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Child migration: historical and contemporary perspectives
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 promotes tolerogenic dendritic cells with functional migratory properties in NOD mice
The biologically active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], is able to promote the generation of tolerogenic mature dendritic cells (mDCs) with an impaired ability to activate autoreactive T cells. These cells could represent a reliable tool for the promotion or restoration of Ag-specific tolerance through vaccination strategies, for example in type 1 diabetes patients. Howe
Risk factors for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
Background and Aims: Results from prior studies of risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) are inconsistent. Few studies have investigated risk factors measured before the event and separately for different locations of ICH. We investigated risk factors for incident ICH in the population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort. Method: Baseline information, assessed by a questionnaire and in a
A Nordic Verfremdung : Bertolt Brecht's Exile in Denmark, Sweden and Finland 1933–1941
The essay gives a brief account of Brecht’s years of exile in Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Central to this story were his close relations with a number of cultural figures in the Nordic countries. The essay also discusses the way Brecht’s writing was transformed during his Nordic exile. It focuses on the fact that he wrote some of his best-known plays and developed his famous theory of Verfremdung
Ett oslagbart föredöme. Hans Ekdahl, 1934-2017, Minnesord
Minnesord över en uppskattad gymnasielektor utbildad vid Lunds universitet.
Euron och nationalstaten som aldrig försvann : Behöver Europa fler valutor?
Fredrik N G Andersson diskuterar i bokens sjätte kapitel den gemensamma valutan eurons problem och framtid. Andersson påpekar att utmaningen för euron inte är nationalstatens återkomst utan att nationalstaten aldrig försvann. För att vinsterna med en gemensam valuta skall överstiga kostnaderna måste euroländerna förenas i en politisk union som gemensamt utformar regler för bland annat skatter, arb
Probing the properties of event-by-event distributions in Hanbury-Brown–Twiss radii
Determinants of persistent asthma in young adults
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate determinants for the prognosis of asthma in a population-based cohort of young adults. Design: The study was a nine-year clinical follow up of 239 asthmatic subjects from an enriched population-based sample of 1,191 young adults, aged 20-44 years, who participated in an interviewer-administered questionnaire and clinical examination at baseline in 20
Association between age, gender and multimorbidity level and receiving home health care : a population-based Swedish study
BACKGROUND: Home health care is an important part of primary health care. How delivery of home health care is organised is probably important for sustainability of the healthcare system as a whole. More than 50 % of individuals over 65 years old have multimorbidity, which increases with higher age, also influencing the needs of home health care. Our aim was to study the proportion of the populatio
Pompeji i Stockholm : Historiserande hus som historia
Variation in physical, chemical and biological components in the subantarctic lakes of South Georgia
Physical, chemical and biological variables were quantified in 19 subantarctic lakes (South Georgia) as a prelude to comparing these pristine systems with temperate lakes and to improve the knowledge of spatial and temporal variation in water chemistry and abundances of organisms. Lakes close to the sea had higher phosphorus concentrations, contained higher abundances of most organisms, and had hi
Tidens död: Hörspel
Tidsresor är en realitet, men de är förbehållna en hemlig organisation, Evigheten, som manipulerar det förflutna. Uppfinningar och upptäckter som kan hota framtidens civilisation utraderas av specialiserade forskare och tekniker. Men Evighetens existens grundar sig på en omöjlighet - en paradox som kan förinta den. Tidens död är ett hörspel fritt baserad på Isaac Asimovs roman med samma namn.
Tillbaka till Renacer: Hörspel
Försommaren 2015 står Carina Ehrenholm på sin mormors begravning och pratar med Jimmy Martinez, som var ett av barnen på barnhemmet Renacer i Honduras, där Carina arbetade som volontär tjugo år tidigare. De har inte setts sen dess. Nu har han flyttat till Sverige, gift sig, skaffat barn och bor i en villa i Småland. Barnhemmet var av olika anledningar bådas hem under en period och nu möts de plöts
Utbildningsfältets professionalisering
Kapitlet behandlar det svenska utbildningsfältets professionalisering från kyrkligt förankrade kunskapsideal till skolundervisningens förvetenskapligande. Utbildningsfältet är avgränsat i förhållande till den högre utbildningens fält och omfattar utbildningar på grundskole- och gymnasienivå. I Bourdieus mening är fältet ett system av specialiserade institutioner och agenter (kyrka, stat, akademi,
Gene environmental interaction : The impact of persistent organohalogen pollutants on sperm characteristics and genital malformations
Tidig komplikation efter överviktskirurgi. Wernickes encefalopati uppstod inom tre månader hos 23-årig kvinna
Precision public health: mapping socioeconomic disparities in opioid dispensations at Swedish pharmacies by Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA)
BackgroundIn light of the opioid epidemic in the United States, there is growing concern about the use of opioids in Sweden as it may lead to misuse and overuse and, in turn, severe public health problems. However, little is known about the distribution of opioid use across different demographic and socioeconomic dimensions in the Swedish general population. Therefore, we applied an intersectional
Effects of extracellular calcium and magnesium on bile salt stimulated amylase release from rat pancreatic acini
The effects of extracellular calcium and magnesium on bile-salt-induced amylase release from rat pancreatic acini have been studied. The amylase releases caused by from 0.25 mM to 1.0 mM taurodeoxycholate (TDC) and by taurochenodeoxycholate (TCDC) at a concentration of more than 0.75 mM were reduced by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and increased by verapamil. EDTA and verapamil had no sig
Improving cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin monitoring in surface waters for drinking water supply
Cyanobacteria in fresh water can cause serious threats to drinking water supplies. Managing cyanobacterial blooms particularly at small drinking water treatment plants is challenging. Because large amount of cyanobacteria may cause clogging in the treatment process and various cyanotoxins are hard to remove, while they may cause severe health problems. There is lack of instructions of what cyanoba