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Your search for "*" yielded 533514 hits

Linking EORTC QLQ-C-30 and PedsQL/PEDQOL physical functioning scores in patients with osteosarcoma

Purpose: The available questionnaires for quality-of-life (QoL) assessments are age-group specific, limiting comparability and impeding longitudinal analyses. The comparability of measurements, however, is a necessary condition for gaining scientific evidence. To overcome this problem, we assessed the viability of harmonising data from paediatric and adult patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures.

How can the European Common Agricultural Policy help halt biodiversity loss? Recommendations by over 300 experts

The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has not halted farmland biodiversity loss. The CAP post-2023 has a new ‘‘Green Architecture,’’ including the new ‘‘Eco-scheme’’ instrument. How can this new Green Architecture help tackle the biodiversity crisis? Through 13 workshops and an online survey, over 300 experts from 23 European Member States addressed this question. From experts’ con

Earlier Alzheimer’s disease onset is associated with tau pathology in brain hub regions and facilitated tau spreading

In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), younger symptom onset is associated with accelerated disease progression and tau spreading, yet the mechanisms underlying faster disease manifestation are unknown. To address this, we combined resting-state fMRI and longitudinal tau-PET in two independent samples of controls and biomarker-confirmed AD patients (ADNI/BioFINDER, n = 240/57). Consistent across both sample

Global Political Economy and Development

This chapter introduces four different approaches that have tackled this issue: Environmental Economics, International Political Economy and Development Studies, Global Environmental Governance and Earth System Governance, as well as Political Ecology. It also introduces these perspectives and highlights their maincontributions to the literature in their historical context. The chapter discusses d

4D spatio-temporal electric field characterization of ultrashort light pulses undergoing filamentation

We present an experimental method capable of capturing the complete spatiotemporal dynamics of filamenting ultrashort laser pulses. By employing spatially resolved Fourier transform spectrometry in combination with the capability to terminate the filament at any length, we can follow the nonlinear dynamics in four dimensions, i.e. the transverse domain, time and filament length. Our method thus no

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Consensus Spectrum Generation Methods in Proteomics

Spectrum clustering is a powerful strategy to minimize redundant mass spectra by grouping them based on similarity, with the aim of forming groups of mass spectra from the same repeatedly measured analytes. Each such group of near-identical spectra can be represented by its so-called consensus spectrum for downstream processing. Although several algorithms for spectrum clustering have been adequat

Influence of impurity configuration on electronic and optical properties of Ce-doped YVO4 : Semi-local & hybrid functionals

We investigate the impact of impurity configuration on electronic and optical properties of YVO4 through application of plane-wave DFT. Since this crystal is a common host material for optical devices and it has been widely used as a phosphor and a laser host material, it is important to identify a correlation between impurity location and the intrinsic properties of the material. To further impro

Semiconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor planar heterostructures for 1D topological superconductivity

Hybrid structures of semiconducting (SM) nanowires, epitaxially grown superconductors (SC), and ferromagnetic-insulator (FI) layers have been explored experimentally and theoretically as alternative platforms for topological superconductivity at zero magnetic field. Here, we analyze a tripartite SM/FI/SC heterostructure but realized in a planar stacking geometry, where the thin FI layer acts as a

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development : Transformative Change through the Sustainable Development Goals?

The 2030 Agenda of the United Nations comprises 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 sub-targets which serve as a global reference point for the transition to sustainability. The agenda acknowledges that different issues such as poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, environmental degradation, among others, are intertwined and can therefore only be addressed together. Impl

Colour vision in thrips (Thysanoptera)

Insects are an astonishingly successful and diverse group, occupying the gamut of habitats and lifestyle niches. They represent the vast majority of described species and total terrestrial animal biomass on the planet. Their success is in part owed to their sophisticated visual systems, including colour vision, which drive a variety of complex behaviours. However, the majority of research on insec

Colour vision in ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera)

Ants are ecologically one of the most important groups of insects and exhibit impressive capabilities for visual learning and orientation. Studies on numerous ant species demonstrate that ants can learn to discriminate between different colours irrespective of light intensity and modify their behaviour accordingly. However, the findings across species are variable and inconsistent, suggesting that

Evolutionary consequences of genomic deletions and insertions in the woolly mammoth genome

Woolly mammoths had a set of adaptations that enabled them to thrive in the Arctic environment. Many mammoth-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) responsible for unique mammoth traits have been previously identified from ancient genomes. However, a multitude of other genetic variants likely contributed to woolly mammoth evolution. In this study, we sequenced two woolly mammoth genomes a

Time trends of coronary procedures, guideline-based drugs and all-cause mortality following acute coronary syndrome in patients with bipolar disorder

Aim: This study analyzed time trends in the use of coronary procedures, guideline-based drugs, and 1-year all-cause and presumed cardiovascular mortality (CV) following acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients with and without bipolar disorder (BD). Method: Using Danish registries 497 patients with ACS and BD in the period 1996–2016 were matched 1:2 on age, sex and year of ACS to patients without

BeChange: Sustainability education and leadership development : Assessing the links between inner development and outer change for transformation

This report presents the assessment of a six-week online course offered by BeChange, which was given from April to June in 2022. Through a total of five online sessions, an interactive learning platform, diverse practices and individual coaching, the course aimed to support participants in reducing their CO2 emissions, increase their climate engagement, and at the same time enhance their wellbeing

Fast and well-reported implementation: Fast-IM and RE-AIM.

Background Implementation in healthcare is often slow and poorly reported. Results include suboptimal outcomes and ad-verse consequences for patients. However, promising tools to remedy implementation speed and reporting already exist – such as the evidence-based, fast-track implementation model (Fast-IM) and the comprehensive RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance

Autoantibodies against the envelope proteins of endogenous retroviruses K102 and K108 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus correlate with active disease

Objective To determine if patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a disease characterised by elevated type I interferons reminiscent of anti-viral immunity, have expression of human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) proviruses capable of producing envelope (Env) protein, as well as associated autoantibodies against the Env protein. Methods ELISAs were conducted with recombinant Env protei

A fork in the road : – why CC BY?

As academic librarians at a medical faculty, we promote open science practices by educating researchers about the implications of open license conditions. Researchers are sometimes faced with a choice of path in the process of publishing open access, when the publisher offers a choice of different Creative Commons licenses. They are often not aware of what the terms of the licenses mean in practic