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The Interpretative Moment of European Journalism. The Impact of Newspaper Opinion Making in the Ratification Process.

This study investigates the role of political journalism in EU constitution-making. More specifically, we ask whether political journalists take an active role in shaping public preferences and opinion on European integration. An analytical framework is developed distinguishing between the critical and the representative function of media opinion-making. Journalists are found to interfere with the

A Near-Infrared Transient Absorption Study of the Excited-State Dynamics of the Carotenoid Spirilloxanthin in Solution and in the LH1 Complex of Rhodospirillum rubrum.

The spectroscopic properties of spirilloxanthin in an nhexane solution and bound to the core light-harvesting LH1) complex of Rhodospirillum rubrum were studied by near infrared ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. Global analysis of the kinetic traces measured after excitation of spirilloxanthin to the S2 (1Bu +) state enabled us to estimate the species-associated difference spectra that

Injury to the human median and ulnar nerves in the forearm - analysis of costs for treatment and rehabilitation of 69 patients in southern sweden.

This study analysed the costs of median and ulnar nerve injuries in the forearm in humans and factors affecting such costs. The costs within the health-care sector and costs of lost production were calculated in 69 patients with an injury to the median and/or ulnar nerve in the forearm, usually caused by glass, a knife, or a razorblade. Factors associated with the variation in costs and outcome we

Genetic Characterisation of Human ABO Blood Group Variants with a Focus on Subgroups and Hybrid Alleles

Popular Abstract in Swedish Karl Landsteiner upptäckte blodgruppssystemet ABO och beskrev principen för den antigen-antikroppsreaktion som gäller än idag. För att utföra en säker blodtransfusion krävs det att individens ABO-blodgrupp är känd och därefter kan passande givarblod transfunderas. A- och B-generna ger upphov till enzymen A- respektive B-transferas. Blodgrupp O beror på olika defekter sABO is the most important blood group system in transfusion medicine and transplantation immunology. The ABO blood groups differ by the presence or absence of antigens on RBCs and antibodies in plasma. Accurate determination of ABO status is critical. Genomic typing can increase the precision of blood group determination in complicated cases, e.g. when variant expression of A or B antigen is encou

Multinational survey of osteoporotic fracture management

Osteoporosis is characterized by a decreased bone mass and an increased bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Patients with a fragility fracture at any site have an increased risk of sustaining future fractures. Orthopedic surgeons manage most of these fractures and are often the only physician seen by the patient. Mounting evidence that orthopedic surgeons are not well attuned to osteopo

Ncf1 (p47phox) polymorphism determines oxidative burst and the severity of arthritis in rats and mice.

Identifying genes that regulate polygenic diseases influenced by the environment such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), has so far proven to be difficult. By using an alternative approach, i.e., linkage analysis using relevant animal models we succeeded in finding the Ncf1 gene residing in the Pia4 quantitative trait locus to be responsible for the severity of pristane induced arthritis in rats. The i

Alfonso of Jaén

On St. Bridget's confessor and the editor-in-chief of her works

Folkliga band i parti och minut

In this article the concept of trade or retail bindings with regard to the Swedish book market during the 18th and early 19th century is introduced and discussed. Binding techniques and materials as well as the cost of different kinds of Swedish trade bindings are shown. Special attention is given to the large production of almanacs, hymnbooks and ABC books destined for the peasantry. Complaints a

Infection-induced kinin B-1 receptors in human pulmonary fibroblasts: Role of intact pathogens and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent signaling

Kinin B-1 receptors (B1R) are involved in many pathophysiological processes, and its expression is up-regulated in inflammatory pulmonary disease. Although bacteria can generate kinin peptides, the molecular signaling mechanisms regulating B1R during infection by intact pathogens is unknown. The serious opportunistic clinical isolate Burkholderia cenocepacia (B. cen.) belongs to the important B. c

Church-state separation Swedish-Style

A more than 40-year-long process came to an end when relations between the Church of Sweden and the state were formally changed in the year 2000. Social Democrats and Liberals had taken the initiative in the 1950s. Several proposals for disestablishment were put forward in the 1970s, but none of them. achieve political consensus. In addition, the representatives for all the political parties on th

Gäster i huset : kulturell överföring mellan slaver och skandinaver 900 till 1300

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad har den slaviskt inspirerade östersjökeramiken som arkeologer finner i Skandinavien med slaver att göra? Levde de som gäster i huset? Vikingen och hanseaten har sedan länge sina platser inbokade på den historiska scenen. Under äldre medeltid rörde sig även andra aktörer över Östersjöns vatten. Främmande gäster besökte och bosatte sig i Skandinavien. Bland dem fanns Scholarly texts on Slavic-Scandinavian relations have concentrated on two main areas of interest. During the Viking Age the economic and social contacts between the lake Mälaren district and Rus’ were extensive. However, at the beginning of the Middle Ages, political antagonism between the two expanding realms of the Svear and the Novgorodians is noticeable. In southern Scandinavia, the hostility

Quantum-dot-induced ordering in GaxIn1-xP/InP islands

Thin layers of GaxIn1-xP grown on top of self-assembled InP quantum dots has been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and low-temperature scanning tunneling luminescence (STL). STM reveals that the overgrowth is highly uneven, in which elongated GaxIn1-xP islands covering the dots are formed. TEM and high-spatial-resolution STL show that the q