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Marknadsrisk i livförsäkringsprodukter med garanti. En optionsreplikations-studie av ”Nya världen”

Enligt Solvens 2-direktivet är Länsförsäkringar AB ålagda att varje kvartal kvantifiera ex-ante risken för bolagens skuld och samlade tillgångar. För tillgångssidan görs detta genom en simuleringsmodell, Economic Scenario Generator (ESG), och för kvantifiering av risken i bolagets skuldsida används andra simuleringstekniker. För fondförsäkringsprodukter med garantimoment är det svårt att hitta för

"Last month, it was a snowstorm" - A Study of the Use of 'It' as a Dummy Subject by Swedish L2 Learners of English

This study investigates whether Swedish students, at two different levels of study, are able to distinguish between ‘it’ and ‘there’ when using the two as dummy subjects. This particular feature was chosen since previous research (e.g. Estling- Vannestål, 2007; Köhlmyr, 2003; Davidsen-Nilsen & Harder, 2001 ) has shown that Swedish students tend to overuse ‘it’ in such constructions: something

The Particle wo in Japanese - From Exclamative Particle to Case Marker

This thesis investigates the different usages of the wo particle in the Japanese language, from the time of the earliest sources of the 8th century up until today, by presenting examples from different genres and time periods. It shows that the accusative function of the particle has remained in the language at least from the earliest sources while the exclamatory and interjectional usages started


ABSTRACT Title: A Typology of Brand Orientation Case Study of Corporate Brand Management Seminar date: 27/05/13 Course: Degree project in International Marketing and Brand management, Master Level, BUSN 39, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Authors: Christina Ericsson & Gustaf Holmblad Supervisor: Mats Urde Key words: Brand Orientation, CBIM Framework, Strategic Orientation, Market Orient

Lärares självförtroende i bedömarrollen och dess inverkan på samstämmighet i betygsättning

This study focuses on 6th grade Swedish teachers’ self-efficacy in the grading procedure, hypothesizing that high versus low self-efficacy will have an impact on the grade the teacher give an authentic short story. A total of 34 teachers answered the survey and the results showed that the teachers were inconclusive in their grading of the short story, and that self-efficacy and attitude towards th

Brandtätningar och brandcellsindelning - En fallstudie

The purpose of this diploma project is to identify what methods there are for fire sealing between fire compartments and to critically analyze the process and choice of fire seals in a specific construction project. The project is an apartment building belonging to Building class Br1, “Kvarter Frigg 1” in Helsingborg. The choice of which fire sealing method to use is controlled by Boverkets byggre

Forwards versus Options: Effectiveness in Hedging Currency Risk in International Portfolios

This paper aims to examine effectiveness of currency hedging of forward contracts and options in international portfolio, consisting of assets denominated in Chinese Yuan and Indian Rupee. Instead of applying Markowitz’s portfolio optimization, mean-CVaR framework is used in order to deal with non-normality of return of financial assets as well as exchange rates. In this paper, the finding shows t

Neither Assimilation nor Integration: The identity of the Turkish Diaspora in Sweden, A case study in Malmö

This research is to investigate and analyse an identity formation of an immigrant group in a host country. The author would like to understand immigrants’ identities as a diaspora community, by focusing on Turkish community in Sweden and identification process in terms of personal and collective identities, using the diaspora as a ground theory with semi-structured individual interviews in which n

Uchinaa-Yamatoguchi : Yet another endangered variety on Okinawa?

This thesis concerns the variety known as Uchinaa-Yamatoguchi, spoken on the island of Okinawa and smaller surrounding islands. By discussing mainly historical, political, and social factors, the aim is to elicit the processes which affect its vitality and consequently are instrumental in the formation of its future. As complements to the already existing material relevant to the subject, a survey

Misrepresentation under the Law of Ship Sale & Purchase A comparative study of various sale forms

Misrepresentation problems can happen in every ship sale & purchase form, this thesis aims at giving a deep analysis of misrepresentation under those second-hand ship sale & purchase forms. The misrepresentation in this thesis which normally is a wrong statement or a conduct and can be expressed by buyer or seller. For example, when a seller intends to hide information for keeping the pric

Flexible Workforce: The Political Economy of the Greek Garment Industry in the Era of Neoliberalism

This thesis set out to explain the emergence of production units that favour harsh working conditions in the garment industry of Athens. A neo-Marxist political economic approach was used in order to trace the causes of this emergence over the last fifty years and explain the transitional period from Fordism to flexible regimes of accumulation. The hollowing out of the Welfare State in favour of N

Aspects of Evacuation in Michelle Magorian's Good Night, Mr. Tom

Good Night, Mr. Tom (1981) by Michelle Magorian is a children’s book about a British boy called Will, who gets a better life when he is evacuated during World War II. He comes from a poor home where he has been severely abused by his mother. In contrast, he is healed and taken good care of in the countryside by the old recluse Tom who even risks his life for him. In books and articles describing t

Global design protection strategies for brand-essential designs

The importance of design in order to accentuate a market position becomes increasingly important in the commercial vehicle sector. As a result, the company leading the pack in terms of design and styling is facing immense imitation from western competitors as well as commercial vehicle manufacturers from emerging markets. In response, the company has adopted a strategy of using design protection o

Estimation of Time-Varying Hedge Ratios for Coffee

This paper will gain better insights of how to calculate the hedge ratio to reduce the basis risk and protect against the price volatility, which is caused by the mismatch between the spot and future prices. This will be done by calculating the time-varying hedge ratio for the Colombian mild Arabica coffee, using two BGARCH models, the diagonal BEKK and diagonal VECH. Four different hedging strate

Analysis and design of a new control system for aerodrome azimuthal guidance – The SAGA

This master thesis work consists of the development of new hardware and software for the control box of an azimuthal guidance system used by aircrafts during the approach to the runway. The thesis work was done at Safegate International AB as a project running along the usual development projects. When designing electronics to be used on an airfield there are a lot of regulations and standards t

Ne bis in Idem - the Charter and ECHR, Possible affects of the latest interpretation by the ECJ of the Ne Bis in Idem principle in the Haparanda Case.

Ne bis in idem is an evolving and current topic of EU law where recent case law has affected its application. The Swedish tax system contains administrative proceedings that can result in fines that can thereafter be followed (or initiated) with a criminal offence proceeding. The ECtHR revised its view on the Ne bis in Idem in Zolothukin v Russia and concluded that the Identity of the facts was de

Riskaversion och ansträngning vid prestationsbaserad ersättning - En kvantitativ studie på bostadsmäklare i Skåne

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Riskaversion och ansträngning vid prestationsbaserad ersättning Seminariedatum: 2013-06-07 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Malin Andersson, Martin Damm och Marcus Lindskog Andersson Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Agentteorin, Incitament, Prestationsbaserad ersättning, Riskaversion, Ansträngning Syf

Barnperspektivet i den sociala barnavården

Huvudansvaret för barns fostran och vårdnad ligger hos föräldrarna. Trots detta så har samhället en skyldighet att träda in då en förälder inte kan full-följa sin vårdnadsplikt. Detta ansvar återfinns i den sociala barnavården. Mycket har hänt inom den sociala barnavården det senaste århundradet, delvis på grund av en förändrad syn på barn och inte minst har Förenta nationernas konvention om barneThe main responsibility for the child's upbringing and custody lies in the hands of the parents. However, society has an obligation to step in when the parents can´t fulfill their duty of care. This responsibility is called the child welfare. Much has happened in the area of child welfare during the last century, partly because of a changed view of the child, but also because the United Nation