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Digital Disruption and Rethinking the ‘Script’ of Peace Mediation

This article focuses on the quest for digitalisation in peace mediation and to the extent to which digital disruption is reshaping its practices. While digitalisation in the wider field of diplomacy has seen dramatic changes in its practices, peace mediation is a ‘latecomer’. The article explores the constitutive effects on specific norms and practices of peace mediation and identifies opportuniti

Comparison of decomposition algorithms for identification of single motor units in ultrafast ultrasound image sequences of low force voluntary skeletal muscle contractions

Objective: In this study, the aim was to compare the performance of four spatiotemporal decomposition algorithms (stICA, stJADE, stSOBI, and sPCA) and parameters for identifying single motor units in human skeletal muscle under voluntary isometric contractions in ultrafast ultrasound image sequences as an extension of a previous study. The performance was quantified using two measures: (1) the sim

Health impact assessment of road traffic noise exposure based on different densification scenarios in Malmö, Sweden

While urbanization provides many opportunities to those arriving in thriving urban areas, a greater number of residents necessitates the expansion of housing and infrastructure. This is often achieved through densification, which can lead to increased noise, particularly through increased road traffic. A key challenge of promoting healthy urban planning is to understand potential health effects, e

Stop to recharge will be a thing of the past

Electric road systems can be defined as a system transferring energy from a road to an electric vehicle while the vehicle is in motion, either to power the vehicle’s movement or to charge its batteries. This thesis aimed to investigate how this relatively new technology of electric road systems could be implemented in a port. The research was conducted by having a two-fold research purpose. Firstl

Socionomstudenters attityder gentemot socialtjänsten - En kvantitativ studie om hur socionomstudenters erfarenheter av socialtjänsten påverkar deras attityder.

The purpose of this study was to investigate social work students at Lund University's attitudes toward social services in Sweden and analyze the potential connection between the student's previous experience with social services and their attitudes using the Tripartite model of perspectives presented by Rosenberg and Hovland (1960). This study is based on a quantitative approach using an

Complementary Pathways: Pledging Protection at the Edges of EU Law

In September 2020, the EU Commission published the New Pact on Migration and Asylum in order to offer ‘fresh start’ for EU migration law and policy. Complementary pathways for admission to EU territory were among the proposals set out in the Pact. This article takes stock of the different measures suggested by the Commission to create such complementary pathways. It suggests that the aim of creati

Between Self-Determination, Consistency and Rights Protection: Process-Based Review in Expulsion Cases under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights

Den här uppsatsen undersöker Europadomstolens praxis gällande utvisningar av personer som har begått brott, som hävdar att deras utvisning strider mot Artikel 8 av Europakonventionen. Uppsatsen undersöker hur domstolen har använt sig av den nationella beslutsprocessens kvalitet som ett argument för att komma fram till sin slutsats i sådana fall. Uppsatsen utgår från premissen att utvisningar som bThis thesis examines the practice of the European Court of Human Rights to decide expulsion cases implicating migrants with criminal record under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights by use of process-based review. It departs from the premise that such expulsions do not violate absolute rights but constitute interferences with a qualified right, which allows for infringements neces

Vad är problemet egentligen? En diskursanalys av implementeringen av delat ledarskap i särskilt boende för äldre i Lunds kommun

The aim of this study has been to study the process of implementing shared leadership in special housing for the elderly in the Health- and welfare administration of Lund. Therefore we have analysed the decisions and the decision-making process through discourse analysis. Carol Bacchi’s WPR analysis has provided us with a method to analyse the policy-making process and deconstruct the problem repr

Killing women, making headlines : Exploring the representation of femicide in Chilean online news media

Femicide is the lethal form of gender-based violence (GBV) and is a reflection of our unequal societies and power relations between women and men. This present study is investigating how femicide is represented in the online news media with the argument that it has the ability to shape and form the perceptions and understanding of femicide in the public debate, hence either contributing or counter

Eroding Sands of Affordable Housing: Exploring coastal property market and perceptions of neighbourhood change

This study examines the burgeoning patterns of the phenomenon of new-build gentrification. This phenomenon reflects a social justice imbalance, where affluence takes precedence over equitable access and the interests of economically vulnerable groups, in shaping urban spaces. While economic and environmental sustainability have been prioritized in urbanization goals, the social dimensions, includi

Neutron Veto Inefficiency Studies with FLUKA for the LDMX Hadronic Calorimeter

Dark matter accounts for about 85% of all matter in the Universe, yet its particle nature remains unknown. The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is a proposed fixed-target missing-momentum experiment that intends to probe the predominantly experimentally uncharted MeV-GeV mass range for "light dark matter". A significant challenge for LDMX is to efficiently veto rare photo-nuclear back

Geometric uncertainties in voluntary deep inspiration breath hold radiotherapy for locally advanced lung cancer

Background and purposeDeep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) increases lung volume and can potentially reduce treatment-related toxicity in locally advanced lung cancer. We estimated geometric uncertainties in visually guided voluntary DIBH and derived the appropriate treatment margins for different image-guidance strategies.Material and methodsSeventeen patients were included prospectively. An optic

Towards an understanding of the role of private foundations in economic regional development in Germany

Private philanthropic foundations can be funded by the wealth of individu-als. These private foundations can focus on a certain region and its eco-nomic development. Existing Economic Geography literature has no de-fined role for such foundations in their frameworks. This empirically driven thesis aims to contribute to closing this research gap by examining the case of the Dieter Schwarz foundatio

Tuning percolation speed in layer-by-layer assembled polyaniline- nanocellulose composite films

Polyaniline of low molecular weight (ca. 10 kDa) is combined with cellulose nanofibrils (sisal, 4-5 nm average cross-sectional edge length, with surface sulphate ester groups) in an electrostatic layer-by-layer deposition process to form thin nano-composite films on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) substrates. AFM analysis suggests a growth in thickness of ca. 4 nm per layer. Stable and strongly adher

Legal uncertainty in the scrutiny of hub-and-spoke arrangements under Article 101(1) TFEU: A proposal to reinforce Commission’s guidance for Horizontal Cooperation Agreements

Direct or indirect exchange of commercially sensitive information between competitors is prohibited by Article 101(1) TFEU. Such disclosures enable undertakings to collude, that is, to trade practical cooperation for the risks of competition. Collusion is detrimental for consumer welfare as it allows the colluding parties to raise prices, reduce output and to share markets and customers. Due to th

Frälsningsarméns verksamhet - En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring handlingskompetens i arbetet mot människohandel för sexuella ändamål

The aim of this study was to investigate The Salvation Army's work with human trafficking for sexual purposes since it is a specialized organization in civil society that has a long history of working with this issue. Research shows that overall, the Swedish agencies neither have the competence, nor the knowledge, needed to meet the issue. We, as coming social workers wanted to investigate wha

The Plight of the Pangolin: Key patterns enabling the illegal wildlife trade of pangolins in Namibia - A multi-perspective case study

The pangolin is the most trafficked mammal on earth and is believed to be on the brink of extinction. However, in many affected countries including Namibia, research and conservation efforts do not match their endangered status. Despite strict wildlife legislations, the level of illegal wildlife trade remains high, especially impacting Namibia’s rural communities. Thus, the aim of this thesis is t

Investigating The Role Of Tumour Suppressor Genes In Salamander Regeneration And Tumorigenesis Through CRISPR Screens

Looking At Tumour Suppressor Genes Of A Tumour Resistant Species Salamanders like Pleurodeles waltl are tailed amphibians capable of regenerating complex structures like entire organs and limbs. Therefore, they are great models to study the process of regeneration. Regeneration involves cells of the injured tissue going through a lot of growth, division, and migration to reconstruct the original

Konkursboets rättsliga ställning efter avslutad konkurs - Om upplösta konkursbons rättskapacitet och partsbehörighet

Uppsatsens syfte är att bidra till förståelsen om konkursboets rättsliga ställning och undersöka i vilken utsträckning ett konkursbo kan erkännas rättskapacitet och partsbehörighet efter konkursens avslut. Konkursboet är en juridisk person och har både rättskapacitet och partsbehörighet. När konkursen avslutas ska konkursboet upplösas. Konkursboet förlorar därmed som utgångspunkt både sin rättskapThe purpose of the thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the legal status of the bankruptcy estate and to examine the extent to which a bankruptcy estate can be recognised as having legal capacity and party capacity after the completion of the bankruptcy. The bankruptcy estate is a legal entity that has both legal capacity and party capacity. When the bankruptcy is completed, the bankrup