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Learning firms in learning regions: Innovation, Cooperation, and Social Capital
Utvärdering av gästföreläsare
I många kurser anlitas gästföreläsare. Är de värda vad de kostar? Föreläser exempelvis alltid en inbjuden professor på den professorsnivå hon/han får betalt för? Vi anlitar även gästföreläsare från näringslivet för att höja trovärdigheten och kvalitén på våra kurser, men hur väl gör de egentligen detta? Dessa frågor har väkts hos oss under de år vissa av oss kontinuerligt betalat ut arvoden för un
Understanding Cognition by Building Robots
The object of verbs like help and an apparent violation of UTAH
This paper discusses verbs like help, that takes dative case on its object in the Germanic languages with morphological case. In this paper I discuss whether the loss of morphological case in English and mainland Scandinavian had any influence on the argument structure of the VP headed by help-type of verbs.
Beyond Policy Explanations - Towards an alternative analysis of economic development in the Asia-Pacific region
The power of the machine: Global inequalities of economy, technology, and environment
Den svenska turismens kommunikationsstrategier och mediebilder – en pilotstudie
Presentation of Salmonella antigens by dendritic cells
Popular Abstract in Swedish Tyfoidfeber är en sjukdom som orsakas av bakterien Salmonella typhi. Denna bakterie, som sprids via vatten eller föda, orsakar buksmärtor, feber och illamående. Om infektionen inte behandlas med antibiotika, kan bakterien sprida sig till blodet och leda till döden. Årligen rapporteras 16 miljoner fall av salmonella i världen och av dessa får ungefär 600 000 dödlig utgånThis study investigates the interaction between dendritic cells (DC) and the Gram negative intracellular bacterium Salmonella typhimurium. Using in vitro and in vivo approaches, the capacity of DC to directly and indirectly present antigens from Salmonella-infected cells, cytokine production by infected DC, and activation of bacteria-specific T cells was analyzed. These studies revealed differenti
Kommentator till presentation av betänkandet ”Ur Fattigdomsfällan”
Market integration and transportation: beer in Lao PDR
To study the process of domestic market integration in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (hereafter Lao PDR), this chapter explores the spatial variation in beer prices and its relationship with transport costs and various local market characteristics. More specifically, we study how the price of a 640 ml bottle of Beer Lao varies across the country. In a well- integrated market, we expect the law
Produktionslogistik 2004. Effektiva flöden från leverantörer till kunder. PLANs forsknings- och tillämpningskonferens i Lund den 19-20 augusti 2004
UV, IR, and mm studies of CO surrounding the red supergiant α Orionis (M2 Iab)
Exploring the effects of ‘Green Energy Economy’ policies for transforming the Swedish building stock
Following the 2008–2009 global financial crisis, ‘green energy economy’ packages have been implemented to stimulate sustainable economic growth in several Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Clearly focused on the energy sector, these packages typically include energy-efficiency policy measures and aim to encourage the transition towards a low-carbon economy. W
Operational Aerial Forest Damage Surveys
[abstract missing]
The Reception of the Holocaust in Russia: Silence, Conspiracy, and Glimpses of Light
Lärobok i kapitalmarknadsrätt, 2 uppl.
Genome and Transcriptome Analyzes in the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Paxillus involutus
Mycorrhizal symbioses are formed between plant root systems and compatible fungal hyphae that results in a complex mixed structure. They are found in all ecosystems and with the majority of land plants such as forest trees or crops that are of commercial interest. Mutual exchange of nutrients between the two symbionts is central to the successful functioning of the symbioses. In order to understan
Fabrication, Simulation and Performance of Ultra-Thin Silicon Detectors-Development of a Detection System for Living Cell Irradiation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Strålningsterapi är en viktig metod för att behandla många cancertyper och man söker konstant efter olika sätt att förbättra användningen av joniserande strålning vid behandling. Radiobiologisk forskning för cancerterapi söker att förbättra vår förståelse för hur joniserande strålning verkar på olika livsformer. Idag finns det många sätt att utröna en behandlings inverkFor the development of a Single–Ion Hit Facility (SIHF) for living cells irradiation at the Lund Ion Beam Analysis facility (LIBAF), newly developed pre-cell detectors have been investigated. These detectors can determine the number of ions reaching the sample. Central to the thesis is their fabrication and characterization. Two different detectors ’ Design A and Design B’ were fabricated with thi