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Forumkonkurrens. Prövning av folkmord inför ICJ och ICTY

The conflict in the former Yugoslavia was characterised by extensive war crimes committed by all parties in the conflict. Two international courts, The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, have both judged if a genocide was committed in this conflict. This paper examines how these two courts relates to each other concerning their legal j

Att bara vara barn - En studie i hur fysisk bestraffning av barn är kopplat till det juridiska klimatet för unga i USA

United States is one of the two countries in the world that have not ratified the convention on the rights of the child, and one of the few countries that sentences children less than 18 years to life in prison without parole. Besides this, corporal punishment is legal in all the states of USA. This essay is aimed at researching how these three factors affect one another in the American context an

Fibulas vikingaby på Åland - En undersökning om hur man kan förbättra, utveckla och tillföra nya idéer till en nutida vikingaby

In this essay I try to look into how to bring a new concept to an already established Viking village and how to develop the existing one. This essay also sheds light on some negative sides that a Viking village can experience in their activity. I have interviewed responsible persons at three different Viking villages: Foteviken Museum and Viking Reserve, Fornföreningen Fibulas Viking village and

Mytens gestaltning hos John Bauer : en undersökning av John Bauers konst i förhållande till Mircea Eliades världsbild

Uppsatsen behandlar konstnären John Bauer (1882-1918) och dennes konst, sett utifrån religionsfilosofen Mircea Eliades (1907-1986) världsbild. Verken som behandlas är Titta på dem, sade trollmor. Titta på mina söner! Vackrare troll finns inte på denna sidan månen, (1915), och Tyr och Fenrer, (1911). Uppsatsens syfte är att tolka och diskutera dessa utifrån Eliades teorier och begrepp. Uppsatsen g

Renewable Portfolio Standards for the Promotion of Renewable Energy - The Dilemma of Developmental Inequity in the United States

Implementation of the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), a political tool intended to increase investment in renewable energy, has become increasingly common in the early 21st century. RPS policies require that a certain amount, or percentage, of electricity in a providers electricity supply mix is generated from renewable energy sources. The distribution of renewable energy generation capacity d

Look to Europe? Examining the Relevance and Applicability of the European Experiences with the Use of Waste to Energy as a Treatment Method for Residual Waste for the Province of Ontario

This research explores the development and use of waste to energy (WTE) technologies in Europe and in the Province of Ontario, Canada. As the quantity of waste generated has continued to increase in industrialized countries, the need for alternative waste management methods to reduce the dependency on landfill and to recover the resource in the waste has also increased. Many European countries, in

Delat ledarskap i teori och praktik: en forskningsöversikt

Många chefer väljer idag att dela på ledarskapet och tillhörande uppgifter. Orsakerna till varför chefer väljer att arbeta på detta sätt är många, men grundar sig ofta i att de är missnöjda med den rådande situationen i organisationen. Chefer är inte nöjda med sitt ledarskap och medarbetarna är inte nöjda med chefernas prestationer. Syftet med min uppsats är att utifrån en forskningsöversikt, anal

"Jag orkar inte och det är mitt fel": Upplevelser hos långtidssjukskrivna med stressrelaterade symptom

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att ta del av upplevelser som långtidssjukskrivna individer med stressrelaterade symptom erfarit. Studien har en explorativ design och metoden som användes var den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun. Undersökningen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer och textanalys. Deltagarna utgjordes av anställda från två yrkeskategorier på en högskola, sju kvinnor och e

En nation av emigranter: En studie över den salvadoranska statens förhållande till sin emigrerande befolkning samt konsekvenserna för deras medborgarskap.

Around the world governments reach out to their emigrant population, embracing them as part of the nation, expecting their economic contribution. The aim of this thesis is to examine the political strategy and governmental activities of El Salvador with the purpose to include emigrants in the nation building project. The main question is what consequences this has for the significance of citiz

Mediernas konstruktion av en politisk händelse En kritisk diskursanalys av två svenska morgontidningars medierapportering av oroligheterna till följd av presidentvalet i Kenya

News value is an essential part of which event media chooses to report about. Political events consider to bee news with potentional large value. Media has an enormous power and possibility to create news and construct there own reality and where the readers is given a false expression of what really happened. Today the media must show profit and that indirect affects how the media choose to descr

PARS PRO TOTO? Tillgång till Internet som en del av tillgängligheten på sex folkbibliotek

Internet access has been a part of the range in public libraries for approximately a decade. The Swedish municipals, in charge of the public libraries, and the libraries themselves, have a great deal of saying in how they should be run, what to offer the public, how many hours they have to stay open etcetera. The Library law is very vague on many things, including public Internet access. Even thou

Identitetens Ljudspår: musik, smak & subkultur

This essay presents a picture of swedish reggae listeners and how their love of music give meaning to their lives and unite them in a sub-culture. Based on interviews with six young men about their involvement in reggae, it also investigates the relationship between music and identity, or more clearly; how identity is expressed through music. Furthermore, I discuss the notion of taste according to

Inkarnationens ontologi : En studie av Wolfhart Pannenbergs kristologi i belysning av uppenbarelse som historia

Summary in English The purpose of this essay has been to examine the Christology of Wolfhart Pannenberg, and especially his interpretation of the belief in Jesus as true God and true man. The consequences for his ontology and his view of the incarnation are also focused upon. Fundamental features in the Christology of Pannenberg demand a closer examination in this connection. First, christologic

Särbo eller sambo? En historisk analys av förändringsprocessen rörande integrationen av UD och Sidas utlandsmyndigheter, granskande förutsättningarna för politisk implementering.

On three occasions, in 1973, 1993 and 2005, Swedish parliament and government has resolved to integrate the, previously independent, foreign offices beloning to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with the Swedish embassies. The implemenation of the integrationreform has however been a lengthy process. This thesis adresses two main issues: how has the integrationreform

Made in Taiwan: Om identitetskonstruktion i Taiwan

Taiwan's recent democratization seem to have rallied a wider support of the notion of a national identity amongst its citizens which in the year 2000 led to the election of the pro-independence party DPP and President Chen Shui-bian. Meanwhile, China insists on the "one country, two systems" formula, regarding Taiwan as merely a Chinese province, and continues to fight any Taiwanese

"Biblioteken ser vi som en positiv verksamhet" - en studie om styrning av folkbibliotek i fem svenska kommuner

The aim of this study is to explain and analyse political steering of public libraries in Swedish municipalities and the roles of politicians and administrators in this process. To fulfil this purpose five municipalities have been studied. It is argued that both politicians and administration have to be included in a study of steering and that the relation between politicians and administrators sh

Minor field study: AIDS - how it affects the elders and the social system in Zambian society

AIDS has a great impact on the life of the individual in Zambian society but also the collectiveness of family households and local community life is highly affected by the death of many individuals and family members. It is mainly adults in their working age 15-50 whom are sexually active, that gets infected with HIV and die. This leaves the rest of the family members to fulfil new roles in the h