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Nowcasting Swedish GDP with a large and unbalanced data set

We evaluate pseudo-real-time out-of-sample nowcasts for Swedish GDP employing factor models and mixed-data sampling regressions with single predictor variables. These two model classes can handle the data irregularities of a ragged-edge sample and differing sampling frequencies. The results show that pooling of the nowcasts outperforms a simple benchmark, even though only very few of the underlyinWe evaluate pseudo-real-time out-of-sample nowcasts for Swedish GDP employing factor models and mixed-data sampling regressions with single predictor variables. These two model classes can handle the data irregularities of a ragged-edge sample and differing sampling frequencies. The results show that pooling of the nowcasts outperforms a simple benchmark, even though only very few of the underlyin

Sugar signaling modulates SHOOT MERISTEMLESS expression and meristem function in Arabidopsis

In plants, development of all above-ground tissues relies on the shoot apical meristem (SAM) which balances cell proliferation and differentiation to allow life-long growth. To maximize fitness and survival, meristem activity is adjusted to the prevailing conditions through a poorly understood integration of developmental signals with environmental and nutritional information. Here, we show that s

Overview : Global change effects on terrestrial biogeochemistry at the plant-soil interface

"Global change"significantly alters organic matter and element cycling, but many of the underlying processes and consequences remain poorly understood. The interface of plants and soil plays a central role, coupling the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and lithosphere and integrating biological and geochemical processes. The contributions to this special issue address questions on both biotic an

The Gut Microbiota and Diabetes : Research, Translation, and Clinical Applications—2023 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, and Diabetologia Expert Forum

This article summarizes the state of the science on the role of the gut microbiota (GM) in diabetes from a recent international expert forum organized by Diabetes, Diabetes Care, and Diabetologia, which was held at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2023 Annual Meeting in Hamburg, Germany. Forum participants included clinicians and basic scientists who are leading investigators in

Entanglement signature in quantum work statistics in the slow-driving regime

In slowly driven classical systems, work is a stochastic quantity and its probability distribution is known to satisfy the work fluctuation-dissipation relation, which states that the mean and variance of the dissipated work are linearly related. Recently, it was shown that generation of quantum coherence in the instantaneous energy eigenbasis leads to a correction to this linear relation in the s

A proposed medical system change in Japan inspired by Swedish primary health care : Important role of general practitioners and specialist nurses at primary health care centers

Japanese citizens of all socioeconomic statuses have benefited from the national insurance system by receiving high-quality healthcare. However, the Japanese healthcare service is facing a severe financial crisis because of the increasing aging society and social security expenses. Many consultations raise medical expenditure and doctors' work overload, which is about to be regulated, but is quest

Structural and phonological cues for gender assignment in monolingual and bilingual children acquiring German. : Experiments with real and nonce words

We investigate the acquisition of grammatical gender marking in German by monolingual children as well as German-Russian bilingual children who grow up in Germany as heritage speakers of Russian. We ask to what extent monolingual and bilingual children use phonological and/or structural cues to assign nominal gender, and to what extent they rely on lexical knowledge. To this end, we designed three

Voice Onset Time in multilingual speakers : Italian heritage speakers in Germany with L3 English

This study brings together two previously largely independent fields of multilingual language acquisition: heritage language and third language (L3) acquisition. We investigate the production of fortis and lenis stops in semi-naturalistic speech in the three languages of 20 heritage speakers (HSs) of Italian with German as a majority language and English as L3. The study aims to identify the exten

Formation and temperature dependence of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) from δ3-carene ozonolysis

δ3-carene is a prominent monoterpene in the atmosphere, contributing significantly to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. However, knowledge about δ3-carene oxidation pathways, particularly regarding their ability to form highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs), is still limited. In this study, we present HOM measurements during δ3-carene ozonolysis under various conditions in two simula

Streptolysin O accelerates the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a human-specific bacterial pathogen that can exploit the plasminogen-plasmin fibrinolysis system to dismantle blood clots and facilitate its spread and survival within the human host. In this study, we use affinity-enrichment mass spectrometry to decipher the host-pathogen protein-protein interaction between plasminogen and streptolysin O, a key cytolytic toxin produ

On PI-control in Capacity-Limited Networks

This paper concerns control of a class of systems where multiple dynamically stable agents share a nonlinear and bounded control-interconnection. The agents are subject to a disturbance which is too large to reject with the available control action, making it impossible to stabilize all agents in their desired states. In this nonlinear setting, we consider two different anti-windup equipped propor

The Strategic Role of Communication in Management

The concept of strategic communication represents a significant shift from that of corporate communication and, as several scholars have argued (Hallahan et al., 2007; Vercic and Zerfass, 2017), represents a new paradigm useful for interpreting the broadening content of communication and the evolving role it plays in complex organizations. Role which becomes strategic as it increasingly tends to s

Conventional vaginal approach vs. transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery for treating apical prolapse, a randomized controlled study

Objective: Vaginal hysterectomy combined with uterosacral suspension (USLS) is a technique for treating pelvic organ prolapse. Vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (vNOTES) has been described as an alternative minimal invasive approachfor treating various gynecological and non-gynecological pathologies. The aim was to compare the surgical time between conventional vaginal hyster

Secrets in the shadow : High precision stellar abundances of fast-rotating A-type exoplanet host stars through transit spectroscopy

Context. The spectra of fast-rotating A-type stars have strongly broadened absorption lines. This effect causes blending of the absorption lines, hindering the measurement of the abundances of the elements that are in the stellar photosphere.Aims. As the exoplanet transits across its host star, it obscures the stellar spectrum that is emitted from directly behind the planet. We aim to extract this

The atmospheric composition of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-178 b observed with ESPRESSO

Context. Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJ) have emerged as ideal testbeds for new techniques for studying exoplanet atmospheres. Only a limited number of them are currently well studied, however.Aims. We search for atmospheric constituents for the UHJ WASP-178 b with two ESPRESSO transits. Additionally, we show parallel photometry that we used to obtain updated and precise stellar, planetary, and orbital p

Volumetric changes of the enteric nervous system under physiological and pathological conditions measured using x-ray phase-contrast tomography

Background and Aim: Full-thickness biopsies of the intestinal wall may be used to study and assess damage to the neurons of the enteric nervous system (ENS), that is, enteric neuropathy. The ENS is difficult to examine due to its localization deep in the intestinal wall and its organization with several connections in diverging directions. Histological sections used in clinical practice only visua

Tradable Risk Factors for Institutional and Retail Investors

We construct tradable risk factors using combinations of large and liquid mutual funds (long leg) and ETFs (exchange-traded funds) (long and short legs), based on their holdings, for both retail and institutional investors. Exploiting a novel dataset, our tradable factors take into account ETF shorting costs. Assessing the performance of our tradable factors against standard “on-paper” factors, weWe construct tradable risk factors using combinations of large and liquid mutual funds (long leg) and ETFs (exchange-traded funds) (long and short legs), based on their holdings, for both retail and institutional investors. Exploiting a novel dataset, our tradable factors take into account ETF shorting costs. Assessing the performance of our tradable factors against standard “on-paper” factors, we