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Feminist Approaches to Self-Representation & Political Storytelling: A Modern Strategy of Nation Branding in the West

This essay sought to investigate the extent to which two Nordic Prime Ministers performed their leadership on Instagram in accordance with a feminist leadership theory during the Covid-19 crisis. It then inquired into those performances’ potential consequences. In the initial section of the analysis, the essay identifies the narrative that the self-reported images as a stand-alone product produced


The Kelly framework is the natural multi-period extension of the one-period mean-variance model of Markowitz in the sense that the efficient frontier is characterized by trading strategies having maximal instantaneous Sharpe ratio. We show that Kelly traders naturally trade in such a way as to induce an equilibrium for the instantaneous covariance matrix. This equilibrium, arising from trading alo

Updating international consensus on best practice in care of the dying : A Delphi study

Background: Good care of the dying has been defined as being able to die in the place of your choice, free from pain, cared for with dignity and supported by the best possible care. This definition underpinned the development of the ‘10/40 Model’ of care for the dying, in 2013. The model includes 10 ‘Key Principles’ that underpin 40 ‘Core Outcomes’ of care. It was necessary to update consensus on

Kriget i Ukraina - En kvalitativ studie av propaganda i nyhetsartiklar

This paper aims to investigate how propaganda is used in Russian media. On February 24, 2022, an armed conflict started in Ukraine at the initiative of Russia, which led to a number of devastating consequences for Ukraine. The discourses surrounding this conflict have affected the whole world and this topic was therefore chosen as it is very relevant today. The purpose of the study is to gain a pe

Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity : Evolution, distribution, and use

Madagascar’s biota is hyperdiverse and includes exceptional levels of endemicity. We review the current state of knowledge on Madagascar’s past and current terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity by compiling and presenting comprehensive data on species diversity, endemism, and rates of species description and human uses, in addition to presenting an updated and simplified map of vegetation types.

Captured by Corporate Interests? Analysis of the EU Green Deal & Farm to Fork Strategy

In the spring of 2020 an ambitious new strategy, named Farm to Fork, was made public as part of the wider EU Green Deal. The main goal being substantial decrease in the use of both synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Despite the negative consequences of large scale industrial pesticide use, the agricultural industry within the European Union has a lot to lose in a potential legislation to limit