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Re : Is Preoperative Assessment and Treatment of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Necessary for Reducing the Risk of Postoperative Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection After Urologic Surgical Procedures?
Uncontrolled asthmatics have increased FceRI+ and TGF-β–positive MCTC mast cells and collagen VI in the alveolar parenchyma
Background: Asthma has been associated with increased collagen deposition in both conducting airways and alveolar parenchyma. Mast cells (MCs) are key effector cells in asthma and have the ability to affect collagen synthesis. However, the link between clinical control and changes in bronchial and alveolar MC phenotypes and specific collagens in controlled and uncontrolled asthma remains unknown.
Rotational CARS thermometry and concentration measurements in ethane-nitrogen mixtures using Fourier analysis
Rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is an established diagnostic technique for thermometry and species concentration measurements of di-atomics and tri-atomics in combustion processes; however, studies on hydrocarbon fuel molecules have been scarce. In this work, we have investigated the diagnostic potential for rotational CARS on ethane with emphasis on concentration measureme
Modern Code Review: A Case Study at Google
Employing lightweight, tool-based code review of code changes (aka modern code review) has become the norm for a wide variety of open-source and industrial systems. In this paper, we make an exploratory investigation of modern code review at Google. Google introduced code review early on and evolved it over the years; our study sheds light on why Google introduced this practice and analyzes its cu
Design Thinking for Innovation in Retailing: An Exploratory Study
A computer simulation model of the natural history and economic impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
OBJECTIVE: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major health problem with high societal costs. The Global Initiative for Chronic Lung Disease (GOLD) has identified a need for health economics data for COPD. For chronic diseases, such as COPD, where the natural history of disease is lifetime, a modeling approach for economic evaluation may be more realistic than prospective, piggy-back
Fluctuating potentials in GaAs : Si nanowires: Critical reduction of the influence of polytypism on the electronic structure
In this work, the effects of Si doping in GaAs nanowires (NWs) grown on GaAs (111)B by molecular beam epitaxy with different Si doping levels (nominal free carrier concentrations of 1 × 1016, 8 × 1016, 1 × 1018 and 5 × 1018 cm-3) are deeply investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GID), photoluminescence (PL
Esther Gehlin
Esther Gehlin var en mycket produktiv konstnär, främst inom måleri, där stilleben, porträtt och landskapsmotiv kom att dominera. På 1940-talet blev hon en pionjär inom textil konst genom sina applikationer.
Emy Gisela Charlotta Trapp
Gisela Trapp var barnboksillustratör och konstnär. Hon var en nyckelperson i kretsen av svenska katolska konvertiter under 1900-talet och en av Helsingborgs stora mecenater.
I universitetens och samhällsvetenskapens kuperade landskap : På väg : En vänbok till Sven E. Olsson Hort
Rätten som instrument för borgerlig maktutövning
Expression and distribution of key proteins of the endocannabinoid system in the human seminal vesicles
The endocannabinoid system (ECS), comprising the cannabinoid receptors (CBR), their ligands, and enzymes controlling the turnover of endocannabinoids, has been suggested to be involved in male reproductive function. As information is scarce on the expression of the ECS in human male reproductive tissues, this study aimed to investigate by means of molecular biology (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistr
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Undervisningsmaterial som numera används vid Universitetet i Alcalá de Henares (Spanien) vid statligt subventionerad undervisning av invandrare
Cavefors : Förlagsprofil och mediala mytbilder i det svenska litteratursamhället 1959-1982
Bo Cavefors Bokförlag AB (translated into English, this Swedish name would read Bo Cavefors Publishing Co. Ltd., to be abbreviated Cavefors below, when no confusion between the person and the company is likely to exist) was a Swedish publishing company, active between 1959 and 1982. During this period this company published about 620 books in several genres and with varying topical approaches. In
Memory, Conviviality, and Coexistence : Negotiating Class Differences in Burgazadası, Istanbul
Forskare, musiker, lärare - reflektioner kring frizoner, systematik och förförståelse
Silent timber build - modelling acoustic characteristics of timber structures
In year 2017 the WWN+ project "Silent Timber Build" is finishing. The project focused on studying timber structures with regard to their sound insulation characteristics, both airborne sound insulation and impact sound insulation. The aim is to develop calculation models (and / or to provide input to standardized models) for various timber structures available in Europe but also to facilitate futu
Landscape configuration affects herbivore–parasitoid communities in oilseed rape
It is crucial to consider the effects of large-scale drivers on species presences and ecological interactions to understand what structures communities. In our study, we investigated how the species composition and the potential interaction networks of herbivore and parasitoid communities in oilseed rape fields are affected by agricultural landscape characteristics. Insect communities of 26 winter