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Manual annotation of evaluative language expressions : bridging discourse and corpus approaches

The analysis of evaluation in text poses significant methodological challenges, which mainly arise from the fact that: a) evaluative meanings can be expressed through an open-ended range of lexico-grammatical resources; b) they can span multiple words; c) context and co-text play a key role in determining the evaluative meaning of words or phrases; d) the interpretation of evaluation in text depen

‘The red seedlings’ of the Central Highlands: The social relatedness and political integration of selected ethnic minority groups in post-war Vietnam”

Based on an ethnographic study among selected ethnic minority groups in Kon Tum province of the Central Highlands of Vietnam, this paper discusses how popular discourses about social-cultural differences between the ‘civilized’ lowland majority Kinh people and ‘backward’ upland minority groups impact on political participation of the local people. Popular assumptions contend that ethnic minorities

n exact ab initio theory of quantum transport using TDDFT and nonequilibrium Green’s functions

We present an exact ab initio theory for describing the motion of interacting electrons through nanoscopic constrictions. Our theory is based on time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and nonequilibrium Green functions. We consider the system electrode-device-electrode initially contacted and in equilibrium, therefore the scheme is thermodynamically consistent. Besides the steady-state r

Religiös ickerealism och referens till Gud

An objection against religious nonrealism is that it cannot account for the reference to God, since God is seen to be a human construction, and not a metaphysically existing entity. However, as traditional theories of reference are insufficient in explaining everyday language references to so-called non-existing entities, the criticism is not valid.

“Crime fiction at the service of society – on some perils in the making of a Scandinavian film town”

Crime fiction at the service of society – on some perils in the making of a Scandinavian film town During the last decades, regional film funds and tax breaks have altered the geography of European film production. Film and other forms of audiovisual media are increasingly produced in places far from where such activities customarily occurred. Sweden may be among the countries where the tendency