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Aktionsforskning i samhällsarbete

The purpose was to examine action research in order to see if this form of research could be used in the work of the council Södra Innerstaden to describe and map the livingarea Södra Sofielund/Seved together with the people living in the area. Questions asked was: What is action research? How could an action research project be done in the work of Södra Innerstaden to describe and map the livinga

Att straffa barn - en studie om barnfängelser i England & Wales

This essay means to examine England and Wales juvenile prisons, how the judicial system and the system for imprisonment are constructed. It also means to clarify the background to this system, as well as what the theory for imprisonment of children is based on. In our essay we use a qualitative method, mostly based on written research, but we also use our own empirical study of Huntercombe Young O

"Kärleken, ja den är ju allsmäktig" : en studie om ungdomars syn på kärlek, sexualitet och samlevnad - hur reflekterar dagens ungdomar kring dessa teman?

The purpose of this essay was to study how youths view love, sexuality and coexistence. Our intention was to study how today’s adolescence reflect upon these matters. Our main questions were related to love, family constellation, reasons for breaking up from a relationship and the consequences that follow that, sex and questions concerning the gender aspect of a relationship. The study was qualita

Det rättsliga utrymmet för offentlig-privata FoU-samarbeten

Offentliga aktörers möjligheter att ingå forskningssamarbeten med privata partners begränsas genom såväl nationell rätt som EG-rätt. Trots detta finns ett ansenligt legalt utrymme för sådana samarbeten. För det första måste alla förhållanden som innebär att en offentlig aktör anförtror en privat aktör genomförandet av en ekonomisk aktivitet granskas under de EG-rättsliga regler som är tillämpliga

Behörighetsproblematiken i tvister som endast delvis omfattas av skiljeavtal - särskilt om utvecklingen av anknytningsdoktrinen i NJA 2007 s. 475 och NJA 2008 s. 120

Skiljeförfarandets tvistelösande funktion vilar uteslutande på avtalsrättslig grund. Det är nämligen skiljeavtalet som - till följd av dess verkan som rättegångshinder - medför en omstyrning av tvistlösningsform från rättegång till skiljeförfarande. De tvistefrågor som omfattas av skiljeavtalet ska avgöras av skiljemän, medan frågor som faller utanför skiljeavtalet ska avgöras av domstol. Skiljeav

"Det är för de dumma ögonen, mamma" : en studie av fem familjer med synskadade barn i Skåne

Purpose The purpose of this essay was to investigate the welfare level of five visually handicapped children and their families. I want to illustrate the obstacles and possibilities there are for the visually handicapped children to take part of the welfare that's indicated in the Swedish Government Official Report (SoU 2001:55). I also want to give a picture of the support the society gives t

Ungdomar och narkotikamissbruk

The purpose of the essay was to describe the use of drugs among adolescents in Sweden. Special emphasis has been laid on the differences between boys and girls. Central questions were: How to define drug abuse among adolescents? In what way has the use of drugs changed over time? Does the use of drugs differ between boys and girls? In what ways? The study was based entirely on secondary data. Alth

Engagement with armed groups? General discussion and case study.

This dissertation examines the legal accountability of armed opposition groups by looking at a range of different standards of accountability such as international human rights law, international humanitarian law, fundamental standards of humanity and national criminal law. The advantages and disadvantages of these different measures for the engagement with armed opposition groups are explored. Fo

Outsourcing och övergång av verksamhet - skyddet för den fortsatta anställningen och anställningsvillkoren

Förändrade förutsättningar på marknaden till följd av ökad internationalisering av ekonomi och handel, en hårdnande global konkurrens, ny teknologi, förbättrade kommunikationer samt framväxten av kunskaps- och tjänstesamhället har resulterat i en flexibiliseringsprocess, vars konsekvens är att företagens utveckling numera kännetecknas av en ständigt pågående strukturomvandling. Genom denna utveckl

Man tittar ju hellre på något vackert än något fult En undersökning om unga tjejers syn på medier och mediepåverkan

The purpose of this essay was to examine how young girls experience the media as a norm and which attitudes and values it creates within the group. Questions that have been discussed are: - In what way are the girls’ attitudes influenced by what media introduce? - What opinion do the girls have of the medias range and messages? - Do the girls have a view of media as a model, and how do they value

Kontaktfamiljsinsats, en vanlig insats inom SoL : vilka familjer erhåller biståndet?

In the swedish social legislation we have a measure called "contact-family". Contact families are ordinary people who will do a contribution to appointed children. The social welfare committe commissions the contact families. In Sweden "contact" family is the most used measure in the prevent social work welfare with children in riskzone. I have done an investigation in a commun

"Det som inte syns finns inte" (Anders) - en studie om barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar

The purpose of our essay, was to examine how it's like for a child growing up with a psychiatric disordered parent. We have chosen to see this from two perspectives, the professionals who meet children with a psychiatric disordered parent in their work, and now grown-up children who have own experience of this. Our questions were: - How did the childhood with a psychiatric disordered parent lo

Att komma ut med sin homosexualitet - En studie av ungdomsböcker om komma-ut-processen -

In a long time homosexuality has been a taboo. During the last century the attitude to homosexual people in Sweden has changed, e.g. today homosexual couples can be proved for adoption. But there are still prejustices and negative attitudes left. Most of the people who discover that they are interested in people with the same sex start as a teenager to consider if they are homosexual or not. The t

Hur dåligt mår våra barn?: har barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa försämrats, eller är det retorik

The purpose of this essay is to se if the mental illness of Swedish children has deteriorated or if it is a rhetorical issue. Are the newspapers overreacting and spreading the wrong messages?. Children seeking relief have increased, and the queues are long to get an appointment to a psychiatrist at the children- and youth psychiatry clinic. The daily newspapers are reporting that the numbers of gi

Samarbetets dimensioner : om samarbete mellan socialtjänst och psykiatri kring missbrukare med dubbeldiagnos

The aim of this essay was to examine and discuss the conception collaboration, both from earlier research and in a concrete practice, namely the work that pursues between the Social welfare and the psychiatry, against drog abusers with psychial illness in the authority of Simrishamn. My questions was: What is a collaboration and how can it be defined? What factors are deciding how the collaboratio

Vad vill Du att jag skall känna till? : om möten mellan anhöriga och personal i gruppboende för funktionshindrade

The aim of this essay was to examine, from the relative's angle, which actions and behaviour that had an effect on how the relatives valued the encounters with the personnel at so called group housing for persons with cognitive disabilities. The constructional frame of the investi-gation originated from two presumptions. Firstly that the encounter between people is af-fected both by the person

Varför sluta? - En intervjustudie om varför man slutar med droger efter en längre tids användning

The purpose of this essay was to find out why people who had used alcohol and narcotics for a long time, stoped using drugs. If there were any special occurrences, personal skills or surroundings that influenced sobernes. The main questions were: · Why stop using drugs? · How has the way to a drug free life turned out? · Were there any special occurrances or factors that started the drug free life

Beskattning av bostadsrätt

Bostadsrätter och andelar i bostadsförvaltande företag delas skatterättsligt in i äkta och oäkta bostadsrätter. Äkta bostadsrätter, eller andelar i äkta privatbostadsföretag som det heter efter införandet av Inkomstskattelagen, IL, har en lindrigare beskattning än de så kallat oäkta företagen. Därför är gränsdragningen mellan dessa former en viktig fråga. För att räknas som äkta privatbostadsföret