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How Do Designers Deal With Uncertainty

Uncertainty touches most aspects of life and cannot be avoided, anybody is frequently presented with situations wherein a decision must be made when he/she is uncertain of exactly how to proceed. Narrow down into Information Systems (IS) field, uncertainty could be regarded as a basic but difficult problem that every HCI designer need to deal with within their design process. The purpose of this t

What determines innovation in the manufacturing sector at the private firm level? Evidence from China

The objective of this study is to explore the determinant of innovation in the manufacturing sector at the private firm level in china. The data comes from the World Bank survey, China - Enterprise Survey Manufacturing Module (2012). In this paper, I used the broad definition of innovation that includes product and process innovation. Based on the survey answers, I sought to test four hypotheses b

Individuell Mätning och Debitering av komfortvärme och varmvatten

EU’s and the Swedish government’s requirements to lower the energy consumption for buildings are getting stricter. In April 30 2014 the law on energy metering (SFS 2014: 267) was issued. The law deals with energy metering in new construction and reconstruction, during 2015 a decision must be taken on how measurement in existing buildings should be handled. Individual metering and charging (IMC) co

Candidate biomarkers for drinking water quality: General bacteria, Sphingomonadaceae and Microcystin (algal toxin) - degrading gene in biofilms of infiltration ponds

One of infiltration ponds used in the preliminary step for drinking water production at Vombverket in the southern part of Sweden was set for the experiment in this study. The pond was split into two sides as one side received the source water from Vomb Lake and (untreated side). For another side, the water from the same source was pre-treated by DynaSand filter and PAC before transferred into the

Source Based Non-Minimal Adaptive Routing in Low Diameter Network Topologies

The latency of networks depends closely on the network diameter, which means that packets need to traverse a low number of switches in the network. Unfortunately, obtaining good performance in low-diameter networks is often difficult and requires a thorough understanding of both the characteristics of the network topology and the applications. This thesis investigates the characteristics of the l

Development of Recess Mounts for Fixed Dome Cameras

This report describes the development of new concepts for recess mounts for fixed dome surveillance cameras. Several customers have the need to install their fixed dome cameras recessed into the ceiling, to make them discreet and prevent them from protruding. The aim was to find a solution that offers easier installation, without compromising mechanical properties and cost of goods sold compared t

Effekten på artrikedom av kärlväxter vid gödsling av betesmarker

Emma Eckberg Effekten på artrikedom av kärlväxter vid gödsling av betesmarker I Sverige är den största orsaken till utarmningen av biologisk mångfald det moderna skogs- och jordbruket som förstör livsmiljöer för många arter. Arealen betesmark i Sverige har minskat med över 70 % sedan slutet av 1800-talet. Bevarade betesmarker hyser en hög biologisk mångfald och flera ekosystemtjänster. Många käThe major cause of the impoverishment of biological diversity in Sweden is the modernization of farming and forestry. Natural grasslands have high biodiversity and many important ecosystem services are based on biodiversity. The area of grasslands in Sweden has decreased by 70% since the late 1800s. Numerous species of vascular plants are dependent on grasslands that are unfertilized and grazed co

Food Packaging Trends for the Refrigerator

Issue of study: Consumers interact with primary food packaging and the refrigerator on a daily basis, although the interaction and impact food packaging has on the design of refrigerators is not clear. The Swedish home appliances company Electrolux, manufacturer’s refrigerators with the consumer needs in mind. The food packaging market is diversified in terms of formats, dimensions, functions and

Är någon bransch bättre på företagsförvärv?

Abstrakt Titel: Är någon bransch bättre på företagsförvärv? – Branschindelat värdeskapande via företagsförvärv. Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04/05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89 Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 poäng. Författare: Rickard Johansson, Albin Lagerqvist, Eric Marketoft, Henrik Nilsson Handledare: Rikard Larsson Nyckelord: Förvärv, Bransch, Börsvärde, Multipel regression, Sverige, KAbstract Title: Är någon bransch bättre på företagsförvärv? Branschindelat värdeskapande via företagsförvärv. Seminar date: 2015-06-04/05 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS-credits. Authors: Rickard Johansson, Albin Lagerqvist, Eric Marketoft, Henrik Nilsson Advisor: Rikard Larsson Key words: Acquisition, Industry, Market

The Feedback of Feedback: A Phenomenological Study at MAX IV Laboratory

This study investigates the meaning of "feedback" at MAX IV Laboratory using a phenomenological approach. Outcomes of the study contain: (a) significant themes that respondents speak about regarding “feedback”, including its forms and functions, interpretability, the role of culture, together-being, longing towards feedback, the perception of MAX Lab, etc.; (b) similarities and differenc

700C Roadster

The aim of this project is to investigate if it’s possible to make travelling more sustainable. To utilize a regular transporting system for the long distance but later switch to a greener method. To enhance the users experience this way. The thesis shows that this can be done with small effort and the right equipment. The resulting product, the 700C Roadster, is a fast contemporary traveler’s bi

Wind power and its impact on power prices in Denmark

Including wind power in the European power system may cause instability in the power market due to the uncontrollable generation capacity. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between Danish power prices and wind power produced in Denmark, both in terms of general dependence structure and the extreme dependence. Filtered observations of daily power prices and filtered obse

Cleaners and clients. A study on the contact between cleaners and clients.

The domestic cleaning business in Sweden has been controversial over a period of time, raising issues of “black” employment, exploitation and harassment of the cleaners. After 2007 the connection of the cleaning businesses with the state through the tax office, is claimed to have bettered the working conditions for the workers, interpreted through statistics, although qualitative researches are st

Retail and Consumer Perceptions on Paper Packaging for Flour in Indonesia -With Insights on Perceptions of Environmental Sustainability

Title (in English): Retail and Consumer Perceptions on Paper Packaging for Flour in Indonesia –with Insights on Perceptions of Environmental Sustainability Title (in Swedish): Handelns och konsumenternas uppfattningar om pappersförpackningar för mjöl i Indonesien - med insikter om hur de uppfattar miljömässig hållbarhet Author: Anindyaningrum Chrisant Rystiasih Divison: Packaging Logistics

Two Sides to the Same Coin: The Dual Life of Consultants in Employee and Employer Branding

Purpose: This research aims to gain an understanding on how consultants in small consultancies, who also hold internal human resource responsibilities, promote their organisation in employee and employer branding. Relevance: Due to the ambiguous consultancy profession and the high potential for individual influences on the corporate brand, branding becomes a very germane topic in our particular r

Statsstödsreglerna och innovationssystemet - en problematiserande redogörelse och konsekvensanalys

Företagsinkubation har vuxit fram till att bli ett viktigt politiskt verktyg för att stimulera entreprenörskap, innovation, företagande och regional utveckling. Inom innovationssystemet finansieras inkubatorer över hela landet med offentliga medel. Inkubatorernas uppgift är att erbjuda olika former av stöd, kompetens och nätverk för att accelerera utveckling av Sveriges framtida tillväxtbolag. De

Effekter av vestibulärt applicerat elektriskt brus på uppmärksamhet i en normalpopulation

Uppmärksamhet är väsentligt i våra dagliga liv, och oförmåga att bibehålla uppmärksamhet kan leda till svårigheter i skolan eller på arbetsplatsen. Med utgångspunkt i den neuropsykologiska teorin Moderate Brain Arousal, som förklarar bristande uppmärksamhet med dopaminergisk obalans, ämnar denna studie använda den nya metoden Stokastisk Vestibulär Stimulans för att förbättra förmågan till uppmärksAttention plays an important role in our everyday lives, and inability to sustain attention can lead to difficulties performing tasks related to school or work performance. Using the theoretical framework of the Moderate Brain Arousal theory, according to which attentional problems originate in a dopamine imbalance, this study seeks to utilize the new technology of stochastic vestibular stimulatio

An Investigation of the perceived decision making criteria of virgin angels in Sweden

It has been discussed how important the contributions of informal investors in supporting entrepreneurs and developing startups. The market for informal venture capital is almost invisible source of financing for entrepreneurial ventures, which can explain the difficulty of finding these investors. However, what if the entrepreneur were able to find virgin angel, private individuals who want to un

Svenska konsumenters referenspris och betalningsvilja för ekologiska livsmedel

Examensarbetets titel: Svenska konsumenters referenspris och betalningsvilja för ekologiska livsmedel Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Ida Frenning, Fredrik Klingvall, Robin Malmsten Handledare: Lars Carlman Nyckelord: Ekologiska livsmedel, Referenspris, Betalningsvilja, Upplevt pris, Köptillfällesmarknadsför