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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Telomere length is not a main factor for the development of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in the TEDDY study

The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study enrolled 8676 children, 3-4 months of age, born with HLA-susceptibility genotypes for islet autoimmunity (IA) and type 1 diabetes (T1D). Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was performed in 1119 children in a nested case-control study design. Telomere length was estimated from WGS data using five tools: Computel, Telseq, Telomerecat,

The differential-algebraic Windkessel model with power as input

The lack of methods to evaluate mechanical function of donated hearts in the context of transplantation imposes large precautionary margins, translating into a low utilization rate of donor organs. This has spawned research into cyber-physical models constituting artificial afterloads (arterial trees), that can serve to evaluate the contractile capacity of the donor heart.The Windkessel model is a

Underskatta inte Putin och den ryska militären

Putins invasion av Ukraina var – till skillnad från vad vissa menat – högst väntat och Putins agerande är i linje med den ryska säkerhetspolitiska strategin. Putin är varken galen eller oförutsägbar. Det är också för tidigt att säga att den ryska invasionen är misslyckad eftersom att mycket tyder på att den ryska strategin går ut på att utmatta motståndaren. Det skriver statsvetaren Ardavan KhoshnPutin's invasion of Ukraine was - contrary to popular belief - highly anticipated and Putin's actions are in line with Russia's security policy strategy. Putin is neither crazy nor unpredictable. It is also too early to say that the Russian invasion has failed because there are many indications that the Russian strategy is to exhaust the opponent. This is what political scientist Ardavan Khoshnood

An Integrated InSAR-Machine Learning Approach for Ground Deformation Rate Modeling in Arid Areas

Land subsidence is an increasing human-induced disaster that not only damages building and transportation structures but also diminishes the water storage capacity of the aquifers. Land subsidence is a very complex phenomenon impacted by various geo-environmental and hydrological factors. Application of the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is becoming a common approach to detect la

Exit spirals in hospital clinics: Conceptualizing turnover contagion among nursing staff

This article introduces the concept of the exit spiral to conceptualize processes in which poorly functioning hospital clinics or wards enter a phase of decline due to widespread dissatisfaction among staff, prompting turnover contagion. In describing and analyzing cases amassed during observations and interviews, the article provides tools to identify, analyze and halt exit spirals. Once a hospit

City-wide model-based analysis of heat recovery from wastewater using an uncertainty-based approach

Around 90% of the energy requirement for urban water systems management is for heating domestic tap water. In addition, the energy content of wastewater is mainly in the form of heat (85%). Hence, there is an obvious interest in recovering a large portion of this heat. However, city-wide scenario analyses that evaluate heat recovery at various locations while considering impacts on wastewater trea

Production of (anti-) He 3 and (anti-) H 3 in p-Pb collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV

The transverse momentum (pT) differential yields of (anti-)He3 and (anti-)H3 measured in p-Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are presented. The ratios of the pT-integrated yields of (anti-)He3 and (anti-)H3 to the proton yields are reported, as well as the pT dependence of the coalescence parameters B3 for (anti-)He3 and (anti-)H3. For (anti-)He3, the re

Anytime reliable transmission of real-valued information through digital noisy channels

The problem of reliably transmitting a real-va lued random vector through a digital noisy channel is relevant for the design of distributed estimation and control techniques over networked systems. One important example consists in the remote state estimation under communication constraints. In this case, an anytime transmission scheme consists of an encoder-which maps the real vector into a seque

Overproduction of human Zip (SLC39) zinc transporters in saccharomyces cerevisiae for biophysical characterization

Zinc constitutes the second most abundant transition metal in the human body, and it is implicated in numerous cellular processes, including cell division, DNA and protein synthesis as well as for the catalytic activity of many enzymes. Two major membrane protein families facilitate zinc homeostasis in the animal kingdom, i.e., Zrt/Irt‐like proteins (ZIPs aka solute carrier 39, SLC39, family) and

Pollen-Based Maps of Past Regional Vegetation Cover in Europe Over 12 Millennia—Evaluation and Potential

Realistic and accurate reconstructions of past vegetation cover are necessary to study past environmental changes. This is important since the effects of human land-use changes (e.g. agriculture, deforestation and afforestation/reforestation) on biodiversity and climate are still under debate. Over the last decade, development, validation, and application of pollen-vegetation relationship models h

Right heart structure, geometry and function assessed by echocardiography in 6-Year-old children born extremely preterm-a population-based cohort study

Preterm birth has been associated with altered cardiac phenotype in adults. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that children surviving extremely preterm birth have important structural or functional changes of the right heart or pulmonary circulation. We also examined relations between birth size, gestational age, neonatal diagnoses of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and patent ductus arteriosus

SparseJSR: A fast algorithm to compute joint spectral radius via sparse SOS decompositions

This paper focuses on the computation of the joint spectral radius (JSR), when the involved matrices are sparse. We provide a sparse variant of the procedure proposed by Parrilo and Jadbabaie to compute upper bounds of the JSR by means of sum-of-squares (SOS) programming. Our resulting iterative algorithm, called SparseJSR, is based on the term sparsity SOS (TSSOS) framework developed by Wang, Mag

Coulomb excitation of Rn 222

The nature of quadrupole and octupole collectivity in Rn222 was investigated by determining the electric-quadrupole (E2) and octupole (E3) matrix elements using subbarrier, multistep Coulomb excitation. The radioactive Rn222 beam, accelerated to 4.23 MeV/u, was provided by the HIE-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Data were collected in the Miniball γ-ray spectrometer following the bombardment of two targe

Bias Versus Non-Convexity in Compressed Sensing

Cardinality and rank functions are ideal ways of regularizing under-determined linear systems, but optimization of the resulting formulations is made difficult since both these penalties are non-convex and discontinuous. The most common remedy is to instead use the ℓ1- and nuclear norms. While these are convex and can therefore be reliably optimized, they suffer from a shrinking bias that degrades

Prevalence of alcohol consumption in most at-risk groups in Iran : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Introduction: Many studies have assessed the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Iran. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of alcohol consumption in different groups. Material and Methods: We searched international and databases including PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and we searched two main Farsi-language index databases including Scientific Information Database (SID) and the Irandoc

New diagnostic approaches to monitor irrigating fluid absorption

Vid titthålskirurgi, så kallad endoskopi, används ofta spolvätskor för att vidga och skölja rent operationsfältet. I kontakt med kroppens vävnader finns det då risk att vätskan absorberas d.v.s. tas upp i kroppen. Vid skrapning av prostatan eller livmodern är det vanligt att 9 respektive 15 liter spolvätska används. Om ojordad elektrisk bränning används måste spolvätskan vara saltfri då den annars

High-dose intravenous infusion of irrigating fluids containing glycine and mannitol in the pig

BACKGROUND: Large-scale absorption of electrolyte-free irrigating fluid during endoscopic surgery may result in a "transurethral resection syndrome." The severity of the syndrome can probably be modified by using mannitol 5% instead of the most widely used glycine 1.5%.METHODS: Seventeen pigs with a mean body weight of 22 (range 19-26) kg received an intravenous infusion of 100 mL kg(-1) h(-1) of

Right Ventricular Functional Reserve in Early-Stage Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis : An Exercise Two-Dimensional Speckle Tracking Doppler Echocardiography Study

BACKGROUND: The most important determinant of long-term survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the right ventricular (RV) adaptation to the increased pulmonary vascular resistance. Our aim was to explore RV contractile reserve during stress echocardiography in early-stage IPF.METHODS: Fifty early-stage patients with IPF and 50 healthy control patients underwent rest and stress