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Your search for "*" yielded 532944 hits
A new acylated neohesperidose derivative from Geranium purpureum
Effector mechanisms of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies in B cell malignancies.
Activation of the complement system by tumor cells was long believed to only benefit the host. Overexpression of complement inhibitors by many tumor cell types and results obtained in several experimental animal models were all in agreement with this hypothesis. However, recent reports imply that the situation is more complex than initially believed and that under certain circumstances tumor cells
Opposite effects of learning cause asymmetric mate preferences in hybridizing species
How do females decide which males to accept or reject as potential mates when the individuals encountered are unfamiliar and may be either heterospecifics or conspecifics? Learning often influences the development of mate preferences. Experience with particular phenotypes often positively biases preference for that phenotype. However, experience can also induce aversion. We studied the effect of s
Search for neutral Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for the neutral Higgs bosons predicted by the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is reported. The analysis is performed on data from proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The samples used for this search were collected in 2012 and correspond to integrated luminosities in the range 19.5-20.3 fb
Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Purpose of review: We review recent evidence regarding risk factors for childhood posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and treatment outcome studies from 2010 to 2012 including dissemination studies, early intervention studies and studies involving preschool children.Recent findings: Recent large-scale epidemiological surveys confirm that PTSD occurs in a minority of children and young people expo
Infliximab or cyclosporine as rescue therapy in hospitalized patients with steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis: A retrospective observational study
Background: Cyclosporine (CsA) or infliximab (IFX) are used as rescue therapies in steroid-refractory, severe attacks of ulcerative colitis (UC). There are no data comparing the efficacy of these two alternatives. Methods: Outcome of rescue therapy was retrospectively studied in two cohorts of patients hospitalized due to steroid-refractory moderate to severe UC: 1) a Swedish-Danish cohort (n 49)
Comparison of (GTG)(5)-oligonucleotide and ribosomal intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS)-PCR for molecular typing of Klebsiella isolates
Molecular typing of Klebsiella species has become important for monitoring dissemination of beta-lactamase-producers in hospital environments. The present study was designed to evaluate poly-trinucleotide (GTG)(5)- and rDNA intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS)-PCR fingerprint analysis for typing of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca isolates. Multiple displacement amplified DNA derived fr
Carotenoid and melanin-based ornaments signal similar aspects of male quality in two populations of the common yellowthroat
P>1. Female preferences for particular male ornaments may shift between populations as a consequence of ecological differences that change the reliability and detectability of the ornament, but few studies have examined how ornaments function in different populations. 2. We examined the signalling function of male plumage ornaments in a warbler, the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), breedi
Analysis of TBC1D4 in patients with severe insulin resistance
Thalidomide for previously untreated elderly patients with multiple myeloma: meta-analysis of 1685 individual patient data from 6 randomized clinical trials
The role of thalidomide for previously untreated elderly patients with multiple myeloma remains unclear. Six randomized controlled trials, launched in or after 2000, compared melphalan and prednisone alone (MP) and with thalidomide (MPT). The effect on overall survival (OS) varied across trials. We carried out a meta-analysis of the 1685 individual patients in these trials. The primary endpoint wa
The unknown story: vocational education for adults in Sweden 1918-1968
The concept ‘adult education’ is usually restricted to organisations where the cultural and societal development of the participants is emphasised. The title of this paper suggests that vocational education and training, too, has been important in adult education. In this paper, the opportunities for adults in Sweden in vocational education and training in the period 1918-1968 are explored with a
Carl R. Woese in memoriam Obituary
Why have microsaccades become larger? Investigating eye deformations and detection algorithms
Abstract in UndeterminedThe reported size of microsaccades is considerably larger today compared to the initial era of microsaccade studies during the 1950s and 1960s. We investigate whether this increase in size is related to the fact that the eye-trackers of today measure different ocular structures than the older techniques, and that the movements of these structures may differ during a microsa
OARSI Clinical Trials Recommendations: Design and conduct of clinical trials of surgical interventions for osteoarthritis.
To highlight methodological challenges in the design and conduct of randomized trials of surgical interventions and to propose strategies for addressing these challenges. This paper focuses on three broad areas: enrollment; intervention; and assessment including implications for analysis. For each challenge raised in the paper, we propose potential solutions. Enrollment poses challenges in maintai
Child and adult witnesses: the effect of repetition and invitation-probes on free recall and metamemory realism
Witnesses' event recall and the realism in their evaluation of the correctness of their recall are of great importance in forensic processes. These issues were investigated in the present study by use of calibration methodology. More specifically, we analyzed the effects of two recalls of the same event (repetition) and of probes (non-informative follow-up questions at recall) on 9-11 year-old chi
β-amyloid Peptides and Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimer's Disease.
Many lines of evidence support that β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides play an important role in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia. But despite much effort the molecular mechanisms of how Aβ contributes to AD remain unclear. While Aβ is generated from its precursor protein throughout life, the peptide is best known as the main component of amyloid plaques, the neuropathological hall
Life cycle assessment of green pilot-scale extraction processes to obtain potent antioxidants from rosemary leaves
In this work, the water extraction and particle formation on-line (WEPO) process has been used to obtain dry antioxidant powder from rosemary leaves. This process includes pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) and on-line drying of the extracts in one step. Based on previous works, water extraction at 200 degrees C was selected to achieve the maximum antioxidant activity while water flow rate wa
Protein synthesis of the pro-inflammatory S100A8/A9 complex in plasmacytoid dendritic cells and cell surface S100A8/A9 on leukocyte subpopulations in systemic lupus erythematosus
Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with chronic or episodic inflammation in many different organ systems, activation of leukocytes and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The heterodimer of the cytosolic calcium-binding proteins S100A8 and S100A9 (S100A8/A9) is secreted by activated polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and monocytes and serves as a seru
Dead space and CO2 elimination related to pattern of inspiratory gas delivery in ARDS patients
Introduction: The inspiratory flow pattern influences CO2 elimination by affecting the time the tidal volume remains resident in alveoli. This time is expressed in terms of mean distribution time (MDT), which is the time available for distribution and diffusion of inspired tidal gas within resident alveolar gas. In healthy and sick pigs, abrupt cessation of inspiratory flow (that is, high end-insp