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Next generation luggage compartments - for AD vehicles

With the rapid development of the autonomous drive (AD) technology, driverless vehicles may soon be reality. As one of the most renowned car manufacturers in the world, Volvo Car Group are investing in and developing the technology. As a part of this development, this thesis was initiated at the Trunk Trim Department. The purpose of this thesis has been to research the area of luggage compartments

Alignment of managerial competencies in higher education and the labor market: A Case Study on the MSc in Management (MiM) at Lund University School of Economics and Management

Abstract Introduction: This paper aims to explore the alignment of managerial competencies in higher education and the labor market by conducting a Case Study on the MSc in Management (MiM) at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM). Method: Managerial competencies were identified through content analysis in entry-level management job advertisements in the Swedish Öresund regi

Defining requirements of PET scrap for open loop recycling of post-industrial waste

För att minska miljöpåverkan och minimera exploateringen av de begränsade tillgångar som finns så krävs en övergång till cirkulär ekonomi. Det innebär minskad materialkonsumtion och mer återanvändning och återvinning av plast och andra material. Förra året producerades i världen 359 millioner ton plast och av det insamlade avfallet i Europa blev endast en tred-jedel återvunnet. Bland de fem mest pTo reduce the environmental impact and minimize the exploitation of the depleting re-sources, the transition to a circular economy is vital. It proposes an economy of reduced ma-terial consumption and increased reuse and recycling of plastics and other materials. Only last year, 359 million tonnes of plastic were produced worldwide and only a third of the col-lected waste in Europe was recycled. A

Goodwill - policy och praxis

Examensarbetets titel: Goodwill - policy och praxis. Varför har syftet med IFRS 3 inte uppnåtts? Seminariedatum: 17 januari 2020 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Elin Borg, Karl Hultén och Sandra Lewandowska Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Fem nyckelord: IFRS 3, goodwillnedskrivning, IASB, transparens, subjektivitet Syfte: Syftet med studie

The Last Working Time Reduction - Lessons from the statutory working time reductions in Sweden and Norway 1969-1980

Statutory standard weekly working time reductions (SWRs) have been associated with a number of positive effects. Some of which include work-sharing, increased gender equality, and fewer workplace injuries. This paper exploits the timing of the introduction of the SWRs to the 40-hour workweek in Sweden (1973) and Norway (1977) to estimate effects on hours worked, employment, female employment, wage

The Early liberation ideology of the Palestinian Struggle: Rights, Mobilisation and Popular Sovereignty

Dispersed across various states following the collective tragedy of the late 1940s, Palestinians nevertheless organised themselves into a coherent national movement during the 1960s and 70s. In exile and at home, they created local and ultimately national structures which eventually facilitated the expression of Palestinian concerns in international arenas. These shared spaces for democratic debat

The Relationships between Leadership, Gender, and Organizational Goals in a Volunteering Role

This paper aims to answer how well affective commitment and leadership efficacy can be predicted by leadership style and gender expression in a voluntary setting. It is expected that invitational leadership, transformational leadership and gender expression predict the two dependent variables. It is also expected that there is a difference within affective commitment and leadership efficacy by sex

Navigation and assistance using Augmented Reality

Mixed Reality (MR) is closing the gap between real and digital and is changing how we interact with digital content. Making physical objects a part of the user interface creates a direct mapping between virtual and reality and along with that emerges many design benefits. Current head-worn see through Augmented Reality (AR) headsets are not only capable of delivering a MR experience but are also s

Innovation in a car luggage compartment

This thesis addresses a project conducted in collaboration with Volvo Car Corporation, to develop a new concept for luggage covers in car luggage compartments. The purpose was to find a new concept, with focus on user friendliness and environmental sustainability, which automatically opens up for easy loading of the luggage compartment. The fabric in today's solution is made of polyester and P

Deep Eutectic Solvents and Their Possible Application in Transdermal Drug Delivery

Eutektiska lösningar är en blandning av två fasta ämnen som bildar en vätska i rumstemperatur när de blandas i rätt förhållande. Det som sker är att molekylerna i de två ämnena binder starkt till varandra och bygger upp ett nätverk mellan sig och på så sätt bildar en vätska. Läkemedel innehåller en aktiv substans, det som faktiskt hjälper när man har ont eller är sjuk. Många aktiva substanser trivDeep eutectic solvents, DES, is a type of solvent made by mixing a quaternary ammonium salt with a hydrogen bond donor at the eutectic point of the system. Most common quaternary ammonium salt is Choline Chloride, ChCl. A specific DES, Choline:CAGE has shown promise in delivering insulin through the skin of mice. Four different systems containing Choline chloride were chosen: ChCl:glycerol, ChCl:

"Eller det är väl så, att de tvingas in i en lösning som de inte väljer att ha" - En kvalitativ studie av ett kontantfritt samhälles följder för personer som omfattas av LSS.

Vi betalar i allt mindre utsträckning med kontanter i Sverige, något som leder till strukturella förändringar. Dessa tar sig uttryck i att bankomater plockas bort och affärer slutar hantera kontanter. Personer med funktionsnedsättningar omnämns som en särskilt utsatt grupp i ett kontantfritt samhälle, speciellt när tillgången till digitala betalningsmedel är begränsad. Samtidigt har Sverige en amb

Disaggregating economic inequality from space

Reducing inequality is number 10 of the United Nations sustainable development goals. Inequality in society affect economic growth, development and poverty reduction, and through these indirectly affect environmental degradation, food security and other major problems facing society today. Analyzing the temporal and spatial dynamics of economic inequality requires comparable data on finer scales.

Shelf life of fresh-cut fruits and salad leaves treated with Pulsed Electric Field (PEF)

Application of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) treatment on five fresh commodities was analysed for the changes in the metabolic and physiological effects on their shelf life. Treatment parameters were optimised in order to achieve uniform electroporation on the samples, which was analysed by Propidium Iodide staining for the leaf samples. The viability of electroporation of greenhouse (GH) rocket, co

Bastionen - Från teori till design

Jag ville i mitt examensprojekt utforska hur relationen mellan människa och arkitektur kan användas som utgångspunkt i ett gestaltningsarbete. Mitt sätt att utforska denna relation blev att i en designprocess låna synsätt från ett fält utanför arkitekturen, där allt fokus ligger på människan. Valet föll på att ha sociologi som utgångspunkt då sociologer försöker förstå och förklara vilka sociala In my degree project, I wanted to explore the relationship between architecture and human behavior and how it can be used as a base in a design project. My way of exploring this relationship was to approach the project with a starting point in an academic field outside of architectural theory, a field where the spotlight is on humans. I landed in using sociology as a starting point because socio

Safety Evaluation and Growth Optimisation of a New Probiotic

Gut microbiota play a central role in metabolism for example in blood glucose homeostasis and appetite regulation. This thesis provides a prospect of using the bacterium Prevotella copri as a probiotic to help maintain a healthy gut microbiota as many evidences points towards probiotics to have a great potential as preventative agents or therapeutics for type 2 diabetes. In the first part of the tAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO) nearly 8.5% of the global population is affected by metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity which are one of the major causes of death and disability worldwide. This causes a huge financial burden on the healthcare system globally. Therefore, there is an urgent need to prevent, delay and treat these diseases and their debilitating com

Frågan, svaret eller allt däremellan? - om berättelser om innovationers mekanismer, effekter och funktioner

Bakgrund: Innovation har varit ett buzzword de senaste trettio åren och framförs ofta som den främsta lösningen på många av samhällets problem. Begreppet används både så frekvent och över så många kontexter att dess betydelse för framtida policyinitiativ knappast tycks kunna överskattas. Samtidigt, finns fortfarande en betydande oklarhet kring begreppets betydelse. Emedan en sådan tvetydighet kans