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Sustainability Performance Indicators at Shop Floor Level in Large Manufacturing Companies

This article investigates sustainability in the performance measurement systems of Swedish manufacturing companies. It builds on a previous study that documents relatively few direct environmental indicators at shop floor level, which raises questions about possible indirect links between existing indicators and the environment that could be used to improve the environmental aspect of company's su

Syndecan receptors : pericellular regulators in development and inflammatory disease

The syndecans are the major family of transmembrane proteoglycans,usually bearing multiple heparan sulfate chains. They are present onvirtually all nucleated cells of vertebrates and are also present in invertebrates, indicative of a long evolutionary history. Genetic models in bothvertebrates and invertebrates have shown that syndecans link to the actincytoskeleton and can fine-tune cell adhesion

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Burr Formation in Intermittent Turning of AISI 4140

Burr formation is a problematic aspect in the machining of ductile metals. Understanding the formation mechanism and being able to model the plastic workpiece behavior during tool exits is key to burr minimization. A 3D finite element model is used to simulate burr formation during the exit phase of intermittent turning of AISI 4140, using a nose radiused insert. The model is validated by experime

The impact of peripheral artery disease on major adverse cardiovascular events following myocardial infarction

Aims: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) constitute a high-risk with adverse clinical outcomes. We aimed to investigate the cardiovascular outcomes following myocardial infarction (MI). Methods and results: This nationwide, Danish register-based follow-up study includes all patients experiencing an MI between 2000 and 2017. Patients with and without PAD were compared. Multivariable logistic regressio

Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging staging of tumour and nodal stage in rectal cancer treated by primary surgery : a population-based study

Aim: The preoperative stage of rectal cancer is an important prognostic factor affecting treatment recommendations. Currently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used for clinical staging to identify patients who should be recommended for neoadjuvant oncological treatment. The aim of this work was to investigate the accuracy of the preoperative T- and N-stage and also involvement of the mesorecta


There is a flourishing use of long-term analysis around the economic challenges generated by natural resources exploitation (Badia-Miró et al., 2015; Bebbington et al., 2018; Mosley, 2017).

Pain in rheumatoid arthritis : a seven-year follow-up study of pain distribution and factors associated with transition from and to chronic widespread pain

Objective: To study transitions from and to chronic widespread pain (CWP) over 7 years in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Method: Two postal questionnaires were sent to patients included in the BARFOT (Better Anti-Rheumatic Pharmacotherapy) study, the first in 2010 and the second in 2017. The questionnaires assessed pain, number of tender and swollen joints, functional disability, health-

Reduced ability to produce reflex-evoked neurogenic inflammation, a sign of decreased defense against COVID-19 infection?

Background: A histamine skin prick test (SPT) generally evokes a wheal and a flare. The present study was initiated by an observation that histamine did not evoke a flare around a wheal in the skin of an 86-year-old man. Could that be of relevance to the findings that old men are prone to a more severe COVD-19 infection with a higher mortality than young ones?. Materials and methods: Histamine SPT

A new protocol for exercise testing in COPD; improved prediction algorithm for WMAX and validation of the endurance test in a placebo-controlled double bronchodilator study

Two new protocols have been developed for bicycle exercise testing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with an individualized cardiopulmonary exercise test (ICPET) and subsequent customized endurance test (CET), which generate less interindividual spread in endurance time compared with the standard endurance test. Main objectives of this study were to improve the prediction algorithm f

Feasibility of extracorporeal on-line large-scale plasma adsorptions on protein A-sepharose columns in cancer patients

The feasibility of extracorporeal adsorption of 1.5-3 L plasma on protein A-Sepharose was investigated in six patients with advanced cancer. Anticoagulation with heparin was associated with respiratory distress syndrome in two patients, most likely caused by complement activation as indicated by a transient leukopenia during plasma reinfusion and appearance of C3 degradation products in the extrac

Crime Prevention Based on the Strategic Mapping of Living Conditions

This paper presents a theoretically and methodologically grounded GIS-based model for the measurement and mapping of an index of living conditions in urban residential areas across Sweden. Further, the model is compared and evaluated using the Swedish Police's assessment of crime-exposed areas. The results indicate that the geographically measured vulnerable living conditions overlap to a large exThis paper presents a theoretically and methodologically grounded GIS-based model for the measurement and mapping of an index of living conditions in urban residential areas across Sweden. Further, the model is compared and evaluated using the Swedish Police’s assessment of crime-exposed areas. The results indicate that the geographically measured vulnerable living conditions overlap to a large ex

Polyhydroxyalkanoate production from rice straw hydrolysate obtained by alkaline pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis using Bacillus strains isolated from decomposing straw

Rice straw is an important low-cost feedstock for bio-based economy. This report presents a study in which rice straw was used both as a source for isolation of bacteria producing the biodegradable polyester polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), as well as the carbon source for the production of the polymer by the isolated bacteria. Of the 100 bacterial isolates, seven were found to be positive for PHA prod

Specialistexamen i klinisk kemi. Frivillig examination för ökad kompetens

The Swedish Society for Clinical Chemistry has now completed its second board examination for voluntary specialist diploma in clinical chemistry. The first day comprised a 6 hour written examination (about 20 essay questions). The second day was an oral examination in front of five clinical chemists representing different aspects of the specialty, firstly as questions on the subject as a whole and

A numerical study of the stiffness and strength of cross-laminated timber wall-to-floor connections under compression perpendicular to the grain

The use of cross-laminated timber (CLT) in multi-story buildings is increasing due to the potential of wood to reduce green house gas emissions and the high load-bearing capacity of CLT. Compression perpendicular to the grain (CPG) in CLT is an important design aspect, especially in multi-storied platform-type CLT buildings, where CPG stress develops in CLT floors due to loads from the roof or fro

Tests of Equal Forecasting Accuracy for Nested Models with Estimated CCE Factors*

In this article, we propose new tests of equal predictive ability between nested models when factor-augmented regressions are used to forecast. In contrast to the previous literature, the unknown factors are not estimated by principal components but by the common correlated effects (CCE) approach, which employs cross-sectional averages of blocks of variables. This makes for easy interpretation of

Recycling Nutrients and Reducing Carbon Emissions in the Baltic Sea Region—Sustainable or Economically Infeasible?

Ecotechnologies have the potential to reduce the use of finite resources while providing a variety of co-benefits to society, though they often lack in market competitiveness. In this study, we investigate the sustainability of ecotechnologies for recovering carbon and nutrients, and demonstrate how a so-called “bottom-up” approach can serve as a decision-making instrument. Based on three case stu