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Boundary-signalling in discourse: the case of Swedish men, an ambiguous cue word
Results from an on-going study of discourse boundary marking involving the Swedish cue word men and its associated local acoustic and lexical parameters are presented
Crew Resource Management, Threat and Error Management and Assessment of CRM skills – current situation and development of knowledge, methods and practice
User requirements for design and evaluation of a system for communication of requirements for health and wellbeing
Quantitative aspects of Teacher Talk.
Abstract is not available
Svensk filmhistoriografi: om kanonbildning och tolkningsstrategier
The power of institutations
The cultural landscape in the Krageholm area during the Bronze Age
A description of the cultural landscape in the Krageholm area, southern Sweden, during the Bronze Age.
'Människoartens utplåning kan inte uteslutas': om en hotad planet
Customer-Perceived Service-Quality and Technology-Based Self-Service
Popular Abstract in Swedish I litteraturen kring marknadsföring av tjänster har det i flera sammanhang diskuterats hur tjänster baserade på kombinationer av kundmedverkan och teknologi kan erbjudas till kunden. Exempel som behandlats är bankers uttagsautomater, självbetjäning på bensinstationer och automatiska banktjänster över telefon. Innan man kan presentera sådana rekommendationer behövs det gThis doctoral thesis deals with consumers’ attitudes towards serving them-selves with machines rather than being served by personnel. Its aim is to contribute to the theory of perceived service quality by providing a better understanding of customers’ attitudes and preferences when using technology-based self-service. In addition to aspects of service dealt with by traditional service-quality rese
Autobiography and the psychological study of religious lives
This volume positions itself on the cutting edge of two fields in psychology that enjoy rapidly increasing attention: both the study of human lives and some core domains of such lives as religion and spirituality are high on the agenda of current research and teaching. Biographies and autobiographies are being approached in new ways and have become central to the study of human lives as an object
Miljöpsykologins uppkomst och utveckling i Sverige
Miljöpsykologins utveckling i Sverige behandlas under rubrikerna: Intresset vaknar hos arkitekterna; Arkitekturpsykologin växer fram; Rumsperception och kognitiva kartor, Psykofysik och ergonomi; Forskning om stress och återhämtning; samspelet mellan fysisk och social miljö; Människans miljöpåverkan; Några milstolpar inom svensk miljöpsykologi; Miljöpsykologiska metoder samt Teori och tillämpning
Strategic Networks as Institutional Change: The Rich Wetlands of Kristianstad
Ekonomiska effekter av resfria möten
De ekonomiska effekterna av resfria möten (RM) har jämförts med en organisations omsättning och beräknas i snitt uppgå till: reducerat behov tjänsteresor: 1 procent; ökade IT-kostnader: 0,25 procent och insparad restid: 0,5 procent. Effekten av ökad effektivitet och flexibilitet för de anställda och för organisationen är mer svårbedömd; men den kan vara lika stor som de andra effekterna tillsamman
The Post-Washington Consensus in Mozambique
Social cartography mapping in theory and practice: a method for visualizing discourse and social change
Crystallographic Studies of Ternary Chalcogenides and Organic Semiconductors
X-ray diffraction methods have been used to study the crystal structure of different compounds, both organic and inorganic. The inorganic compounds were all synthesized by solid state reactions. A new compound, Re4As6S3, was synthesized and its structure was solved by Rietveld methods. Re4As6S3 is a cluster compound described by a rock-salt-type arrangement of ReAsS3- and As5- clusters. This stru
The Role of Phosphodiesterase 3B in the Regulation of Insulin Secretion
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är en s.k. sammanläggningsavhandling och innehåller tre delarbeten. Delarbete I är publicerat, delarbete II är under revision inför publikation och delarbete III är i manuskriptform. Syftet med mina studier har varit att undersöka regleringen av insulinsekretion från de insulinproducerande cellerna i bukspottkörteln med fokus på ett specifikt protein - Pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance are the two hallmarks of type 2 diabetes. An early sign of beta-cell dysfunction is impaired nutrient-induced insulin release. Several insulin secretagogues act by increasing the formation of intracellular cAMP. Thus, accurate regulation of cAMP is of vital importance for the ability of the beta-cell to respond properly to these stimuli. The
Two Swedish Lighting Retrofits: a Hotel and a Military Barrack
Public Services and State Aid – is a Decentralisation of State Aid Policy Necessary?
The impact of European Union law on the regional and local levels in the Member States has been underestimated for a long time now. Today, however, it is clear that the impact of European Union law on these levels is important, not least as a consequence of the deregulation that has been carried out in most Member States in recent years. As local markets open up for competition, the scope of EU la