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Neural Dynamics of Speech Act Comprehension: An MEG Study of Naming and Requesting

The neurobiological basis and temporal dynamics of communicative language processing pose important yet unresolved questions. It has previously been suggested that comprehension of the communicative function of an utterance, i.e. the so-called speech act, is supported by an ensemble of neural networks, comprising lexico-semantic, action and mirror neuron as well as theory of mind circuits, all act

Active pollination favours sexual dimorphism in floral scent

Zoophilous flowers often transmit olfactory signals to attract pollinators. In plants with unisexual flowers, such signals are usually similar between the sexes because attraction of the same animal to both male and female flowers is essential for conspecific pollen transfer. Here, we present a remarkable example of sexual dimorphism in floral signal observed in reproductively highly specialized c

Including Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in the Carbon Footprint of Brazilian Beef

Effects of land use changes are starting to be included in estimates of life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so-called carbon footprints (CFs), from food production. Their omission can lead to serious underestimates, particularly for meat. Here we estimate emissions from the conversion of forest to pasture in the Legal Amazon Region (LAR) of Brazil and present a model to distribute the emiss

Genetic, environmental and life-style effects on androgen receptor function

Popular Abstract in Swedish De senaste årtiondena har det diskuteras om det finns anledning till oro när det gäller mannens reproduktionsfunktion. Vissa forskningsresultat tyder på att spermieantalet har minskat och fler män har diagnostiserats med testikelcancer och medfödda missbildningar av könsorganen än tidigare. Om detta beror på genetiska faktorer, livsstil eller miljöfaktorer, eller alla tAndrogens regulate male reproductive function and their effects are mediated through the androgen receptor (AR). The AR gene contains a polymorphic CAG repeat, encoding a stretch of glutamines, affecting the transcriptional activity of the AR. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a downstream target and is commonly used in the screening of prostate cancer. The relationship between CAG number and mal

The Dynamics of Plant Cell-Wall Polysaccharide Decomposition in Leaf-Cutting Ant Fungus Gardens

The degradation of live plant biomass in fungus gardens of leaf-cutting ants is poorly characterised but fundamental for understanding the mutual advantages and efficiency of this obligate nutritional symbiosis. Controversies about the extent to which the garden-symbiont Leucocoprinus gongylophorus degrades cellulose have hampered our understanding of the selection forces that induced large scale

Generic guide concepts for the European Spallation Source

The construction of the European Spoliation Source (ESS) faces many challenges from the neutron beam transport point of view: the spoliation source is specified as being driven by a 5 MW beam of protons, each with 2 GeV energy, and yet the requirements in instrument background suppression relative to measured signal vary between 10(-6) and 10(-8). The energetic particles, particularly above 20 MeV

Physiotherapists' experiences of physiotherapy interventions in scientific physiotherapy publications focusing on interventions for children with cerebral palsy: a qualitative phenomenographic approach

Background: Physiotherapy research concerning interventions for children with CP is often focused on collecting evidence of the superiority of particular therapeutic methods or treatment modalities. Articulating and documenting the use of theory, instrumentation and research design and the assumptions underlying physiotherapy research interventions are important. Physiotherapy interventions focusi

Robust Detection of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Signals in a Non-shielded Environment

Abstract in UndeterminedNuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) is a non-invasiveradio-frequency technique allowing for a practically unique%ngerprint for molecules containing quadrupolar nuclei,making the technique very promising for detection purposes.If properly excited, these nuclei will emit electromagnetic radiation,the frequency of which is governed mainly by wherein the molecule the nuclei are

War and the environment: International law and the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict - introduction to the special issue

Protection of the environment in times of armed conflict has traditionally been viewed through the lens of the laws of armed conflict or international humanitarian law. However, protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict encompasses consideration of other areas of law. The articles in this special issue explore the gaps and possible solutions for addresing the deficiencies of the

Projections of total hip replacement in Sweden from 2013 to 2030

Background and purpose - The continuously increasing demand for joint replacement surgery in the past decades imposes higher constraints on the budgets of hospitals and healthcare providers. We undertook an analysis of historical trends in total hip replacement performed in Sweden between 1968 and 2012 in order to provide projections of future demand. Data and methods - We obtained data on total h

Cantilever-like micromechanical sensors

The field of cantilever-based sensing emerged in the mid-1990s and is today a well-known technology for label-free sensing which holds promise as a technique for cheap, portable, sensitive and highly parallel analysis systems. The research in sensor realization as well as sensor applications has increased significantly over the past 10 years. In this review we will present the basic modes of opera