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Aluminium chloride hexahydrate at 2% is insufficient to trace contact allergy to aluminium.
Tha age and regional correlation of the Svecofennian Geitfjell granite, Vestranden, Norway
Birger Sjöberg, Frida och filmen
Verkstadsarbetets historia
Recension av: Hirdman, Yvonne: Det tänkande hjärtat
Development and validation of a system for the generation, characterization and subsequent air- liquid interface studies of aerosol particles
Popular Abstract in Swedish Tänk dig ett system som kan bestämma hur olika typer av luftpartiklar skadar oss när dom hamnar i våra lungor. Ett system som dessutom kan skapa luftpartiklar för dessa studier vid behov och med väl uppmätta egenskaper. Denna avhandling handlar om just ett sådant system och experiment som är viktiga för att förstå om och hur det fungerar. Systemet kallas i denna avhandlExposure to nano-sized and nanostructured aerosol particles with tailored properties are likely to increase in society. Occupational exposure to various kinds of nanostructured aerosol particles such as soot and metal aggregates already exists. To understand the adverse human health effects of these particles, there is a need for systems that can Generate a stable output of aerosol particles, Char
Uppsåt i straffrätten - ur ett psykoanalytiskt perspektiv
I artikeln belyses uppsåtsrekvisitet i straffrätten ur ett psykoanalytiskt perspektiv.
Progressive Nationalism and Female Rule in Post-colonial South and Southeast Asia
Identification of Tyr-703 and Tyr-936 as the primary association sites for Grb2 and Grb7 in the c-Kit/stem cell factor receptor
In this paper we demonstrate the presence of two novel in vivo autophosphorylation sites in the c-Kit/stem cell factor receptor (c-Kit/SCFR): Tyr-703 in the kinase insert and Tyr-936 in the C-terminal tail. We furthermore demonstrate that the adapter protein Grb2 is a specific binding partner for both phosphorylated Tyr-703 and phosphorylated Tyr-936, whereas the adapter protein Grb7 binds selecti
Litteraturkrönika 2012
Anmälningar av nyutkomna böcker i nordiska språk och äldre nordisk litteratur
Juridikens allmänna läror
Recension av Beteendeproblem i skolan, Natur & Kultur, 2014
Neurotensin is released from the gut after fat intake and has a role in appetite regulations. Proneurotensin is a stable fragment of the neurotensin precursor hormone and fasting plasma proneurotensin levels have shown to be significantly associated with the development of cardiovascular disease in middle aged participants of the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study. Here, we aimed at replicating the initi
Gastrointestinal dysfunction contributes to weight loss in Huntington's disease mice.
Weight loss is the most important non-neurological complication of Huntington's disease (HD). It correlates with disease progression and affects the quality of life of HD patients, suggesting that it could be a valuable target for therapeutic intervention. The mechanism underlying weight loss in HD is unknown. Mutant huntingtin, the protein that causes the disease, is not only expressed in the bra
An integral operator on $Hsp p$ and Hardy's inequality.
Combined climate factors alleviate changes in gross soil nitrogen dynamics in heathlands
The ongoing climate change affects biogeochemical cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, but the magnitude and direction of this impact is yet unclear. To shed further light on the climate change impact, we investigated alterations in the soil nitrogen (N) cycling in a Danish heathland after 5 years of exposure to three climate change factors, i.e. warming, elevated CO2 (eCO(2)) and summer drought, ap
Radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field effects on the blood-brain barrier.
During the last century, mankind has introduced electricity and during the very last decades, the microwaves of the modern communication society have spread a totally new entity--the radiofrequency fields--around the world. How does this affect biology on Earth? The mammalian brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier, which prevents harmful substances from reaching the brain tissue. There is e
Metabolic factors and risk of thyroid cancer in the Metabolic syndrome and Cancer project (Me-Can).
OBJECTIVE: To investigate metabolic factors and their possible impact on risk of thyroid cancer. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted based on seven population-based cohorts in Norway, Austria, and Sweden, in the Metabolic syndrome and Cancer project (Me-Can). Altogether 578,700 men and women with a mean age of 44.0 years at baseline were followed for on average 12.0 years. Relative r
Molecular identification of bloodmeals and species composition in Culicoides biting midges.
Investigations of host preferences in haematophagous insects, including Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), are critical in order to assess transmission routes of vector-borne diseases. In this study, we collected and morphologically identified 164 blood-engorged Culicoides females caught in both light traps and permanent 12-m high suction traps during 2008-2010 in Sweden. Molecul