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Islamiska regimen i Iran hetsar mot Sverige

Regimen i Iran missbrukar diplomatisk infrastruktur i operationer som underminerar internationell säkerhet. Sverige bör noggrant övervaka aktiviteterna vid Irans ambassad på Lidingö och överväga att stänga den helt och hållet. Det skriver Arvin Khoshnood, Irankännare och statsvetare samt Ardavan Khoshnood, docent Lunds universitet.The regime in Iran is abusing diplomatic infrastructure in operations that undermine international security. Sweden should closely monitor the activities at Iran's embassy in Lidingö and consider shutting it down entirely. This is written by Arvin Khoshnood, an Iran expert and political scientist, and Ardavan Khoshnood, an associate professor at Lund University.

Geologisk karaktärisering av den kambriska Faluddensandstenen i Östersjön och dess lämplighet för koldioxidlagring

Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) har ägnat flera år åt att undersöka den svenska berggrunden för att utreda möjligheterna för geologisk lagring av koldioxid. Djupt liggande akviferer anses ha störst potential och den kambriska Faluddensandstenen, som finns i Östersjön öster om Gotland, visar stor potential som lagringsakvifer. I denna studie har borrkärnan St. Sutarve-2018 från södra GotlandThe Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) has spent several years investigating the Swedish bedrock to find suitable bedrock for geological storage of carbon dioxide. Deep saline aquifers are considered to have the greatest potential, and the Cambrian Faludden Sandstone subcropping in the Baltic Sea east of Gotland, shows great potential as a storage aquifer. In this study, the drill core St. Sutarve

Translational opportunities of single-cell biology in atherosclerosis

The advent of single-cell biology opens a new chapter for understanding human biological processes and for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease. This revolution now reaches the field of cardiovascular disease (CVD). New technologies to interrogate CVD samples at single-cell resolution are allowing the identification of novel cell communities that are important in shaping disease developmen

Beyond Traditional Tomography: X-ray Multi-projection Imaging for Additive Manufacturing

The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to push the limits of 3D X-ray imaging by studying the minimum number of projections required to retrieve high-quality reconstructions for additive manufacturing processes. This project first focuses on understanding how X-ray tomography works, by reconstructing additive manufacturing data already obtained (from PSI, TOMCAT beamline) using two standard recon

Risk of developing cardiovascular disease after involved node radiotherapy versus mantle field for Hodgkin lymphoma

Purpose: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) survivors are known to have increased cardiac mortality and morbidity. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease after involved node radiotherapy (INRT) is currently unresolved, inasmuch as present clinical data are derived from patients treated with the outdated mantle field (MF) technique. Methods and Materials: We included all adolescents and young adults with

Early postoperative 18F-FET PET/MRI for pediatric brain and spinal cord tumors

Complete resection is the treatment of choice for most pediatric brain tumors, but early postoperative MRI for detection of residual tumor may be misleading because of MRI signal changes caused by the operation. PET imaging with amino acid tracers in adults increases the diagnostic accuracy for brain tumors, but the literature in pediatric neurooncology is limited. A hybrid PET/MRI system is highl

Moisture prediction of timber for durability applications using data-driven modelling

Durability and service life assessment is a major challenge for the design and use of timber in outdoor weather exposed environments. Rate of deterioration by fungal decay is closely linked to variations in wood moisture content. The objective of the present paper is to test and evaluate different data-driven models based on the multilinear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) appr

Statistical Assessment of Core Loss Measurement Techniques for Laminated Steel

In this paper, a comparative study of core losses in laminated steel samples by means of inferential statistics is presented. In particular, core loss measurements taken upon Epstein Frame, Single-Strip tester, and Ring Core specimens at several frequencies and induction levels are compared via Analysis of Variance and two-sample t-tests. The hypothesis of a statistically significant difference am

Recognition of drilling-induced defects in Fiber Reinforced Polymers using Machine Learning

The machining of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) is accompanied by specific defects such as delamination, uncut fibers, and others. Such defects are unique in their shape and size for different FRP types, used tools, and applied cutting conditions. Therefore, defect recognition and quantification remain a central challenge in the quality control of FRP components from an accuracy and time balance

Motstånd utan avstånd; En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelser av stark företagskultur

Examensarbetets titel: Motstånd utan avstånd - En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelser av stark företagskultur. Seminariedatum: 2023-06-02 Kurs: FEKH49- Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Lisa Mattiasson, Ida Pålsson, Emma Schyldt Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Fem nyckelord: Företagskultur, organisationskultur, osynligt motstånd, omedvetet mots

Dosimetric benefit of DMLC tracking for conventional and sub-volume boosted prostate intensity-modulated arc radiotherapy

This study investigated the dosimetric impact of uncompensated motion and motion compensation with dynamic multileaf collimator (DMLC) tracking for prostate intensity modulated arc therapy. Two treatment approaches were investigated; a conventional approach with a uniform radiation dose to the target volume and an intraprostatic lesion (IPL) boosted approach with an increased dose to a subvolume o

A Framework Analysis of the life experiences of highly engaged Swedish adolescents: A Salutogenic approach

Samtida forskning om psykisk hälsa och välbefinnande har tagit upp behovet av att fördjupa vår förståelse om ungdomslivets beskaffenhet och sammanhang. Vårt forskningssyfte är att undersöka positiva och negativa erfarenheter gällande skola, familj, vänner och fritid hos ett urval av svenska 13–19-åringar. Vi använder ramverksanalys för att organisera data och närmar oss analysen genom att använda Contemporary research on mental health and well-being has addressed the need to deepen our understanding about the nature of adolescent life and contexts. Our research aim is to examine positive and negative experiences concerning school, family, friends, and leisure time in a sample of Swedish 13–19-year- olds. We use the framework method to organize data and approach the analysis by following An

Unconventional Source of Neurotoxic Protein Aggregation from Organelle Off-Target Bax∆2 in Alzheimer's Disease

Protein aggregates are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Extensive studies have focused on β-amyloid plaques and Tau tangles. Here, we illustrate a novel source of protein aggregates in AD neurons from organelle off-target proteins. Bax is a mitochondrial pore-forming pro-death protein. What happens to Bax if it fails to target mitochondria? We previously showed that a mitochondrial target-d

The EAT-Lancet diet, genetic susceptibility and risk of atrial fibrillation in a population-based cohort

BACKGROUND: The EAT-Lancet Commission proposed a global reference diet with both human health benefits and environmental sustainability in 2019. However, evidence regarding the association of such a diet with the risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) is lacking. In addition, whether the genetic risk of AF can modify the effect of diet on AF remains unclear. This study aimed to assess the association of

A pilot study of an organised population‐based testing programme for prostate cancer

ObjectiveTo determine the feasibility of a digitally automated population-based programme for organised prostate cancer testing (OPT) in Southern Sweden.Patients and MethodsA pilot project for a regional OPT was conducted between September 2020 and February 2021, inviting 999 randomly selected men aged 50, 56, or 62 years (y). Risk stratification was based on PSA, PSA density (PSAD), and biparamet

Maternal separation differentially modulates early pathology by sex in 5xFAD Alzheimer’s disease-transgenic mice

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease. Most cases of AD are considered idiopathic and likely due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle-related risk factors. Despite occurring decades before the typical age of an AD diagnosis, early-life stress (ELS) has been suggested to have long-lasting effects that may contribute to AD risk and pathogenesis. S

Förläggning och utsättning av kabel längs Sveriges järnvägar

Detta examensarbete handlar om de problem relaterade till kabelskador som uppstår idag i samband med kabelutsättning vid grävarbeten inom järnväg. Kabelutsättning utförs vanligtvis av en underhållsentreprenör, som utförs genom att markera markytan där kabel under marken kan tänkas finnas. Instrument som används för att lokalisera kabel fungerar relativt bra men kan störas av spänningsförande anlägThis thesis addresses the problem related to cable damages that arise today during cable exposure in railway excavation works. Cable exposure is typically carried out by a maintenance contractor, marking the ground surface where underground cables are located. The instruments used for cable localization functions relatively well but can be disrupted by nearby electrical infrastructure. Consequen

The MCNP Monte Carlo Program

Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) is a Monte Carlo code package allowing coupled neutron, photon, and electron transport calculations. Also, the possibility of performing heavy charged particle transport calculations was recently introduced with the twin MCNPX code package. An arbitrary three-dimensional problem can be formulated through the use of surfaces defining building blocks (“cells” that are a