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Overlapping and specific patterns of GDNF, c-ret and GFRα mRNA expression in the developing chicken retina
GDNF and the GDNF receptors, c-Ret, GFRα1 and 2 mRNA is expressed in the developing chicken retina. GDNF labelling was mainly found in embryonic day 4-5 retina but weak labelling could also be found over scattered retinal cells at later stages. c-ret labelling was found over ganglion cells, amacrine and horizontal cells; the preferred GDNF receptor (GFRα1) over amacrine and horizontal cells; and t
Modelling invasibility in endogenously oscillating tree populations : Timing of invasion matters
The timing of introduction of a new species into an ecosystem can be critical in determining the invasibility (i.e. the sensitivity to invasion) of a resident population. Here, we use an individual-based model to test how (1) the type of competition (symmetric versus asymmetric) and (2) seed masting influence the success of invasion by producing oscillatory dynamics in resident tree populations. W
Tore Strömberg: A Conventionalist Legal Realist
Liquid in accelerated motion
What happens to a liquid in a swing or a loop? Accelerated motions leadto effects that may seem surprising. Consider a liquid in a glass placed ona wooden triangle, in turn attached to a string and moving fast in circle a vertical plane. The surface of the water remains parallel to the bottom of the glass—and orthogonal to the string—as long as gravity and the tension in the string are the only fo
Enhanced immune response to MMP3 stimulation in microglia expressing mutant huntingtin
Huntington's Disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disease caused by a polyglutamine expansion in the huntingtin protein. The YAC128 mouse model of HD expresses the full-length human huntingtin protein with 128 CAG repeats and replicates the phenotype and neurodegeneration that occur in HD. Several studies have implicated a role for neuroinflammation in HD pathogenesis. Studies on presymp
Airborne hyperspectral data predict Ellenberg indicator values for nutrient and moisture availability in dry grazed grasslands within a local agricultural landscape
Species-based ecological indices, such as Ellenberg indicators, reflect plant habitat preferences and can be used to describe local environment conditions. One disadvantage of using vegetation data as a substitute for environmental data is the fact that extensive floristic sampling can usually only be carried out at a plot scale within limited geographical areas. Remotely sensed data have the pote
Hyperthyroidism after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism
BACKGROUND: The coexistence of hyperthyroidism and primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) has been reported. We have questioned whether hypercalcemia or surgical trauma contribute to transient hyperthyroidism following parathyroid surgery.METHODS: Twenty-six pHPT and eleven breast cancer patients were compared regarding pre-, peri- and postoperative thyrotropin (TSH), free thyroxine (T4) and free trii
Long-term third-party assessment of results after continent cutaneous diversion with Lundiana pouch
Objectives: To investigate the long-term functional outcomes and complications after continent cutaneous diversion with the Lundiana pouch. Patients and Methods: Complications, re-operations, renal function, and continence were ascertained from patient charts. Outcome variables were validated by a second and independent review of the patient files. Results: A complication of Clavien-Dindo grade ≥I
PON-P and PON-P2 predictor performance in CAGI challenges : Lessons learned
Computational tools are widely used for ranking and prioritizing variants for characterizing their disease relevance. Since numerous tools have been developed, they have to be properly assessed before being applied. Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI) experiments have significantly contributed toward the assessment of prediction methods for various tasks. Within and outside the CAG
Ökad tillgänglighet med följsam logistik
Logistik är ett ämnesområde som får allt större betydelse i allt fler branscher. Logistik sägs ha initierats av Napoleon då han utförde militära insatser på 1800-talet. För att klara matförsörjningen för sina militärer och för att underhålla den utrustning som fördes med trupperna så var han tvungen att ta med smeder, kockar och andra hantverkare som kunde försörja trupperna med mat och återställa
Host phylogeography and beta diversity in avian haemosporidian (Plasmodiidae) assemblages of the Lesser Antilles
1. We estimated the correlation between host phylogeographical structure and beta diversity of avian haemosporidian assemblages of passerine birds to determine the degree to which parasite communities change with host evolution, expressed as genetic divergence between island populations, and we investigated whether differences among islands in the haemosporidia of a particular host species reflect
Distribution anomalies in avian haemosporidian parasites in the southern Lesser Antilles
We compared the haemosporidian parasite faunas (Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) of small land birds on the islands of St Lucia, St Vincent and Grenada in the southern Lesser Antilles. The islands differ in distance from the South American source of colonists, proximity to each other, and similarity of their avifaunas. On each island, we obtained 419–572 blood samples from 22–25 of the 34–41 resident
Diversity, prevalence, and host specificity of avian Plasmodium and Haemoproteus in a western Amazon assemblage
We used PCR and DNA sequencing to screen for haemosporidian parasites (Haemoproteus and Plasmodium) in 2,488 individual birds from 104 species and 22 families, primarily understory suboscine passerines, captured in a lowland Amazonian forest in Ecuador as a first major step to understanding the transmission dynamics of this cosmopolitan group of parasites in this region. To assess diversity of avi
Host associations and turnover of haemosporidian parasites in manakins (Aves: Pipridae)
Parasites of the genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus (Apicomplexa: Haemosporida) are a diverse group of pathogens that infect birds nearly worldwide. Despite their ubiquity, the ecological and evolutionary factors that shape the diversity and distribution of these protozoan parasites among avian communities and geographic regions are poorly understood. Based on a survey throughout the Neotropics of
Avian haemosporidian prevalence and its relationship to host life histories in eastern Tennessee
Haemosporidian parasites (genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) are common blood parasites of birds transmitted by dipteran insect vectors. We analyzed blood samples from 329 individuals of 43 bird species in eastern Tennessee to better understand the relationship between the local community of birds and their blood parasites, including the distribution of parasites across hosts and the underlying e
Specialized avian Haemosporida trade reduced host breadth for increased prevalence
Parasite specialization on one or a few host species leads to a reduction in the total number of available host individuals, which may decrease transmission. However, specialists are thought to be able to compensate by increased prevalence in the host population and increased success in each individual host. Here, we use variation in host breadth among a community of avian Haemosporida to investig
Are REDD+ community forest projects following the principles for collective action, as proposed by Ostrom?
Forested countries in the global south that have agreed to engage in REDD+, a policy mechanism for addressing climate change, are receiving support to improve laws, policies, systems and structures. As a mechanism initiated at the global level and seeking to use forests to address a global commons crisis (atmospheric carbon concentration), understanding how REDD+ translates into implementation at
Effects of exhaust gas recirculation at various loads on diesel engine performance and exhaust particle size distribution using four blends with a research octane number of 70 and diesel
Partially premixed combustion using gasoline-like fuels on compression ignition engines shows great potentials to break the soot-nitrogen oxides trade off and reduce both emissions simultaneously. By simply adjusting the dilution strategies and injection events, the control of partially premixed combustion is relatively easier compared to other low-temperature combustion concepts. However despite