cancer are urgently needed. Most current pharmacological therapies have severe side effects and are seldom curative. Macromolecular drugs, and in particular nucleic acid based drugs, offer a potential remedy for this situation. Currently, the absence of efficacious and safe methods to deliver nucleic acids to intracellular sites of action is the main impediment to th

Forest fires on Z+ with ignition only at 0

Abstract. We consider a of the forest fire model on graph G, where eachvertex of a graph becomes occupied with rate one. A fixed vertex v0 is hit by lightning with the same rate, and when this occurs, the whole cluster of occupied vertices containing v0 is burnt out. We show that when G = Z+, the times between consecutive burnouts at vertex n, divided by log n, converge weakly as n → ∞ to a random

Shockley-Queisser Detailed Balance Efficiency Limit for Nanowire Solar Cells

III-V semiconductor nanowire arrays show promise as a platform for next-generation solar cells. However, the theoretical efficiency limit for converting the energy of sunlight into electrical energy in such solar cells is unknown. Here, we calculate through electromagnetic modeling the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit for an InP nanowire array solar cell. In this analysis, we calculate first fro

Circulating anti-pericyte autoantibodies are present in Type 2 diabetic patients and are associated with non-proliferative retinopathy

Aims/Hypothesis. This study aims to determine the prevalence of anti-pericyte autoantibodies in Type 2 diabetes and to characterize these autoantibodies as new markers of disease activity in diabetic retinopathy. Methods. A total of 299 patients with Type 2 diabetes participated in this study. Retinopathy was assessed by 7-field stereo fundus photography and was graded according to the ETDRS scale