The myth of the “street artist”: a brief note on terminology
Essay about the terminology used within the study of street art.
Essay about the terminology used within the study of street art.
The recent interest in massive MIMO has spurred intensive work on massive MIMO channel modeling in contemporary literature. However, current models fail to take the characteristics of terminal antennas into account. There is no massive MIMO channel model available that can be used for evaluation of the influence of different antenna characteristics at the terminal side. In this paper, we provide a
CO2 has a strong impact on both operability and emission behaviours in gas turbine combustors. In the present study, an atmospheric, preheated, swirl-stabilised optical gas turbine model combustor rig was employed. The primary objectives were to analyse the influence of CO2 on the fundamental characteristics of combustion, lean blowout (LBO) limits, CO emission and flame structures. CO2 dilution e
Laser spectroscopy has a multitude of applications of importance to human and ecosystem well-being, such as in the environmental, ecological, agricultural and food safety areas. Recent work, mostly from SCNU, will be reviewed.
Denna rapport redovisar en förstudie till SNS fleråriga forskningsprojekt som undersöker hur värdet av nya läkemedel kan bedömas ur ett brett samhällsperspektiv. En slutsats av förstudien är att det finns goda möjligheter att få bättre svar på många av de policyfrågor som ställs i läkemedelspolitiken, t ex om förskrivning och offentlig subventionering av nya läkemedel. De omfattande svenska patien
Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) har efterfrågat synpunkter av Lunds Tekniska Högskola på det rapporteringsverktyg för risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser som MSB utvecklar. Verktyget är tänkt att underlätta förmedling och insamling av information som framkommer genom de risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser som kommuner och landsting samt myndigheter upprättar enligt föreskrifterna MSBFS 2010:6
Liposomes are considered a major route for encapsulation of hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules. Chitosan coated liposomes could represent an alternative way as a carrier for delivery of drugs in human body. In this study the preparation and applicability of chitosan-coated liposomes containing curcumin as well as curcumin loaded anionic liposomes were evaluated. The applicability of the carrier
The neural cells and factors determining normal vascular growth are not well defined even though vision-threatening neovessel growth, a major cause of blindness in retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) (and diabetic retinopathy), is driven by delayed normal vascular growth. We here examined whether hyperglycemia and low adiponectin (APN) levels delayed normal retinal vascularization, driven primarily b
Digital technologies in health care areexpected to increase in scope and to affect ever more partsof the health care system. It is important to enhance theknowledge of whether new digital methods and innovationsprovide value for money compared with traditional modelsof care.Objective The objective of the study was to evaluatewhether a digital health care model for primary care is aless costly alte
Single-family houses (SFHs) constructed between 1961 and 1980 account for approximately one-third of the total energy use, 31 TWh, for space heating and domestic hot water in Swedish SFHs. These are responsible for about 40 percent of the total energy use in all buildings. There are roughly 715,000 houses from this period and they are largely homogeneous in technical terms, with low levels of ther
A third of Sweden’s two million single-family houses were built in the period 1961-1980, and many of them are in need of renovation. Energy use in these houses is high, and they are fairly homogeneous in technical terms. A previous study of four reference houses showed that final energy use could be reduced in theory by approximately 65-75 % after renovation, by implementing conventional passive h
Preferentially Expressed Antigen in Melanoma (PRAME) is a cancer/testis antigen that is overexpressed in a broad range of malignancies, while absent in most healthy human tissues, making it an attractive diagnostic cancer biomarker and therapeutic target. Although commonly viewed as an intracellular protein, we have demonstrated that PRAME has a membrane bound form with an external epitope targeta
Primary intracerebral haemorrhage and lacunar ischaemic stroke are acute manifestations of progressive cerebral microvascular disease. Current paradigms suggest atherosclerosis is a chronic, dynamic, inflammatory condition precipitated in response to endothelial injury from various environmental challenges. Myeloperoxidase plays a central role in initiation and progression of vascular inflammation
The impact of systemic 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC) and intratumoral CYP27A1 expression on pathobiology and clinical response to statins in breast cancer needs clarification. 27HC is an oxysterol produced from cholesterol by the monooxygenase CYP27A1, which regulates intracellular cholesterol homeostasis. 27HC also acts as an endogenous selective estrogen receptor (ER) modulator capable of increas