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Post-COVID Potentials in Mental Health & Wellness Entrepreneurship

We aimed to map out the landscape of the Swedish mental health and wellness technology market in order to show that there is a growing community of mental health entrepreneurs focused on innovation, particularly in post-covid times. Prior to our work, the Swedish Mental Health Tech sector had not been mapped out or explored. We gathered information on Swedish Mental Health Tech businesses from pu

Intraoperativt blodtryck och dess inverkan på risken för postoperativt delirium - En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Postoperativt delirium (POD) är en relativt vanlig komplikation efter genomgången kirurgi och anestesi. Enligt sammanställd forskning drabbas 4 till 53 procent beroende på typ av kirurgi, ålder och tidigare sjukdomar. Det är en komplikation som skapar obehag för patienten, förlängd sjukhusvistelse och även ökad mortalitet. Flertalet faktorer förutom de ovan påverkar risken för att drabba

An Infrared Stellar Thermometer: Exploiting IGRINS Spectra

Genom att analysera stjärnors egenskaper, kan astronomer ta reda på hur både stjärnor och galaxer utvecklas och formas. Det främsta verktyget man använder till detta är så kallade spektra. När vitt ljus, från exempelvis en lampa, färdas genom ett prisma så ser man regnbågens färger på andra sidan prismat. Detta kallas för ett spektrum. När ljus exempelvis färdas genom ett moln, innan det delas uppUsing the infrared (IR) spectral range when measuring stellar spectra is beneficial compared to using the optical range mainly when observing distant stars through the dust dense interstellar regions in the Galactic mid-plane. Methods to determine stellar parameters from IR spectra are, however, not fully developed yet because technological difficulties in creating reliable IR detectors have slowe

The Potential of Diverse Technologies in Growth

A product-variety growth model is presented, featuring regions with diverse basic input prices, intermediate good technologies with randomly distributed usage intensities for those inputs, and technology improvement with usage eventually leading to the spread of these technologies. Exponential long-term growth is derived in the specified model. The probability of new technologies being immediately

The Story we share - en antropologisk studie av teaterimprovisation

This anthropological study looks at theater improv as a social phenomena and how experienced theater improvisers explain the experience of theater improv when it is at its best. This study also relate theater improv to the anthropological tradition of performance research, the construction of narratives and navigation of self within the framework of the social structures of society. The study sho

Energy performance and Climate impact of different prefabricated façade system

The objective of the degree project was to assess the average thermal transmittance and the climate impact of the façade. The studied prefabricated façade panels were the aluminium frame one, the insulated concrete sandwich and the wooden frame panel. The research approach consisted of five steps: the physical and thermal requirement of the panel was established; then the initial U-Value of each p

Exploring LGBTQ+ Well-being in Toiletscapes: A Case Study of Lund University

This thesis aims to critically investigate how a service organization’s physical spaces, particularly the toilet areas, impact LGBTQ+ individuals’ well-being. More particularly, this research focuses on Lund University in Sweden, a service organization with significant international and societal influence. As service organizations face pressures to become more socially and environmentally sustaina

Sharing is Caring - A Qualitative Case Study on The Relational Dynamic of Job Sharing Tandems

This study is aimed at developing a deeper understanding of the relational dynamic of tandem partners. Job sharing is a unique workplace arrangement that involves two individuals of equal standing who are closely collaborating and continuously interacting, each with accountability and responsibility to the tandem. The purpose of this study is to discover how the partners perceive their relatio

“Juste, fasen – jag läste ju socionomprogrammet!“ – En kvalitativ studie om nyexaminerade socionomers professionsidentitet

Swedish social workers are generalists and on the broad field of work are often employed with different titles. The profession of social workers is therefore considerably difficult to define. What does this mean for the social workers’ professional identity at large? The aim of this study was to give account to how newly graduated social workers experience and reason about their professional ident

Toward finding peremptory norms and obligations erga omnes

Jus cogens norms and obligations erga omnes are concepts within international law that are often used to reinforce legal claims. This thesis aims to assess to what extent invoking these concepts, along with their reinforcing capabilities, is justified in specific cases. In order to achieve this, the thesis first gives an overview of the theoretical debate surrounding the concepts of jus cogens no

Restprodukter inom skrotbaserad stålindustri – en fallstudie av Uddeholms AB. Värdeskapande materialströmmar och industriell symbios för ökad samhällsnytta

Hur kan restmaterial från stålindustrin användas för att minska uttaget av naturresurser? Ett vanligt användningsområde av exempelvis stålslagg är som konstruktionsmaterial vid sluttäckning av deponier. Genom att använda slagg för detta ändamål kan mängden deponerat material minska, samtidigt som man kraftigt minskar behovet av vanligt täckmaterial, såsom grus och jord. Stålslagg kan även användasA variety of excess material is produced in the processes used in the scrap-metal based steel industry. The largest stream of material, by volume, is steel slag. Since slag material has very different properties and wide differences in its chemical composition its usage can be found in different sectors. The increased understanding of slag and its properties has made companies less prone to divert

En kvantitativ studie om intelligent kameraövervakning utifrån personens subjektiva inkomstnivå

The aim of this study is to examine different subjective income levels perceptions of security in relation to intelligent camera surveillance. The police argue that the intelligent surveillance cameras will increase the experience of feeling secure. Camera surveillance was a controversial practice even before the implementation of AI and its implementation means that "smart" functions ca

Does Sustainability Matter? Analysis of the Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Financial Markets in the Context of Acquisitions

The concept of sustainable investing has gained importance in recent years, considering the growing share of sustainable investments compared to the total volume of global investments. The rise of sustainable investment has not only led to changes on the part of investors, but also to changes of a strategic nature on the part of companies. In this context, Green Mergers and Acquisitions represent

“PS. If I go missing... i have been banned again” - A netnographic study of users’ opposition to algorithmic censorship of the female body on Instagram

As algorithmically-driven content moderation has become a common feature of social media platforms to suppress communications deemed undesirable, scholars have started to examine users’ relations to algorithmic systems and problems of machine bias and governmentality. While most researchers have focused on the negative aspects of censorship, few have explored the possibilities of users to oppose a

Themes of (de)legitimation on the burial of aborted fetuses: the Italian pro-life and pro-choice movements

In Italy, all aborted fetuses are required to be buried. However, when thousands of fetuses graves were found displaying a cross with the name of the person who had aborted, the practice was contested. The aim of this study is to examine the justifications behind the mobilization of the pro-life and pro-choice movements in Italy around the practice of the burial of aborted fetuses. Through the ana

Vad önskar kvinnor och män hos en idealpartner? - En studie om betydelsen av personliga värderingar och intressen

Uppsatsen avsåg att undersöka 1) vilka egenskaper respondenterna rapporterade som viktiga hos en idealpartner, 2) om det fanns skillnader i till vilken grad kvinnor och män matchade en idealpartners egenskaper med sina egna egenskaper och 3) hur viktigt det var för kvinnor respektive män att deras idealpartner delade liknande egenskaper. 211 deltagare (154 kvinnor, 56 män, 1 genderqueer) deltog i The thesis intended to investigate 1) which characteristics the respondents reported as important in an ideal partner, 2) whether there were differences in the extent to which women and men matched an ideal partner's characteristics with their own characteristics and 3) how important it was for women and men that their ideal partner shared similar characteristics. 211 participants (154 women,

Old Habits Die Hard - A Case Study on the Implications of Privatization on Institutional Logics

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to understand how a privatization process affects a company’s institutional logic in the presence of path dependence mechanisms, and to delineate the implications this has on the firm’s value creation strategy. Theoretical Perspectives: This thesis builds upon general ownership theories from the perspective of institutional logics. To these perspectives, path

Tandtroll i den sociala barnavården - Socialsekreterares arbete med utanför hemmet placerade barns tandhälsa

For decades international research has shown that children in out-of-home care have poor dental health compared to their peers. Although new and more rigorous health regulations have been introduced to the Swedish child welfare authority system, this has not been enough to solve the problem. The aim of this study was to examine how child welfare secretaries relate to regulations concerning their r

Government Support for Semiconductors & International Trade Disciplines - Proposed Chips Act for Europe within the Frame of WTO Commitments

The global semiconductor industry has benefited from a period of intense geographic specialization, yet faces the growing prospect of a new era of turbulence in international trade relations. Severely disrupted by exogenous shocks in global supply chains, the ability of the industry to cater to ceaseless demand growth is jeopardized by an increasing number of initiatives proposed for most industri

Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Humidity Sensor Data

Detecting anomalies in loT sensor devices for humidity is crucial for the maintenance and safety of households and buildings. An Auto-Encoder (AE) can detect anomalies in sensor data. However, the reality is that most sensor data is unlabelled, while it is recommended to use labelled data when training the model for anomaly detection with AE. Therefore together with Sensative AB we developed a Lon