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Salicylamide and salicylglycine oxidovanadium complexes with insulin-mimetic properties.

Reaction of N-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-N-(2-picolyl) glycine (H(2)papy) with VOSO(4) in water gives the oxidovanadium(V) oxido-bridged dimer [{(papy)(VO)}(2) μ-O)] (1). Similarly, reaction of N-(2-hydroxybenzyl) glycine (H(2)glysal) with VOSO(4) gives [(glysal)VO(H(2)O)] (2) and reaction of salicylamide (Hsalam) with VOSO(4) in methanol gives [(salam)(2)VO] (3). The crystal structure of the oxido-bridged

Spelet på fältet: relationen mellan ämnet idrott och hälsa i gymnasieskolan och idrott på fritiden

This study deals with physical education (PE) in secondary school. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between PE in secondary schools and leisure time sports. Questions were directed towards discovering what PE teachers recognise as valuable in their teaching, and how physical education is related to factors that characterize the field of sports. The teaching practice of Physi

Temperature dependence of misfit strains of β-hydrides of zirconium

The misfit strains of both the isotopic forms of zirconium hydrides, viz., δ-ZrHx and δ-ZrDx, precipitated in zirconium were computed in the temperature range of 298–773 K and for 1.5 ≤ x ≤ 1.7, using the methodology proposed by Carpenter. Misfit strains along (0 0 0 1) plane and normal to it were observed to increase with increase in temperature for both the isotopic forms of hydrides. For a give

När Gud flyttar ut : ödekyrkor förr och nu

When God moves out - deserted churches in the past and the present: A discussion on the fate and future of deserted churches since the Middle Ages in mainly Scandinavia. The article is departuring from the case of Maglarp in Scania, where a church from 1909 was demolished in 2007.

Angle-of-departure-aided opportunistic space-division multiple access for MIMO applications

This paper introduces a novel transmission technique for MIMO broadcasting directional channels, herein called the Angle-of-Departure-Aided Opportunistic Space-Division Multiple Access (AOD-OSDMA) technique. In AOD-OSDMA, the knowledge of angles-of-departure (AODs) at the BS of the strongest signal received by each user is used to design multiple opportunistic beams so that advantage is made of th

Radiative Properties of Rare Earth Elements - Free and Bound in Crystals

This thesis is devoted to fundamental aspects, and to spectroscopic applications of radiative properties in free atoms and ions, as well as in ions doped into crystals. Using the time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique, measurements of radiative lifetimes for rare earth elements have been performed in neutral Pr, Nd, Tm, and in singly ionized Sm, Er, Nd, Tm, Yb, as well as in doubly io

Open partial nephrectomy for renal cell cancer in a medium patient volume centre: Is high quality possible?

Abstract Objective. To describe the surgical complication rate of open partial nephrectomy (OPN) in patients with renal tumours, and to report the oncological long-term outcome in unilateral renal cell cancer patients subjected to this procedure, from a medium patient volume urological centre. Material and methods. Data from all patients (n = 89) subjected to OPN for proven or suspected renal cell

Ny kinesisk avtalslag

1986 antog den Kinesiska Folkrepubliken an avtalslag tillämplig på externa handelsförbindelser. Lagen var ett viktigt steg i kinas normalisering efter en synnerligen turbulent period. För en återkommande besökare framstår dock tendenserna som tydliga. Övergången från ett hårt centralstyrt samhälle till en modernisering av ekonomi och samhällsliv är tydliga. Reformeringstakten är hög. Mot bakgrund

Uridine diphosphate (UDP) stimulates insulin secretion by activation of P2Y(6) receptors.

We examined the transcriptional expression and functional effects of receptors for the extracellular pyrimidines uridine triphosphate (UTP) and uridine diphosphate (UDP), on insulin and glucagon secretion in isolated mouse pancreatic islets and purified beta-cells. Using real-time PCR, the UDP receptor P2Y(6) was found to be highly expressed in both whole islets and beta-cells purified by repeated

Vad menas med personlighet?

The concept of personality is scrutinized as used both in common parlance and in more sophisticated frames of reference. Current multidimensional models are criticized for their reliance on self-descriptive questionnaires and for their lack of a hierarchical dimension, differentiating more or less decisive determinants of behavior. A possible psychoanalytic model is viewed with more benevolence bu

Meteorin is a chemokinetic factor in neuroblast migration and promotes stroke-induced striatal neurogenesis.

Ischemic stroke affecting the adult brain causes increased progenitor proliferation in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and generation of neuroblasts, which migrate into the damaged striatum and differentiate to mature neurons. Meteorin (METRN), a newly discovered neurotrophic factor, is highly expressed in neural progenitor cells and immature neurons during development, suggesting that it may be inv

Energy resolved electron – ion coincidence study near the S 2p thresholds of the SF6 molecule

The fragmentation dynamics of the SF6 molecule following the excitations of S 2p electrons into unoccupied molecular orbitals has been studied using the energy-resolved electron–ion coincidence technique. Fragmentation patterns were found to depend on the particular excitation and on the electronic state of the molecular ion. The spectator resonant Auger decay at the 2p → 6a1g resonance induces ch