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In my thesis work I have explored the relationship between site and building. As the focal point for my studies I have had a, too me, very familiar site in the outskirts of the village of Höör in the centre of Skåne. e site has been the property of my grandfather who took care of the place until he got to old to do it. I spend a lot of time here when visiting my grandparents as a kid. Today my mot

An Application of the Continuous Wavelet Transform to Financial Time Series

Wavelet theory, which shares fundamental concepts with windowed Fourier analysis, introduces the notion of scale in an effort to aid in joint time-frequency analysis. Having century-old roots, much of the essential research on the subject of wavelets was conducted during the 1970s and 1980s. Despite being a rather young toolset, wavelets have shown to be very useful when studying signals with tran

Modellering och optimering av TMP:s kristallisator

För en kemisk industri är lönsamhet av största vikt, vilket uppnås via effektivisering av tillverkningsprocessen och ökad försäljning. I TMP-fabriken har man nu nått maximal produktionskapacitet genom att undersöka specifika driftparametrars inverkan på produktionshastigheten. För att komma vidare och kunna öka produktionshastigheten ytterligare måste varje steg utvärderas, modelleras och optimeraThe aim of this thesis work was to create a model describing the crystallization process of sodium formate and to calibrate this model to real process data. Sodium formate is a by-product formed during the production of Trimethylolpropane (TMP). The model used is based on the population balance equation and include crystallization mechanisms such as particle nucleation, growth and agglomeration. T

The Sorrows of Young Jude - Sartre’s Concept of Freedom in Hanya Yanagihara’s A Little Life

Hanya Yanagihara’s novel A Little Life (2015) is about Jude St Francis, a successful lawyer whose inability to recover from his traumatic childhood causes him to commit suicide. This essay investigates why Jude is able to control and alter certain aspects of his life, but how he still is ultimately and finally dominated by his emotional trauma. By applying the theory on freedom in Jean-Paul Sartre

Economic Discrepancy in East Asia Assessing East Asia’s Economic Diversity Through Manufacturing

This paper analyzes the economic diversity among East Asian countries through the channel of manufacturing industries. Using industrial data for the period 2002-2012, the presence of unconditional convergence in manufacturing is detected, suggesting its significance to the industrial divergence among these countries. The uneven manufacturing development can be explained using a version of the Heck

The Science of Oil Spills: Understanding the Policy Shift During the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

In the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 the spill mitigation response focused heavily on coastal protection, a method recommended by government scientists—despite the fact that the majority of the spill was contained in the water column and never threatened the coast. A few months into the spill, the response policy shifted to include deepwater dimensions, something independent

Det Unheimliche och hemmet

Under mina sista år som student på arkitektskolan i Lund har jag flera gånger stött på något som jag uppfattar som en diskrepans mellan människors upplevda trygghet av och den statistiskt kartlagda säkerheten för ett givet rum eller plats. Det är för mig intressant hur ett ställe som Stureplan i Stockholm, berömt för dess nattliv men också ökänt för dess höga nivåer av kriminalitet, kan uppfattas Several times over the last few years, I have come across what I identify as a considerable discrepancy between a person’s perceived sense of security and the statistically based safety of a given space or place. It is interesting that a place, like Stureplan in Stockholm, famous for its nightlife yet statistically proven to be “dangerous”, could be perceived as far more pleasant than the dark, bu

Man ska inte anta för mycket

Vad krävs för att människor ska säga att en individ har utsatts för diskriminering? Tidigare forskning har framhävt främst två sätt att förklara vad som påverkar människor när de säger att diskriminering skett. Dessa är att människor baserar sin attribution på sin förförståelse om situationen och de som drabbas s.k. prototyper (“kvinnor har historiskt sett blivit mer diskriminerade”), samt att mänWhat is required for people to say that an individual has been discriminated against? Previous research has primarily focused on two ways of explaining what factors are at play when someone says discrimination has occurred. These claim that people base their attribution on their perceptions about the situation and victim, so called prototypes ("women have historically been more discriminated

Women's Empowerment - A discourse analysis of the women's empowerment concept in UN Women

The concept of women’s empowerment is subject to much debate within the development field. This thesis seeks to uncover the meaning of the concept by examining the prevailing discourse of women’s empowerment within UN Women. Several historical and contemporary theorists within the empowerment debate, such as Naila Kabeer, Srilatha Batliwala and Amartya Sen, are touched upon and applied in the anal

Cyklisk jakt och flykt i planet

Vi har n=3 insekter: S1, S2 och S3 placerade i ett plan. Insekterna kommer då, oavsett hur de placeras i planet, kunna ses som hörnen i en triangel. Vi låter sedan insekterna jaga varandra cykliskt. Hur ser vägen ut som insekterna tar? Redan 1877 formulerade Edouard Lucas denna fråga och sedan dess har problemet studerats och även kompletterats med nya frågor av flera forskare. Till exempel kan maLet n bugs constitute the corners of an n-sided polygon. If the bugs cyclically pursue each other, the positions of the bugs will satisfy a system of ordinary differential equations, which we study. We examine the system for different n, but focus on the case n=3. When n=3, the bugs form a triangle. In this case, the solution will converge to some point. We study how the convergence occur. Ignori

Inconspicuously foreign: Everyday identity work within the Faroese diaspora in Copenhagen

The aim of this study is to explore the identity work of members of the Faroese diaspora in Copenhagen from a sociological perspective. Building on a symbolic interactionist view of social interaction, I explore the strategies of presentation of self in a diasporic environment, in which members adapt their role performances according to ongoing changes to rules of interaction. Using my own insight

Boy Beats Up Boy: Homophobia and Gender Performativity in David Levithan’s 'Boy Meets Boy' and Jonathan Tropper’s 'The Book of Joe'

The essay explored two young adult novels with LGBT+ content. This was done through two research questions. The first research question explored how the male homosexual identities were constructed by examining representations of gender binaries and homophobia. Secondly, the essay examined in what ways the novels might be used to inform Swedish students about the issues that face the LGBT+ communit

Friskrivning från ansvar vid grov vårdslöshet - Ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

Avtalsfriheten i svensk avtalsrätt ger utrymme för parter att friskriva sig eller begränsa från ansvar som annars följer av dispositiv rätt. Sådana friskrivningar fyller särskilt viktiga ekonomiska funktioner såsom riskallokering och prisstyrning. Ofta har hävdats att man inte med rättslig verkan kan åberopa en friskrivningsklausul för skada som vållats genom grov vårdslöshet. Det kan numera konstThe contractual freedom in Swedish contract law allows parties to restrict their liability and cap the value of claims for future damages. Such exclusion clauses fill important economic functions such as risk allocation and price control. However, it has often been argued that such clause has no legal effect when caused by gross negligence. It can now be noted that the principle of gross negligenc

Optimizing cross-linking to study the interactions between AQP0 and CaM and AQP2 and LIP5

Mammals express thirteen different isoforms of the membrane-bound water channel aquaporin in a tissue-dependent manner. From a medical point of view, two of the most studied isoforms are aquaporin (AQP0), also known as major intrinsic protein and aquaporin 2 (AQP2). AQP0 is exclusively expressed in the mammalian eye lens and responsible for the transport of water across lens fiber cell membranes t

Försvarligt självförsvar? - Begränsningar i brottsoffrets rätt till nödvärn

Nödvärnsrätt regleras i 24:1 BrB och är en ansvarsfrihetsgrund som ger en angripen person rätt till självförsvar inom vissa ramar. Begränsningarna för rätten till nödvärn görs dels genom nödvärnsparagrafens försvarlighetsbedömning, och dels genom excessparagrafens bedömning i 24:6 BrB om en person svårligen har kunnat besinna sig. I försvarlighetsbedömningen ska domstolen ta hänsyn till angreppetsThe right of self-defence is a justification found in chapter 24 § 1 of the Swedish Penal Code which grants a person the right to use defensive force in certain circumstances. The conditions are stated partly by the right of self-defence and partly through the rule of excessive self-defence found in chapter 24 § 6 of the Swedish Penal Code. It is up to the court to assess various factors such as t

Myndighetsrekommendationer i rättskipningen - Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens användning av Skatteverkets icke-bindande regler i ljuset av regeringsformens normsystem

I denna uppsats granskas Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens användning av icke-bindande myndighetsregler, rekommendationer, vid rättskipningen i skattemål i relation till regeringsformens normsystem. Detta görs genom att använda en rättsdogmatisk metod med ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv och en internkritisk syn på rättsordningen. Regeringsformens norm- och normgivningssystem ställer upp strikta ramar The thesis examines the use of non-binding administrative regulation, or recommendations, in the tax case law of the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court in light of the hierarchy of regulation prescribed by the Instrument of Government. This is done using a legal-dogmatic method with a development perspective and an internally critical view of the law. The hierarchy of regulation and law-making

SeqCapAnalyst, a pipeline for analyzing Sequence Capture data in avian malaria

SeqCapAnalyst is a pipeline to process .fastq files, producing the standard files as well as statistics useful for singling out good targets for Sequence Capture probes. Rather than speed, it is optimized for flexibility and ease of modification. SeqCapAnalyst is predominantly written in bash, with one module written in Python. The pipeline was tested on sequence capture data which was obtained f


Mikropartiklar är mer än 100 gånger mindre än ett hårstrå. De brukar användas som behållare för läkemedel eller för att markera enskilda molekyler. För dessa ändamål måste ytan på mikropartiklarna modifieras med olika kemiska grupper. Jag har i detta arbete undersökt olika metoder för att binda in protein till mikropartiklar. Som modellsystem valdes mikropartiklar tillverkade av plasten polystyrenMicroparticles of various sizes carrying different surface modifications have numerous technological and biomedical applications, for example to create a larger target for a molecular receptor by binding multiply ligands to the surface of the microparticle. The aim of the present work is to study how to most efficiently couple protein molecules to the surface of such microparticles. In the current