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Restructuring foreign worker policy and community transformation in Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the most rapidly growing economies in Asia and is blessed with foreign workers inflow to sustain the economic growth process. However, the strong national sentiments among the local community, which harbors ill perception towards the foreign workers, lead to regrettably vague policies concerning foreign workers. As far as this issue is concerned, Malaysia needs to reform the pol

Terra firma-forme dermatosis : Differential diagnosis and response to salicylic acid therapy

Terra firma-forme dermatosis (TFFD), first described by Duncan in 1987, is a relatively common but probably underdiagnosed condition, characterized by a reticular hyperpigmented dirtlike eruption resistant to washing with common soap but typically removed with rubbing with 70% isopropyl alcohol. We present a case of TFFD in an 8-year-old boy with rapid response to 5% salicylic acid in petrolatum o

Towards a standardized bioinformatics infrastructure for N- and O-glycomics

The mass spectrometry (MS)-based analysis of free polysaccharides and glycans released from proteins, lipids and proteoglycans increasingly relies on databases and software. Here, we review progress in the bioinformatics analysis of protein-released N- and O-linked glycans (N- and O-glycomics) and propose an e-infrastructure to overcome current deficits in data and experimental transparency. This

Efficacy of pre-participation cardiac evaluation recommendations among athletes participating in World Athletics Championships

Background Athletes competing in athletics (track and field) at international level may be participating with underlying undiagnosed life-threatening cardiovascular conditions. Our objective was to analyse variations in pre-participation cardiac evaluation prevalence among athletes participating in two International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Athletics Championships, with re

Maintainability of large-scale IoT

Operation and maintenance (O&M) is highly important to fight unplanned downtime, which is a costly consequence of the increasing automation enabled by digitalization. We will discuss O&M to enable seamless exchange of information in a hierarchical multi-vendor system, while ensuring individual vendors controlling what know-how to share.

Prevalence of Survival Without Major Comorbidities Among Adults Born Prematurely

Importance: Preterm birth has been associated with cardiometabolic, respiratory, and neuropsychiatric disorders in adulthood. However, the prevalence of survival without any major comorbidities is unknown. Objective: To determine the prevalence of survival without major comorbidities in adulthood among persons born preterm vs full-term. Design, Setting, and Participants: National cohort study of a

Drivers of increasing iron concentrations in freshwaters

På senare år har flera studier visat på att järnhalten ökar i sjöar och vattendrag i norra Europa. Järn spelar en nyckelroll i akvatiska miljöer genom att påverka tillgängligheten av andra näringsämnen i vattnet så som kväve och fosfor, vilket kan reglera tillväxten av växtplankton. Dessutom färgar järn tillsammans med organiskt material vatten brunt. När vattnet blir brunare försämras ljusklimateIron (Fe) concentrations are increasing in freshwaters (lakes and streams) in Sweden, as well as in other regions in northern Europe. Together with increasing concentrations of organic matter, Fe is contributing to the ongoing browning of freshwaters, which may have serious ecological consequences and implications for ecosystem services. The aim of this thesis was to investigated where, to what ex

Catholicism in Sweden : Embodying the ‘Church of Mission’?

Since its establishment in 1953, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Stockholm has been growing at a fast pace, both due to migration and, to a minor extent, conversions. During that time its position has strengthened significantly, wearing off the historical resentments and becoming a significant interfaith agent. It also became an important periphery in Pope Francis' vision of the Church, which found

Color Sound Symbolism in Natural Languages

This paper investigates the underlying cognitive processes of sound–color associations by connecting perceptual evidence from research on cross-modal correspondences to sound symbolic patterns in the words for colors in natural languages. Building upon earlier perceptual experiments, we hypothesized that sonorous and bright phonemes would be over-represented in the words for bright and saturated c

Worse health status, sleeping problems, and anxiety in 16-year-old students are associated with chronic musculoskeletal pain at three-year follow-up

Background: Chronic musculoskeletal pain is common in adolescents, and it has been shown that adolescents with pain may become young adults with pain. Pain often coincides with psychosomatic symptoms in adults, but little is known about longitudinal associations and predictors of pain in adolescents. The aim was to investigate chronic musculoskeletal pain and its associations with health status, s

Place brand communication for sustainable urban development

Place branding strategy and practice focus on making places attractive to draw the right type of people, ideas and capital to cities, countries, and regions (Dinnie, 2011; Kavaratzis, 2004). Recently, however, the commodification of urban space has caused a number of problems in cities linked to masstourism, gentrification, pollution, declining city centres, segregation, and social tensions due to

Voicing the organization on Instagram: Towards a performative understanding of employee voice

Much is currently expected from what PR campaigns involving social media canaccomplish with regard to strengthening employee voice. Previous research on voiceas a specific approach to employee relations has primarily relied on the effects andmechanisms of voice. There is scant research dealing with the processes and practicesof employee voice. This article outlines a performative approach to conce

Verification and Validation of the ARTU (Tunnel Fire Risk analysis) tool

This report presents the results of a set of verification and validation tests of a probabilistic risk assessment tool, named ARTU (Italian acronym for Risk Analysis in Tunnels), for road tunnel fire safety. This is performed along with a literature review to identify key factors that affect the tunnel fire risk along with inputs for the risk assessment tool. To perform the validation of the 1D fl

A direct solver for the phase retrieval problem in ptychographic imaging

Measurements achieved with ptychographic imaging are a special case of diffraction measurements. They are generated by illuminating small parts of a sample with, e.g., a focused X-ray beam. By shifting the sample, a set of far-field diffraction patterns of the whole sample is then obtained. From a mathematical point of view those measurements are the squared modulus of the windowed Fourier transfo

Mapping disparities in education across low- and middle-income countries

Educational attainment is an important social determinant of maternal, newborn, and child health1-3. As a tool for promoting gender equity, it has gained increasing traction in popular media, international aid strategies, and global agenda-setting4-6. The global health agenda is increasingly focused on evidence of precision public health, which illustrates the subnational distribution of disease a

Synchrotron-based phase-contrast micro-CT as a tool for understanding pulmonary vascular pathobiology and the 3-D microanatomy of alveolar capillary dysplasia

This study aimed to explore the value of synchrotron-based phase-contrast microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) in pulmonary vascular pathobiology. The microanatomy of the lung is complex with intricate branching patterns. Tissue sections are therefore difficult to interpret. Recruited intrapulmonary bronchopulmonary anastomoses (IBAs) have been described in several forms of pulmonary hypertension,

Cellular alterations identified in pluripotent stem cell-derived midbrain spheroids generated from a female patient with progressive external ophthalmoplegia and parkinsonism who carries a novel variation (p.Q811R) in the POLG1 gene

Variations in the POLG1 gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma, have recently been associated with Parkinson's disease (PD), especially in patients diagnosed with progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO). However, the majority of the studies reporting this association mainly focused on the genetic identification of the variation in POLG1 in PD patient prima