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Your search for "*" yielded 531848 hits
The roles of customers in M&A integration
Outsourcing a way to handle strategic change
Re-activating the Nordic welfare states: do we find a distinct universalistic mode
Requirements management for continuous software product development
Continuous software product development is increasingly becoming the norm. New requirements come in a constant stream and need to be assigned to projects to make it into a release. However, in the literature requirements management practices are project based and no longer naturally fit to this new setting. Aim: Thus, it is of interest to understand the industrial practices for the identification
Strategy as Pratice
Spatial interpolation of daily precipitation in China: 1951-2005
Smog Chamber Studies on SOA Formation from Gasoline Exhaust and Pure Precursors
Resilient Topology Design for Free Space Optical Cellular Backhaul Networking
Feasibility issues in shortest-path routing with traffic flow split
In the Internet’s autonomous systems packets are routed on shortest paths to their destinations. A related problem is how to find an admissible traffic routing configuration using paths that can be generated by a system of weights assigned to IP links. This problem is NP-hard. It can be formulated as a mixed-integer program and attempted with a branch-and-cut algorithm if effective cuts (valid ine
Droplet nucleation and growth in orographic clouds related to aerosol population
Steering the People: Vocational Education in Argentina and China at the Beginning of the 20th Century
Compliance Bargaining in the European Union
Workplace distress and ethical dilemmas among Swedish neuroscience nurses.
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Object-Tokens in High-Level Grafchart
The paper presents an high-level extension to Grafchart, a Grafcet-based toolbox for supervisory control applications. The extension allows tokens to be objects with attributes. Contrary to most high-level extensions to Petri Nets and Gracet it is not based on inscriptions.
Flow model analysis of an intelligent peripheral overload control strategy
Tuning of growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires and nanotrees by analytical electron microscopy
A "Truer" History. Reflections on Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony
Remiss: Kartellbekämpningsutredningens betänkande (SOU 2001:74) Kartellbekämpning
Kartellbekämpningsutredningen lämnar i delbetänkandet förslag beträffande villkor och former för nersättning av konkurrensskadeavgift, ökat sekretesskydd, kriminalisering och rättegångskostnader i konkurrensärenden. Utredningens förslag om villkor för nersättning av konkurrensskadeavgift är väl avvägda, överensstämmer med internationell praxis på ett till svenska förhållande anpassat sätt. Fakulte