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High pressure X-ray scattering experiments of polyfluorenes at I711
Corporate responsibility and compliance with the law: land, dispossession and aftermath at Newmont’s Ahafo project in Ghana
An important part of responsible business practices is compliance with the law. This article details what actually happens when the laws of the host country fail to ensure adequate protection. The focus here is on land dispossession and loss of livelihood in relation to a gold mine project in central Ghana. How is it that a well-known international company—Newmont—with its own corporate social res
The surface core-level shift of the Pd(100) single-crystal surface
The surface core-level shift of the Pd(100) single-crystal surface has been measured from high-resolution Pd 3d core-level spectra. The surface atoms are found to have 0.44+or-0.03 eV lower binding energy than the bulk atoms. The result is compared with theoretical estimates.
Structure and synthesis of intracellular proteoglycan in HL-60 human leukemic promyelocytes
The structure, biosynthesis, and metabolism of proteoglycans in the HL-60 human promyelocytes were studied by metabolic labeling in culture with [35S]sulfate, [3H]glucosamine, [3H]serine, and [3H]leucine. These cells synthesize a single predominant species of intracellular proteoglycan with an approximate molecular weight of 100,000. The cells contain about 1 μg of proteoglycan/million cells. The
Dose-dependent stimulation of bone induction by basic fibroblast growth factor in rats
Implantation of demineralized bone matrix in rodents elicits a series of cellular events leading to the formation of new bone inside and adjacent to the implant. This process is believed to be initiated by an inductive protein present in bone matrix, and local growth factors may further regulate the process. We have previously shown that local application of recombinant human basic fibroblast grow
Proteoglycan fragments in knee joint fluid after exercise
The concentration of cartilage proteoglycan fragments in knee joint fluid was measured before and after one event of physical exercise in 33 healthy athletes. Nine athletes ran on a treadmill for 60 min, 16 ran on road for 80 min and 8 played one soccer game (90 min). Before exercise, the levels of proteoglycan fragments in the athlete joint fluid were lower than in a previously analyzed reference
Cartilage mechanics and morphology, synovitis and proteoglycan fragments in rabbit joint fluid after prosthetic meniscal substitution
The effects of meniscal substitution with a Dacron® or Teflon® prosthesis on rabbit knee-joint cartilage were studied by indentation tests, gross and histological inspection, analysis of proteoglycan fragments in joint fluid and an evaluation of synovial changes. Cartilage mechanics and cartilage morphology were similarly abnormal after meniscectomy and meniscal substitution. The elevated concentr
Temporal patterns of stromelysin-1, tissue inhibitor, and proteoglycan fragments in human knee joint fluid after injury to the cruciate ligament or meniscus
Stromelysin-1, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1), and proteoglycan fragments were quantified in knee synovial fluid samples in a cross-sectional study of patients who had injury to the anterior cruciate ligament or the meniscus. The average concentrations of stromelysin-1 and TIMP-1 increased 25-fold and 10-fold within the first day after the trauma, respectively, and the concentra
American Strategic Communication in Iraq : the “Rapid Reaction Media Team”
The purpose of this paper is to interpret an American military media strategy designed for the Iraq war from a perspective drawing on recent theoretical discussions of space and time. The material consists of a short white paper that was declassified under the Freedom of Information Act and published by the NSA in 2007. It outlines a ‘Rapid Reaction Media Team’ which was tasked with designing and
Diplomacy : Digital and Public
In this chapter, I will discuss alternative ways of understanding public and digital diplomacy. Rather than beginning with what these concepts are supposed to mean, I will argue that their main value is in signifying the intention to reform diplomatic organisations. I will then discuss the relationship of digital and public diplomacy to traditional diplomatic practices, and describe the expanded s
From charity to institutional development: Reflections on Newmont’s CSR strategies and conflict-avoidance in Ghana
In 2003 Newmont has signed an investment agreement with the government of Ghana that resulted in the inauguration in 2006 of the large, gold-producing project at Ahafo. The challenge for Newmont has been to resolve the initial conflict resulting from a land dispossession that brought communities close to famine and address the lingering tensions by working towards sustainable solutions. This artic
Restoration of the injured flexor tendon surface : A possible role for endotenon cells. A morphological study of the rabbit tendon in vivo
The ability of rabbit deep flexor tendons to restore the gliding surface and to heal, without the normal contribution of the superficial epitenon layer of the tendons, was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The epitenon layer was carefully removed, from defined segments of the tendons. The remaining central tendon tissue was divided, sutured and placed in diffusion chambers subcuta
Metalloproteinases, tissue inhibitor, and proteoglycan fragments in knee synovial fluid in human osteoarthritis
Objective. To determine the concentrations of human stromelysin-1, collagenase, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP), and proteoglycan fragments in knee synovial fluid in patients with injury to the meniscus or anterior cruciate ligament, posttraumatic osteoarthritis, primary osteoarthritis, or pyrophosphate arthritis. Methods. Synovial fluid samples were collected from patients with knee
Intraarticular injections of hyaluronan in patients with cartilage abnormalities and knee pain : A one-year double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Objective. To compare the effect of intraarticular injections of hyaluronan and placebo (vehicle, saline) in patients with knee pain on exertion and with joint cartilage abnormalities. Methods. Fifty-two patients with arthroscopically verified deep cartilage fissures and villus-like flakes in the symptomatic knee were randomly assigned to receive intraarticular injections of 2.5 ml of either hyalu
The release of aggrecan fragments into synovial fluid after joint injury and in osteoarthritis
Aggrecan fragments are released from human joint cartilage matrix into joint fluid after injury and in osteoarthritis (OA). The temporal patterns of release agree with changes in synthesis and degradation of aggrecan found in experimental animal models of OA. However, we are far from being able to use these molecular fragments to monitor human OA. The structures of the aggrecan fragments remaining
West European Public Diplomacy
There are many kinds of public diplomacy (PD) currently practiced inEurope. Perhaps the most familiar of these is the national level advocacyand cultural promotion work conducted by foreign and cultural ministries.This chapter explores the PD policies of the “big three” in Europe:France, Germany, and the United Kingdom (UK). Although the UK iswell represented in recent scholarly debates, there are
“Respect” Human Rights : Concept and Convergence
The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (‘GPs’) were unanimously endorsed in 2011 in the UN Human Rights Council and also recorded an unprecedented level of stakeholder support. Does this watershed signify a genuine convergence of expectations? Is the GPs’ conceptualization of the corporate ‘responsibility to respect’ (RtR) truly able to persuade and provide that focal point around whi
Structural features of Fe(II) hydroxo complexes in extremely concentrated alkaline solutions – an EXAFS/XANES study
Voluntary Reporting: The Global Compact
The presentation of the United Nation’s (UN) Global Compact (hereinafter “GC” or “Compact”) in a book dedicated to monitoring mechanisms requires an urgent clarification: the GC itself is not a monitoring mechanism meant to deliver corporate accountability. Still, the Compact is an important hub in a broader network of initiatives dealing with responsible business practices and corporate accountab