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Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med hälsofrämjande interventioner och prevention för vuxna personer med psykisk ohälsa i primärvården

Bakgrund: Primärvården tillhör första linjens sjukvård, och det är hit många söker hjälp relaterat till sin hälsa. Psykisk ohälsa är vanligt förekommande bland patienter. Hälso- och sjukvården ska arbeta hälsofrämjande och preventivt med patienter med psykisk ohälsa. Det finns brist på studier om arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter relaterat till hälsofrämjande arbete och prevention. Syfte: Syftet var Background: Primary care is the frontline health care service that people first attend to when seeking care. Mental health problems and illness are common and healthcare needs to focus on health promotion and prevention of mental illness. There seems to be a lack of studies focusing on occupational therapists’ (OT) experiences related to health promotion and prevention. Aim: To describe the experi

Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete på digitala plattformar - Hur Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift, AFS 2001:1, påverkar de moderna plattformsföretagen

Denna uppsats undersöker förhållandet mellan plattformsföretag och arbetsmiljöreglerna i AFS 2001:1. Framväxten av delningsekonomin har inneburit att traditionella begrepp som arbetsgivare och arbetstagare, anpassade för bilaterala företagsstrukturer, har ställts på sin spets och att gränsdragningsproblematiken mellan ett anställningsförhållande och uppdragsförhållande blivit ett faktum i och med This thesis aims to examine the relationship between platform companies and the working environment regulation in AFS 2001:1. The development of the sharing economy has meant that traditional concepts like employer and employee have been questioned and that the differentiation between employment and self- employment have become more vague. The aim is primarily to discuss whether or not the platfor

When Synthetic Actors Suggest: Interaction Order of Recommender Systems on Social Media Platforms

The prevalence of algorithms and machine learning technologies in society opens up a vast sociological territory. In this thesis, I investigate interactions that transpire between users and recommender systems which statistically predicts and suggests specific items based on their and similar profiles’ data traces in the context of social media platforms in everyday life. Fusing several data colle

”Äldres psykiska mående kanske inte är så högt prioriterat.” : En studie om biståndshandläggarnas och kuratorers resonemang om samverkan kring äldres psykiska hälsa

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare och kuratorer, som möter äldre i sitt dagliga arbete, resonerar kring samverkan mellan socialtjänst och hälso– och sjukvården när det kommer till äldres psykiska ohälsa. Studien var av kvalitativ karaktär och innefattade sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorgen och tre kuratorer inom hälso- och sjuThe purpose of this study was to explore how care managers and counsellors, who meet seniors in their daily work, experience the interaction between social services and health care when it comes to the elderly's mental illness. The study had a qualitative approach and included six semi structured interviews with three care managers in senior care and three counsellors in health care. Questions

Exploring Strategic Communication Challenges in the Era of the Voice Assistant

Using machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies, voice assistant (VA) has become a new social phenomenon and a market game changer in multiple industries. This thesis focuses on the strategic communication challenges brought about by the VA. The researcher applies the theoretical framework of the communication value circle (CVC) and the gatekeeping theory (GK), adopting the applied


Obesity and diabetes are known to impact brain function and alter metabolism. Studies in rodents show that consumption of high fat and high sugar diets lead to brain dysfunction affecting memory and cognition, and increases risk of cerebro-vascular and neurodegenerative disorders. Striatum, which is involved in reward-based behaviour and motor control, undergoes changes on exposure to such diets l

Queer workers and workspaces: Stories about emotions and embodied experiences of LGBTQIA people in work-related spaces

The aim of this study is to map and investigate the embodied experiences of LGBTQIA people in work-related spaces. The study analyses stories of emotions and experiences based on gender, sexual orientation, and other social categories and how these intersect with normative workspaces. As such, I use spatial terms of norms to approach the questions of which bodies can move and inhabit what spaces w

Polens demokratiska utveckling 2015 till 2021

Abstract Title: Polens demokratiska utveckling 2015 till 2021 Course: STVA22, Uppsatsarbete 12hp Authors: Emma Bäckström, Malva Fors Holfält, Josephine Nilsson Advisor: Kalle Ekholm Key words: Bermeo; democratic consolidation; democratic backsliding; development; PiS; Poland; Linz & Stepan. Purpose: To describe and to explain the democratic backsliding of Poland between 2015 and 2021 Methodolo

Skyll på den artificiella intelligensen! - En utredning av skadeståndsansvar, utifrån skadeståndslagen, vid skador orsakade av artificiell intelligens

Världen befinner sig i en ny industriell revolution som drivs av den artificiella intelligensen. Den artificiella intelligensen genererar enastående effekter i samhället. Däremot, vad händer dagen den artificiella intelligensen orsakar skada? Denna revolution har därav aktualiserat en rad olika skadeståndsrättsliga frågor. I detta arbete utreds vad som förutsätts för ett skadeståndsrättsligt ansvaCurrently, there is an ongoing industrial revolution driven by artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence is an exceptional asset to society. However, the artificial intelligence has raised several tort law-related questions. This essay investigates the requirements that need to be fulfilled for an injured party to receive damages when damages are sustained to property or the human body.

Svällande brandstopp i fasadsystem - En experimentell studie

Blöta brandstopp, fungerar det i verkligheten? I luftspalter kan det monteras brandstopp som ska stoppa en brandspridning genom att de sväller vid en temperatur och stryper igen utrymmet som annars skulle agera som en skorsten. Under exempelvis en regnig svensk höst kommer det bli fuktigt i luftspalten och det kan till och med rinna vatten i luftspalten vilket är problematiskt för brandstoppet. Since many new techniques and new materials have been introduced in the construction of facades there is a need to better understand the behavior when exposed to a fire. Recent facade fires involving rainshield claddings have displayed major consequences regarding the personal safety of the occupants and towards an economic loss. More understanding is therefore needed to better prevent fires such

Brandrisker med hållbara byggnader - en litteraturstudie

The purpose of the report is to describe the development of green and environmentally friendly building solutions, and the awareness of fire safety when new materials and systems are chosen to make the buildings sustainable. The paper describes methods of certifying sustainable buildings and discusses fire safety in green building solutions rewarded in certifications. It also describes and discuss

Det moderna kontorslandskapet - En studie om ledares upplevelser av aktivitetsbaserat arbetssätt

The shift to an activity-based way of working entails a change in how we view our work and our workplace. Some years ago, not many people had heard of activity-based working, but today there are many organizations around the world that apply an activity-based approach. This report aims to describe and analyze leaders’ experiences of activity-based working in different organizations. For the method

Home-Country Bias and International Diversification - From an American investor’s perspective

Purpose: This thesis examines the home-country bias of the general U.S. investor and the possibilities for such an investor to diversify internationally. Moreover, it studies the optimal distribution between foreign holdings in emerging- and developed markets. The portfolio optimizations are considered through two investor profiles, one who aims to minimize her variance and one who seeks to maximi

Opre Roma! // Up, Romanies! : A Thematic Analysis of Appearance, Voice and Agency of Romani Media Activists’ Platforms in Sweden

This research is concerned with Romani media activists’ use of different online platforms in order to counter the stereotypical representation of Roma in dominant discourses, such as in mass media and state policies. Links are made between these platforms and the cultural context of Sweden that they are set in. Additionally, the following explores these platforms in connection to collective identi

Legitimate Green Marketing Communication: A Case Study on the Tour Operator TUI

Green marketing communication in the tour operating business is an emerging field of research. In recognition of green marketing communication researchers’ and practitioners’ within the tour operating business need to achieve a more profound understanding of legitimate green marketing communication. This is because of societies and especially millennials increasing sensitivity and scepticism towar

On the Use of Elliptic Curves in Public-Key Cryptography

Uppsatsen behandlar asymmetrisk kryptering över ändliga kropper och elliptiska kurver. Elliptiska kurver införs med hjälp av affint och projektivt rum. Uppsaten också ger en introduction till algoritmer som kan knäcka diskret logaritm problemet över kropper och elliptiska kurver.In this thesis, an introduction to public key cryptography over finite fields and elliptic curves is given. Elliptic curves are introduced using affine and projective spaces. The thesis also gives an introduction to algorithms that are able to break the discrete logarithm problem over finite fields and elliptic curves faster than an exhaustive search.

Centre-peripheral regional development and human capital distribution: peripheral experience within functional region of Stockholm

Studying knowledge-intense regional development from the perspective of classified periphery fills an identified gap in analysis and practice. It illustrates challenges, possibilities, and nuances current trajectory of centre-peripheral development. Exploring role and perspective of peripheral areas within regions, and thus marginalized places, can help increase cohesive, instead of fragmented, re

ESG Investing through ETFs - An effective way to circumvent volatility?

This study highlights relatively new investment phenomena such as ETF investing and forthcoming trends in placement strategies to incorporate long-term visions and sustainable holdings. ETFs are popular for several reasons, but the investment vehicle also has some embodied volatility, in contrast to more traditional securities, making them less desirable for the risk-averse investor. This thesis&#

Leadership and teamwork in safety-critical systems

Devastating catastrophes during the 1980s together with recent years’ fatal accidents, including the Boeing 737 MAX plane crashes in 2018 and 2019, have altogether highlighted the need for researchers’ attention within the field of safety-critical systems. Additionally, as a result from technological advancement and globalization, the prevalent complexity and ambiguity within today’s systems conti