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Quantum computing with naturally trapped sub-nanometre-spaced ions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kvantdatorer har den unika egenskapen att de kan utföra samma beräkning för många olika startvärden samtidigt. Informationen i en vanlig dator är lagrad i ett minne som består av bitar, som kan ha värdena 1 eller 0. När ett program körs beror slutresultatet av startvärdena hos dessa bitar. Minnet i en kvantdator lagrar istället kvantbitar, som även de kan ha värdena 1 eThe main aim of this work, was to lay the foundations for the experimental realisation of a quantum mechanical controlled NOT gate in rare-earth-metal-ion-doped crystals. Small amounts of rare-earth elements, added during the growth of some inorganic crystals, will become substituted into the crystal lattice as trivalent ions. The trivalent rare-earth-metal ions between cerium, with atomic number

Inhibitory effect of barusiban and atosiban on oxytocin-induced contractions of myometrium from preterm and term pregnant women

BACKGROUND: A synthetic oxytocin analogue, barusiban, was shown to potently inhibit oxytocin-induced activity of myometrium from term pregnant women. The responsiveness to vasopressin was not influenced by the compound. OBJECTIVE: To test the effect of barusiban and a reference compound, atosiban, on oxytocin-induced activity of myometrium from women at preterm pregnancy in comparison to myometriu

Li insertion in thin film anatase TiO2: identification of a two-phase regime with photoelectron spectroscopy

Li insertion into a thin anatase TiO2 film is studied for the first time in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment. Using synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy, we demonstrate that the evaporated Li is inserted into the anatase and that the maximum amount that can be dissolved is 0.41 Li/Ti. Two most important properties are found in the UHV insertion process that can be directly relate

Word final aspiration as a phrase boundary cue: Data from spontaneous Swedish discourse

The Swedish sound string /at/ (graphically: att) is associated with two grammatical functions: a) (part of) a subordinate conjunction and b) as an infinitive marker. Previous studies connect final lengthening and pauses with prosodic and syntactic boundaries in spoken discourse. Following these findings, this pilot study, with 5 short spontaneous discourses from 3 male speakers shows a correlation

Experimental approach towards shell structure at Sn-100 and Ni-78

The status of experimental approach to Sn-100 and Ni-78 is reviewed. Revised single particle energies for neutrons are deduced for the N=Z=50 shell closure and evidence for low lying I-pi=2(+) and 3(-) states is presented. Moderate E2 polarization charges of 0.1 e and 0.6 e are found to reproduce the experimental data when core excitation of Sn-100 is properly accounted for in the shell model. For

Solvent induced control of energy transfer within Zn(II)-porphyrin dendrimers

Solvent induced optimization of energy transfer properties in a series of Zn(II)-porphyrin-appended dendrimers has been studied by means of exciton-exciton annihilation. Upon changing from a polar solvent (tetrahydrofuran) to a non-polar solvent (3-methyl-pentane), the annihilation energy transfer rates increase by 28-44%. This is related to a decrease of the hydrodynamic radius, which enhances th

Screening for pulmonary hypertension in systemic sclerosis: the longitudinal development of tricuspid gradient in 227 consecutive patients, 1992-2001.

Objective. To evaluate the longitudinal development of the tricuspid gradient (TG) for screening for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods. Doppler echocardiography was performed 506 times in order to estimate TG in 227 consecutive patients with SSc. The value of biochemical markers for predicting TG levels and development was assessed through analyses of pro-b

Comparison of anti-GBM antibodies in sera with or without ANCA

An appreciable percentage of patients with serum anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibodies also have antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), against either myeloperoxidase (MPO-ANCA), or proteinase 3 (PR3-ANCA). In sera without ANCA, the anti-GBM antibodies have been shown to react mainly with the noncollagenous domain (NC1) of Type IV collagen, and especially with its alpha 3

Exploiting Temperature Dependency in the Detection of NQR Signals

Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) offers an unequivocal method of detecting and identifying land mines. Unfortunately, the practical use of NQR is restricted by the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the means to improve the SNR are vital to enable a rapid, reliable, and convenient system. In this paper, an approximate maximum-likelihood detector (AML) is developed, exploiting the temperature d

Norm-dependent random matrix ensembles in external field and supersymmetry

The class of norm-dependent random matrix ensembles is studied in the presence of an external field. The probability density of the ensemble depends on the trace of the squared random matrices, but is otherwise arbitrary. An exact mapping to superspace is performed. A transformation formula is derived which gives the probability density in superspace as a single integral over the probability densi