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Moisture risk evaluation and determination of required measures to avoid mould damage using the Folos 2D visual mould chart
There is an increased interest in and awareness of mould growth damage in buildings. Today’s mould growth models are limited to only presenting the risk of mould growth. They do not take into account underlying factors and other parameters that make it possible to establish necessary measures to limit or avoid the risk of mould growth. This paper presents a chart that can be used to determine thes
The Natural Philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg : A Study in the Conceptual Metaphors of the Mechanistic World-View
Although Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) is commonly known for his spiritual philosophy, his early career was focused unnatural science. During this period, Swedenborg thought of the world was like a gigantic machine, following the laws of mechanics and geometry. This volume analyzes this mechanistic worldview from the cognitive perspective, by means of a study of the metaphors in Swedenborg’s text
Policy-making under uncertainty: the case of carbon pricing in New Zealand
Processing Time – On the Manifestations and Activations of Historical Consciousness
Timber Engineering
Influences of Scandinavian Literature on Greek Literature
Abstract not available
Möten med motstånd : kultur, klass, kropp på vårdcentralen
This dissertaton is about a health care centre in Malmö, Sweden, and how the personnel reacted towards and created an understanding of a specific group of patients. Focus is on the encounter between the staff and the patients, who visited the health care centre regularly due to bodily pain and feelings of anxiety and were described by the medical staff as troublesome, complicated and difficult to
Den historiska romanen som vapen. Studier i Viktor Rydbergs ungdomsjournalistik och romanen Fribytaren på Östersjön
Den bild vi har av Viktor Rydberg brukar präglas av antingen idealiserande antikdyrkan, förbjuden "gossekärlek" eller av Göteborgsliberalismen. Det tidigare författarskapet har ofta uppfattats som omoget och melodramatiskt. I sin studie av Rydbergs tidiga artiklar, bl.a. i den politisk-satiriska tidskriften Tomtebissen, samt romanen Fribytaren på Östersjön ger Birthe Sjöberg nya aspekter på den un
Icelandic Dative Intervention
Ethical considerations in relation to personalised nutrition : An overview of Work Package 5, with respect to ethics
The objectives of Food4Me work package 5 included a baseline assessment of the ethical and legal aspects of personalised nutrition at the start of the project in 2011, as well as a final assessment at the end of the project (2015), taking into account results achieved in other work packages. The initial assessment made a number of ethical issues visible, most of them relating to the consumer of pe
Thermal stress on firefighters in extreme heat exposure
Five students of a rescue training school cycled at 50 W for 20 minutes at 20 °C before walking up to 30 minutes in a climatic chamber at 55 °C and 30 % relative humidity. Four different types of clothing ensembles were used differing in terms of thickness and thermal insulation value were tested on separate days. All subjects completed 28-30 minutes in light clothing, but quitted after 20-27 minu
Enchondromatosis: Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome
Mätmetoder och instrumentering för mätningar i vägkonstruktioner : en förstudie
Wilhelm Penser: advokat, Eslöv
Svenska kyrkans vägval
Subcontractors and Component Suppliers in the Swedish Wind Power Industry
Organizational coordination and costly communication with boundedly rational agents
How does costly communication affect organizational coordination? This paper develops a model of costly communication based on the weakest-link game and boundedly rational agents. Solving for the stochastically stable states, we find that communication increases the possibilities for efficient coordination compared to a setting where agents cannot communicate. But as agents face a trade-off betwee
Domsrätt och lagval vid elektronisk handel
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vilket lands domstolar är behöriga att lösa tvister som kan uppkomma till följd av elektroniska avtal där parterna hör hemma i olika länder? Vilket lands lag skall domstolen använda? Även om en svensk domstol är behörig är det inte säkert att den skall använda svensk lag. Dessa frågor sorterar inom ett ämnesområde som heter interationell privat- och processrätt. I avhanThis study addresses some of the private international law perspectives on electronic commerce, namely the matters of jurisdiction and choice of law. Electronic commerce is based on the formation of contracts, and when there are contracts, questions regarding legal issues arise. A distinctive trait of electronic business is that its activities are not bound by geographic borders in a traditional s
Urban poverty, social exclusion and social housing finance. The case of PRODEL in Nicaragua
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avsikten med denna avhandling är att förstå de viktiga begreppsmässiga och operativa utmaningar som internationella biståndsgivare, liksom offentliga och privata institutioner, möter när man utformar och genomför alternativa former av sociala bostadsfinansiering som skall vara inkluderande för den fattiga urbana befolkningen. Avhandllingen försöker besvara tre frågor, bThe purpose of the thesis is to further understand key conceptual and operational challenges that international aid donors, and public and private institutions, face while designing and implementing alternative forms of social housing finance which aim to be inclusive for the urban poor. Based on an in-depth study of the work of the Foundation for the Promotion of Local Development (PRODEL) in thr