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Biologisk psykologi

Den biologiska psykologin har under senare år, tillsammans med andra vetenskaper som rör hjärnan, utvecklats till ett mycket aktivt och framgångsrikt forskningsområde. I detta kapitel kommer vi ofta att röra oss i gränsområden till andra vetenskaper - som utvecklingslära, genetik, neurofysiologi och neurokemi - för att presentera en karta över detta expansiva område.

Molecular Breeding of Sugar Beet, Transformation, Transgene silencing, Virus and Herbicide resistance

Popular Abstract in Swedish Molekylär förädling på sockerbeta, Transformation, Transgene utsläckning, Virus och Herbicid resistensThe main objectives in sugar beet breeding, are to improve yield, quality and to develop disease resistance. The disease resistance may be developed either by conventional, or molecular breeding techniques. The molecular breeding techniques include, methods to genetically engineer plants for expression of introduced genes. A necessity for the production of transgenic plants, is the development of

Cereal Proteins. Interfacial and Physicochemical Properties

The main theme of this thesis is the interfacial properties of cereal proteins from wheat and rye. Some aspects of dough bulk properties are also included. The proteins studied are of interest for the stabilisation of gas cells and the mechanism of gas retention, and the rheological properties of a bread dough. The interfacial properties were investigated by using methods such as film balance, el

Calculation of antenna radiation center using angular momentum

An algorithm to compute the Radiation Center of an antenna based on the Spherical Wave Expansion is introduced. The method is based on the angular momentum vector that is uniquely defined for any antenna far field pattern. The radiation center is defined as the phase reference point where the angular momentum is minimized and corresponds to minimizing the phase variations in the antenna far field

In and Out of Focus: The Cultural Dynamics of Mediation and Landscape

There are interesting links between older viewing aids like the 1800th Century Claude Glass and recent photographic consumer products like the iPhone application Instagram and the spread of HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography. I will examine these links by juxtaposing them to some issues raised by landscape- and environmental art, as well as theoretical discussions of mediation and landscape. The