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Your search for "*" yielded 528515 hits

The Effects of Palm Oil Biodiesel in Producer Developing Countries: A Case Analysis of Malaysia Linking National Perspectives with Ground Realities

The growing economic risk of relying primarily on fossil fuels with unstable prices and which availability highly depends on limited reserves and poor global distribution has increased the international interest on modern biofuels as an alternative energy source. Moreover, the growing awareness of energy-related pollution and of climate change consequences, and the international and national strat

EU's Promotion of Regional Co-operation in Southeast Europe: A Norm Diffusion Perspective

This study provides an analysis of EU's promotion of regional co-operation in the Southeast Europe (SEE) through the lenses of norm diffusion theory. While attempting to answer the question of how and why norm diffusion takes place, if it does happen; both the EU and the SEE are evaluated in an interaction in order to sketch out their mutual engagement in the diffusion process. A minor but rel

Att förändra med moral: Konsten att utnyttja utrikespolitik som medel för den inhemska opinionen.

Det skedde i mitten av sextiotalets Sverige en remarkabel förändring i den svenska utrikespolitiken. En aktivering tog form som innebar ett större svenskt deltagande internationellt. Det yttrade sig framförallt i en stark moralisk hållning med kritik som vapen. Vi frågar oss om aktiveringen kan betraktas som ett sätt att ta fokus från inrikesproblem. Är förändringen en taktik av Socialdemokratern

Har män ett kollektivt ansvar för den strukturella underordningen av kvinnor? ? Kollektivt moraliskt ansvar ur ett feministiskt perspektiv

The overarching aim of this essay is to analyze, from a feminist point of view, the moral responsibility for the structural oppression of women. In this discussion I focus on the issue of moral responsibility for sexual violence against women, such as rapes. I claim that a feminist theory of moral responsibility has to be based on a collectivist approach. I argue that men should be considered as c

Kunskapens tempel eller kunskapens saluhall: En diskursorienterad studie över förarbetet till Stockhoms nya stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master´s thesis is to explore how Stockholms new library´s identity is constructed, and further to relate the case study to a general discussion of the identity of public libraries in Sweden. This is done through analysis of the visions and plans that the planned library is based on. We feel that it is a relevant study since questions concerning the public library's identity ar

"Which way I Love" och "Vulkan I varje land eller Bomben åt Var och En" : analys av två verk av Kristina Abelli Elander och Erla Thorarinsdottir

Meningen med denna uppsats är att genom en jämförande analys utforska vad dessa två verk från början av 1980-talet säger om samtiden i fråga om politiska och feministiska aspekter. Uppsatsen börjar med beskrivningar och analyser av verkan var för sig där det konstateras att Kristina Abelli Elander kritiserar köns- och familjeroller medan Erla Thorarinsdottir tar upp kampen för fred och kärleken ti

Det emotionella valet - ett alternativ och komplement till rationaliteten

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and develop a useful theory of human behavior that recognizes the importance of our emotions. The new framework, called the theory of emotional choice, is developed by a holistic method in which results from the fields of psychology, sociology and (neuro-) biology are used to mutually support the conclusions. The theory is distilled into six preliminary po

Civilsamhällets mobilisering i demokratiseringsprocessen -en fallstudie av Sydafrika

This essay captures the process toward a democratic transition in South Africa and tempts on analyzing the efforts made by civil society before the negotiation with the government in the beginning of the 90´s. The method used is a case study. By applying the theory of Elisabeth Jean Wood about the importance of continued mobilization, I try to answer the question: to what extend did civil society

On a move towards harmonization. Historical-institutional perspectives on the evolution of renewable energy policy in the EU.

The promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) has become a key measure within the EU to improve energy security and to mitigate climate change while offering opportunities for industrial development, job creation and regional cohesion. Over time this has put pressure for EU-level coordination and harmonization of national RES policy measures in order to improve effectiveness and market efficienc

Skapandet av en nationell identitet i Palestina

Uppsatsen utreder vilka faktorer som påverkade konstituerandet av en palestinsk identitet mellan 1870-1920. Med bakgrund av ett teoretiskt ramverk om nationell identitet undersöks fyra teman i uppsatsen som behandlar: i vilken kontext en palestinsk identitet utvecklades under Osmanska riket, hur den arabiska pressens påverkade etablerandet av en nationell identitet och vilken inverkan politiska fa

Hur påvekar författares föreställningsramar och arbetsmetoder det arkeologiska materialet och dess framställning? - En exemplifierande jämförelse av två författare

This essay is comparing two authors and the way they make use of and explain some of the archaeological methods and artifacts through their books. The first author is the Swedish archaeologist Stig Welinder, who has written Jordbrukets första femtusen år (The First Five Thousand Years of Agriculture). The second author is the American archaeologist and writer Adrian Praetzellis, who has written t

En reflektion över vikingatida rekonstruktioner

Med uppsatsen försöker jag belysa den komplexa värld som ett så kallat Friluftsmuseum ofta existerar i. Genom att stycka upp det innehåll en vikingatida rekonstruktion rymmer (förmedling, ekonomi, nationell identitet samt nutidsprägel på historisk empiri) och genom nutida exempel på var och ett område försöka med egna invävda frågeställningar diskutera de problem som kan uppstå i försöket att reko

Den "fria" rörligheten - en uppsats om svårigheterna kring att uppnå socialt hållbar mobilitet

The thesis Den ?fria? rörligheten aims to give deeper knowledge to the notion of social sustainable mobility. My previous knowledge within the subject is focused around mobility being biased and therefore gaining particular groups of actors within society and leaving others worse off. Therefore I chose to do a critical analysis of social sustainable mobility and more precisely show which problems

Republicans in the White House - Hard times for Soft Power? En teoriprövande studie om skillnaderna i soft power mellan demokratiska och republikanska administrationer

According to many scholars America's soft power is in decline, a power resource whose importance has been increasing in world politics. This makes it interesting to examine if there is a difference between how Democratic and Republican administrations wield their soft power. This thesis is a hypothesis-testing study and the purpose is to test the hypothesis that Democratic administrations, to

Lika makter leka lika? Sanktioner eller dialog, varför skiljer sig USA respektive EU handlingsplaner från varandra angående Irans kärnvapen?

In this thesis I will discuss how US respectively EU general international security policies are formed with the scientific theories Rational Choice and Cognitive theory in mind. I?ll discuss how come US tends to go towards a more sanction orientated strategy while European Union seems to prefer a dialog and diplomatic problem solving strategy. I?ll exemplify respective security strategy through t

Which Side Are You On? The Study of Algerian and American Biased Mediation

Mediators are often thought to be more effective if they are unbiased or have no preferences over the issue in dispute. In addition, impartiality is a traditional feature attributed to the mediator. This study presents comparative analysis of small state and great power mediation which highlights a contrary logic. With the help of a contingency approach, combined with a model of mediation drawn on

Att tyda tecknen -En alternativ syn på förändringarna av Japans säkerhetspolitik

Japan's foreign and security policy has seen some substantial changes as a result of events like the first Gulf war and 9/11th. This has been taken as proof, by some, that Japan is abandoning its antimilitaristic stance and pursuing a more traditional hard power role through military means. This essay aims to explore if these shifts have coincided with any substantial shifts away from antimili